- if your node command prompt looks like
, you need to exit your interactive job
[cbarrows@n1009 OneWeek]$ exit
qsub: job 3219389 completed
[cbarrows@login2 OneWeek]$
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/NREL/MAGMA.git
cd /scratch/$USER/MSPCM-Workshop/Workshop-Explorations/OneWeek
module use /nopt/nrel/apps/modules/candidate/modulefiles
module purge
module load epel/6.6 R/3.2.2 pandoc/
xvfb-run -a Rscript run_html_output_rts_DA.R
open a new git-bash prompt (local)
(2 spots) to your HPC username in the below command
scp "$USER@hpcsh.nrel.gov:/scratch/$USER/MSPCM-Workshop/Workshop-Explorations/OneWeek/Model\ DAY_AHEAD\ Solution/HTML_output_DA.html" .
start HTML_output_DA.html
Example Magma output is posted in github pages.