What's it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique
This is sample that show you how to use slot ui to render block content in part :)
registerSlashCommand: (tag: string, action: BlockCommandCallback | Array<SlashCommandAction>) => boolean
onMacroRendererSlotted: IUserSlotHook<{ payload: { arguments: Array<string>, uuid: string, [key: string]: any } }>
⚠️ The current implementation may have performance issues, especially when there are too many running timer instances. That's because time ticker needs messaging frequently between host and plugin sandbox. We are exploring better solutions for the rendering of block content partly.
🏷 Minimal version of App 0.4.6 !
yarn && yarn build
in terminal to install dependencies.Load unpacked plugin
in Logseq Desktop client.