diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d7c55c9..2fb5b11 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,142 +1,12 @@
+# lucasdsalves.com
-# Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog
+## Stacks
-[![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog?style=social)](https://GitHub.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/stargazers/)
-[![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog?style=social)](https://GitHub.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/network/)
-[![Twitter URL](https://img.shields.io/twitter/url?style=social&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Ftimlrxx)](https://twitter.com/timlrxx)
-[![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/git/external?repository-url=https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog)
-This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/), [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) blogging starter template. Probably the most feature-rich Next.js markdown blogging template out there. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.
-Check out the documentation below to get started.
-Facing issues? Check the [FAQ page](https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/wiki) and do a search on past issues. Feel free to open a new issue if none has been posted previously.
-Feature request? Check the past discussions to see if it has been brought up previously. Otherwise, feel free to start a new discussion thread. All ideas are welcomed!
-## Examples
-- [Demo Blog](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/) - this repo
-- [My personal blog](https://www.timlrx.com) - modified to auto-generate blog posts with dates
-- [Aloisdg's cookbook](https://tambouille.vercel.app/) - with pictures and recipes!
-- [GautierArcin's demo with next translate](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog-seven.vercel.app/) - includes translation of mdx posts, [source code](https://github.com/GautierArcin/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/tree/demo/next-translate)
-- [David Levai's digital garden](https://davidlevai.com/) - customized design and added email subscriptions
-- [Thinh's Corner](https://thinhcorner.com/) - [customized layout](https://github.com/Th1nhNg0/th1nhng0.vercel.app/blob/5e73a420828d82f01e7147512a2c3273c4ec19f8/layouts/PostLayout.js) with sticky side table of contents
-- [Leo's Blog](https://leohuynh.dev) - Tuan Anh Huynh's personal site. Add Snippets Page, Author Profile Card, Image Lightbox, ...
-- [thvu.dev](https://thvu.dev) - Added `mdx-embed`, view count, reading minutes and more.
-- [fiqrychoerudin.dev](https://www.fiqrychoerudin.dev/) - simple portfolio.
-- [irvin.dev](https://www.irvin.dev/) - Irvin Lin's personal site. Added YouTube embedding.
-- [KirillSo.com](https://www.kirillso.com/) - Personal blog & website.
-- [ghali.dev](https://ghali.dev) - Cyril's Blog
-- [DevBoy Blog](https://devboy.vercel.app/) - M.Reza's personal blog
-- [slightlysharpe.com](https://slightlysharpe.com) - [Tincre's](https://tincre.com) main company blog
-- [blog.b00st.com](https://blog.b00st.com) - [b00st.com's](https://b00st.com) main music promotion blog
-- [astrosaurus.me](https://astrosaurus.me/) - Ephraim Atta-Duncan's Personal Blog
-- [dhanrajsp.me](https://dhanrajsp.me/) - Dhanraj's personal site and blog.
-- [blog.r00ks.io](https://blog.r00ks.io/) - Austin Rooks's personal blog ([source code](https://github.com/Austionian/blog.r00ks)).
-- [honghong.me](https://honghong.me) - Tszhong's personal website ([source code](https://github.com/tszhong0411/home))
-- [alfoncode.com](https://alfoncode.com) - Alfonso García's personar website. Customized design ([source code](https://github.com/alfoncode/personal-web))
-- [marceloformentao.dev](https://marceloformentao.dev) - Marcelo Formentão personal website ([source code](https://github.com/marceloavf/marceloformentao.dev)).
-- [abiraja.com](https://www.abiraja.com/) - with a [runnable JS code snippet component!](https://www.abiraja.com/blog/querying-solana-blockchain)
-- [einargudni.com](https://www.einargudni.com) - with a customized theme, command pallette and more ([source code](https://github.com/einargudnig/einargudni.com))
-- [bpiggin.com](https://www.bpiggin.com) - Ben Piggin's personal blog
-- [maqib.cn](https://maqib.cn) - A blog of Chinese front-end developers 狂奔小马的博客 ([源码](https://github.com/maqi1520/nextjs-tailwind-blog))
-- [ambilena.com](https://ambilena.com/) - Electronic Music Blog & imprint for upcoming musicians.
-- [kittan.ru](https://www.kittan.ru/) - Kittanb's personal blog about linux ([source code](https://github.com/kittanb/blog))
-- [nchristopher.me](https://nchristopher.me) - Nicholas Christopher's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/nchristopher/blog))
-- [dalelarroder.com](https://dalelarroder.com) - Dale Larroder's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/dlarroder/dalelarroder))
-- [devahoy.com](https://devahoy.com) - Chai's personal blog (Thai language)
-- [0xchai.io](https://0xchai.io) - Chai's personal blog
-- [techipedia](https://techipedia.vercel.app) - Simple blogging progressive web app with custom installation button and top progress bar
-- [reubence.com](https://reubence.com) - Reuben Rapose's Digital Garden
-- [axolo.co/blog](https://axolo.co/blog) - Engineering management news & axolo.co updates (with image preview for article in the home page)
-- [musing.vercel.app](https://musing.vercel.app/) - Parth Desai's personal blog ([source code](https://github.com/pycoder2000/blog))
-- [onyourmental.com](https://www.onyourmental.com/) - [Curtis Warcup's](https://github.com/Cwarcup) website for the On Your Mental Podcast ([source code](https://github.com/Cwarcup/on-your-mental))
-- [cwarcup.com](https://www.cwarcup.com/) - Curtis Warcup's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/Cwarcup/personal-blog).
-- [ondiek-elijah.me](https://www.ondiek-elijah.me/) - Ondiek Elijah's website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/Dev-Elie/ondiek-elijah)).
-- [jmalvarez.dev](https://www.jmalvarez.dev/) - José Miguel Álvarez's personal blog ([source code](https://github.com/josemiguel-alvarez/nextjs-blog))
-- [justingosses.com](https://justingosses.com/) - Justin Gosses's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/JustinGOSSES/justingosses-website))
-- [sabare.me](https://sabare.me/) - Victor Sabare's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/Sabareh/blog)
-- [https://bitoflearning-9a57.fly.dev/](https://bitoflearning-9a57.fly.dev/) - Sangeet Agarwal's personal blog, replatformed to [remix](https://remix.run/remix) using the [indie stack](https://github.com/remix-run/indie-stack) ([source code](https://github.com/SangeetAgarwal/bitoflearning)) WIP
-- [raphaelchelly.com](https://www.raphaelchelly.com/) - Raphaël Chelly's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/raphaelchelly/raph_www))
-Using the template? Feel free to create a PR and add your blog to this list.
-## Motivation
-I wanted to port my existing blog to Nextjs and Tailwind CSS but there was no easy out of the box template to use so I decided to create one. Design is adapted from [Tailwindlabs blog](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/blog.tailwindcss.com).
-I wanted it to be nearly as feature-rich as popular blogging templates like [beautiful-jekyll](https://github.com/daattali/beautiful-jekyll) and [Hugo Academic](https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-modules) but with the best of React's ecosystem and current web development's best practices.
-## Features
-- Easy styling customization with [Tailwind 3.0](https://tailwindcss.com/blog/tailwindcss-v3) and primary color attribute
-- Near perfect lighthouse score - [Lighthouse report](https://www.webpagetest.org/result/221104_AiDc59_4WF/)
-- Lightweight, 45kB first load JS, uses Preact in production build
-- Mobile-friendly view
-- Light and dark theme
-- Self-hosted font with [Fontsource](https://fontsource.org/)
-- Supports [plausible](https://plausible.io/), [simple analytics](https://simpleanalytics.com/) and google analytics
-- [MDX - write JSX in markdown documents!](https://mdxjs.com/)
-- Server-side syntax highlighting with line numbers and line highlighting via [rehype-prism-plus](https://github.com/timlrx/rehype-prism-plus)
-- Math display supported via [KaTeX](https://katex.org/)
-- Citation and bibliography support via [rehype-citation](https://github.com/timlrx/rehype-citation)
-- Automatic image optimization via [next/image](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/image-optimization)
-- Flexible data retrieval with [mdx-bundler](https://github.com/kentcdodds/mdx-bundler)
-- Support for tags - each unique tag will be its own page
-- Support for multiple authors
-- Blog templates
-- TOC component
-- Support for nested routing of blog posts
-- Newsletter component with support for mailchimp, buttondown, convertkit, klaviyo, revue, and emailoctopus
-- Supports [giscus](https://github.com/laymonage/giscus), [utterances](https://github.com/utterance/utterances) or disqus
-- Projects page
-- Preconfigured security headers
-- SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps and more!
-## Sample posts
-- [A markdown guide](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/github-markdown-guide)
-- [Learn more about images in Next.js](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/guide-to-using-images-in-nextjs)
-- [A tour of math typesetting](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/deriving-ols-estimator)
-- [Simple MDX image grid](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/pictures-of-canada)
-- [Example of long prose](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/the-time-machine)
-- [Example of Nested Route Post](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/nested-route/introducing-multi-part-posts-with-nested-routing)
-## Quick Start Guide
-1. Try installing the starter using the new [Pliny project CLI](https://github.com/timlrx/pliny):
-npm i -g @pliny/cli
-pliny new --template=starter-blog my-blog
-It supports the updated version of the blog with Contentlayer, optional choice of TS/JS and different package managers as well as more modularized components which will be the basis of the template going forward.
-Alternatively to stick with the current version, TypeScript and Contentlayer:
-npx degit 'timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog#contentlayer'
-or JS (official support)
-npx degit https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.git
-2. Personalize `siteMetadata.js` (site related information)
-3. Modify the content security policy in `next.config.js` if you want to use
- any analytics provider or a commenting solution other than giscus.
-4. Personalize `authors/default.md` (main author)
-5. Modify `projectsData.js`
-6. Modify `headerNavLinks.js` to customize navigation links
-7. Add blog posts
-8. Deploy on Vercel
+- [React](https://react.dev/)
+- [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/)
+- [Vercel](https://vercel.com)
+- [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/)
+- [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/)
## Installation
@@ -159,105 +29,3 @@ npm run dev
Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result.
-You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.js`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
-## Extend / Customize
-`data/siteMetadata.js` - contains most of the site related information which should be modified for a user's need.
-`data/authors/default.md` - default author information (required). Additional authors can be added as files in `data/authors`.
-`data/projectsData.js` - data used to generate styled card on the projects page.
-`data/headerNavLinks.js` - navigation links.
-`data/logo.svg` - replace with your own logo.
-`data/blog` - replace with your own blog posts.
-`public/static` - store assets such as images and favicons.
-`tailwind.config.js` and `css/tailwind.css` - contain the tailwind stylesheet which can be modified to change the overall look and feel of the site.
-`css/prism.css` - controls the styles associated with the code blocks. Feel free to customize it and use your preferred prismjs theme e.g. [prism themes](https://github.com/PrismJS/prism-themes).
-`components/social-icons` - to add other icons, simply copy an svg file from [Simple Icons](https://simpleicons.org/) and map them in `index.js`. Other icons use [heroicons](https://heroicons.com/).
-`components/MDXComponents.js` - pass your own JSX code or React component by specifying it over here. You can then call them directly in the `.mdx` or `.md` file. By default, a custom link and image component is passed.
-`layouts` - main templates used in pages.
-`pages` - pages to route to. Read the [Next.js documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) for more information.
-`next.config.js` - configuration related to Next.js. You need to adapt the Content Security Policy if you want to load scripts, images etc. from other domains.
-## Post
-### Frontmatter
-Frontmatter follows [Hugo's standards](https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/).
-Currently 7 fields are supported.
-title (required)
-date (required)
-tags (required, can be empty array)
-lastmod (optional)
-draft (optional)
-summary (optional)
-images (optional, if none provided defaults to socialBanner in siteMetadata config)
-authors (optional list which should correspond to the file names in `data/authors`. Uses `default` if none is specified)
-layout (optional list which should correspond to the file names in `data/layouts`)
-canonicalUrl (optional, canonical url for the post for SEO)
-Here's an example of a post's frontmatter:
-title: 'Introducing Tailwind Nexjs Starter Blog'
-date: '2021-01-12'
-lastmod: '2021-01-18'
-tags: ['next-js', 'tailwind', 'guide']
-draft: false
-summary: 'Looking for a performant, out of the box template, with all the best in web technology to support your blogging needs? Checkout the Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog template.'
-images: ['/static/images/canada/mountains.jpg', '/static/images/canada/toronto.jpg']
-authors: ['default', 'sparrowhawk']
-layout: PostLayout
-canonicalUrl: https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/introducing-tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog
-### Compose
-Run `node ./scripts/compose.js` to bootstrap a new post.
-Follow the interactive prompt to generate a post with pre-filled front matter.
-## Deploy
-The easiest way to deploy the template is to use the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com) from the creators of Next.js. Check out the [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/deployment) for more details.
-[Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/)’s Next.js runtime configures enables key Next.js functionality on your website without the need for additional configurations. Netlify generates serverless functions that will handle Next.js functionalities such as server-side rendered (SSR) pages, incremental static regeneration (ISR), `next/images`, etc.
-See [Next.js on Netlify](https://docs.netlify.com/integrations/frameworks/next-js/overview/#next-js-runtime) for suggested configuration values and more details.
-**GitHub Pages / Firebase etc.**
-As the template uses `next/image` for image optimization, additional configurations have to be made to deploy on other popular static hosting websites like [Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/) or [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/). An alternative image optimization provider such as Imgix, Cloudinary or Akamai has to be used. Alternatively, replace the `next/image` component with a standard `` tag. See [`next/image` documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/image-optimization) for more details.
-The API routes used in the newsletter component cannot be used in a static site export. You will need to use a form API endpoint provider and substitute the route in the newsletter component accordingly. Other hosting platforms such as Netlify also offer alternative solutions - please refer to their docs for more information.
-**Google App Engine**
-Apart from changes mentioned above for `next/image`, configurations should be changed based on recommendations [here](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/12474#discussioncomment-17844) in order to set up the project for GAE deployment.
-## Support
-Using the template? Support this effort by giving a star on GitHub, sharing your own blog and giving a shoutout on Twitter or becoming a project [sponsor](https://github.com/sponsors/timlrx).
-## Licence
-[MIT](https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/blob/master/LICENSE) © [Timothy Lin](https://www.timlrx.com)
diff --git a/components/LayoutWrapper.js b/components/LayoutWrapper.js
index ac58885..793dcee 100644
--- a/components/LayoutWrapper.js
+++ b/components/LayoutWrapper.js
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ const LayoutWrapper = ({ children }) => {
- {/*
- {typeof siteMetadata.headerTitle === 'string' ? (
+ {/* {typeof siteMetadata.headerTitle === 'string' ? (
) : (
- )}
+ )} */}
diff --git a/components/PageTitle.js b/components/PageTitle.js
index 82419b5..32d3302 100644
--- a/components/PageTitle.js
+++ b/components/PageTitle.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export default function PageTitle({ children }) {
return (
diff --git a/layouts/AuthorLayout.js b/layouts/AuthorLayout.js
index e62699b..02a54f6 100644
--- a/layouts/AuthorLayout.js
+++ b/layouts/AuthorLayout.js
@@ -8,32 +8,26 @@ export default function AuthorLayout({ children, frontMatter }) {
return (
- About
Lucas dos Santos Alves
+ {occupation} {company}
+ {children}
diff --git a/layouts/PostLayout.js b/layouts/PostLayout.js
index c7c65b8..c5917b2 100644
--- a/layouts/PostLayout.js
+++ b/layouts/PostLayout.js
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ export default function PostLayout({ frontMatter, authorDetails, next, prev, chi
- Published on
@@ -44,49 +44,22 @@ export default function PostLayout({ frontMatter, authorDetails, next, prev, chi
+ {authorDetails.map((author) => (
+ {' '}
+ {author.name}
+ ))}
- - Authors
- -
- {authorDetails.map((author) => (
- -
- {author.avatar && (
- )}
- - Name
- - {author.name}
- - Twitter
- -
- {author.twitter && (
- {author.twitter.replace('https://twitter.com/', '@')}
- )}
- ))}