- fix: re-enable -allowAdjustCoordsAndCell flag (#9)
- fix: infinite loop when reading CIF file ending without newline (#11)
- fix: print all error messages to stderr (#7)
- fix: if pockets were not clearly separated from the channels, zeo++ could go into into infinite loops. #2
- chore: stop vendoring Eigen3
- chore: standardize code formatting
- a number of bug fixes
- .car file reader
- improved CIF file reader
- radial Voronoi decomposition (-r) becomes default
- high accuracy routines available (-ha)
- adding stochastic rays appraoch
- adding pore size distribution
- experimental .cif and .arc file readers
- BOV and GaussianCube distance grids output
- number of smaller fetures to connect with VTK/Visit, extended output for -res etc
- Initial version just after obtaining the license