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114 lines (81 loc) · 3.25 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (81 loc) · 3.25 KB

Jazzing up legacy stuff

Solution protype: just a couple of .net5.0 console apps:

  • DataGenerator simulates your very lucrative upstream system that feeds RabbitMQ broker with a huge amount of PurchaseOrder messages.
  • Daemon provides message consuming capbabilities with at-least-once semantics: within its UOW data are atomically persisted to Cassandra host. A pretty common scenario indeed.

For my fellow diagram lovers..


Used LCOW ( linux container on windows ) to keep the a minimal footprint on host resources.
Minimal requirements(for a Windows OS machine):

Demo mode



Explained version

  1. Prepare environment:
docker network create demo
docker-compose `
  -f .\rabbitmq.docker-compose.yml `
  -f .\cassandra.docker-compose.yml `
  up -d

This will enable:

  • a RabbitMQ container [rabbitmq]:
  • a Cassandra container on [cassandra]
    • listening on default port - 9042
    • with default credentials ( cassandra:cassandra )
    • with the defined fulfillment keyspace

It can take a while for cassandra initialization complete...

  1. Run consuming application ( scaled to 2 containers to provide competing consuming scenario):
  • a few locs consumer
    • bound to daemon:purchase-order queue
    • with dlx enabled
start powershell {
    docker-compose -f .\daemon.docker-compose.yml  --compatibility up --scale daemon=2
  1. Run data generator
start powershell {
    docker-compose -f .\datagenerator.docker-compose.yml up

Sum up

  1. View our data on cassandra
docker exec cassandra cqlsh -e "select json * from fulfillment.orders;"

Resource clean up

docker-compose `
    -f .\rabbitmq.docker-compose.yml `
    -f .\cassandra.docker-compose.yml `
    -f .\daemon.docker-compose.yml `
    -f .\datagenerator.docker-compose.yml `
docker network demo rm

Integration tests - in isolation

Well... Definitely this was my main goal since the beginning, hence infrastructure dependencies are spun up(setup)/down(teardown) for every test cycle - thanks to FluentDocker creator for such an OSS contribution.
Integration tests run within the CI context and locally - but with a different approach.

  • Locally - through looback ip binding:
    • Debug from within VS ( 'Local' configuration)
    • Run from cli using the following snippet:
dotnet test Demo.sln -c Local


Within a conteinerized contex you have to use the 'Debug' configuration that refers to hostnames - resolved within the network boundaries.
For major convenience I provided a docker-out-of-docker environment where you can play the full CI flow.

Refer to Make.ps1 for details on tasks and available options.
Worth to notice, we're creating windows artifacts from a linux box :)