This document contains some guidelines for handling errors that you may encounter when trying to run this solution.
The following error appears when running Fluentd:
/file/path.log unreadable. it is excluded and would be examined next time
You may need to add more volume and volume mount to your Daemonset.
Find out on which node your Fluentd pod with the errors is running. To do so, use this command:
kubectl -n <<NAMESPACE>> get pod <<FLUENTD-POD-NAME>> -owide
Connect to the node you found in the previous step (ssh, etc...).
- Run the following command, to go to the logs directory:
cd /var/log/containers
- Run the following command to display the log files symlinks:
ls -ltr
This command should present you a list of your log files and their symlinks, for example:
some-log-file.log -> /var/log/pods/file_name.log
- Choose one of those logs, copy the symlink, and run the following command:
ls -ltr /var/log/pods/file_name.log
Again, this command will output the file and its symlink, or example:
/var/log/pods/file_name.log -> /some/other/path/file.log
This directory (/some/other/path
) is the directory where your log files are mounted at the host. You'll need to add that path to your Daemonset.
Open your Daemonset in your preffered text editor.
In the
section, add the following:
- name: logextramount
mountPath: <<MOUNT-PATH>>
readOnly: true
Replace <<MOUNT-PATH>>
with the directory path you found in step 3.
- In the
section, add the following:
- name: logextramount
path: <<MOUNT-PATH>>
Replace <<MOUNT-PATH>>
with the directory path you found in step 3.
- Save the changes.
Remove your previous Daemonset from the cluster, and apply the new one.
NOTE: Applying the new Daemonset without removing the old one will not apply the changes.
kubectl -n <<NAMESPACE>> logs <<POD-NAME>>