These challenges have been proposed by the course Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning of polimi.
In these challenges/projects we have been asked to perform image classification (challenge 1) and data forecasting (challenge 2) using Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
After two weeks of development we have been able to achieve an accuracy, on a hidden dataset, of 94.15%.
In this homework you are required to classify images of leaves, which are divided into categories according to the species of the plant to which they belong. Being a classification problem, given an image, the goal is to predict the correct class label.
- Image size: 256x256
- Color space: RGB (read as 'rgb' in ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory ('color_mode' attribute) or use'imgname.jpg').convert('RGB'))
- File Format: JPG
- Number of classes: 14
- Classes:
0. "Apple"
- "Blueberry"
- "Cherry"
- "Corn"
- "Grape"
- "Orange"
- "Peach"
- "Pepper"
- "Potato"
- "Raspberry"
- "Soybean"
- "Squash"
- "Strawberry"
- "Tomato"
- images per class:
- Apple : 988
- Blueberry : 467
- Cherry : 583
- Corn : 1206
- Grape : 1458
- Orange : 1748
- Peach : 977
- Pepper : 765
- Potato : 716
- Raspberry : 264
- Soybean : 1616
- Squash : 574
- Strawberry : 673
- Tomato : 5693
We have been able to achieve a RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) of 3.7108 overall on a hidden test set.
In this homework, you are required to predict future samples of a multivariate time series. The goal is to design and implement forecasting models to learn how to exploit past observations in the input sequence to correctly predict the future.
- Multivariate time series with the following characteristics:
- Length of the time series (number of samples in the training set): 68528
- Number of features: 7
- Name of the features:
- 'Sponginess'
- 'Wonder level'
- 'Crunchiness'
- 'Loudness on impact'
- 'Meme creativity'
- 'Soap slipperiness'
- 'Hype root'
- Uniform sampling rate.