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Please follow the instructions in before running the example in this directory. Example scripts for new users are available in Section 2.

NOTE: Sometimes newer modules may be availabe in a test directory which is accessible only to a limited number of users. This limited release is done to iron out any bugs that may arise during the installation and use of the module and avoid breaking users existing jobs. You can check if those test modules are available to you by running

module use /nopt/nrel/apps/modules/test/modulefiles
module avail

This should display all of the test modules available in addition to the defaults. We encourage you to reach out to us at [email protected] for access if you would like access to these modules.

PLEXOS Versions 9.0RX

Currently there are two versions PLEXOS 9.0R07 and 9.0R09 available on Eagle. PLEXOS 9.0RX comes bundled with its own mono software so we no longer need to load and call it for running PLEXOS. We load the following modules

module load centos gurobi/9.5.1
module load plexos/9.000R09

Now that we have the modules loaded, PLEXOS can be called as follows

$PLEXOS/PLEXOS64 -n 5_bus_system_v2.xml -m 2024_yr_15percPV_MT_Gurobi

The command above assumes that we are running the model 2024_yr_15percPV_MT_Gurobi from file 5_bus_system_v2.xml. PLEXOS 9.0RX requires validating user-credentials for a local PLEXOS account for each run. Therefore, if we ran the above command in an interactive session, we would need to enter the following username and password

username : nrelplexos
password : Nr3lplex0s

Fortunately, we can bypass the prompt for a local PLEXOS account username and password (useful for slurm batch jobs) by passing them as command line arguments as follows.

$PLEXOS/PLEXOS64 -n 5_bus_system_v2.xml -m 2024_yr_15percPV_MT_Gurobi -cu nrelplexos -cp Nr3lplex0s

Not providing the username and password in batch jobs WILL cause your jobs to fail.

PLEXOS Versions 8.3RX

Models using PLEXOS 8.3 only work with Gurobi. In order to use PLEXOS 8.3 on Eagle, we first need to load the following modules

module load centos mono/ plexos/8.300R09

Eagle has the same versions of XpressMP and Gurobi as the NREL PLEXOS Servers. Therefore the user simply needs to load the corresponding module on Eagle before running their models. For example, if the user setup the model to use Xpress 8.11, load the module for the same by calling the command

module load xpressmp/8.11.0

Similarly, the model was set up to use Gurobi 9.1.2, load its module by running the command

module load gurobi/9.1.2

PLEXOS Versions 8.2 and Lower

We will be mostly working out of our scratch/$USER directory on Eagle.

Example 1: PLEXOS Smoke Test

The first example we will run is a "smoke" test which tests whether the versions of plexos are fully functional. The repository is available here on the internal GitHub website. We should be able to use the following commands to run the test

cd /scratch/$USER
mkdir smoke
cd smoke
git clone
cd plexos-smoke-test/

sbatch --account=MYACCOUNT

Remeber to replace MYACCOUNT with your own HPC account name. once the job has been submitted, it is possible to ssh into the compute node and view what is happening on the node. Something like the following can be used

squeue -u $USER
# Get the node on which your job running
ps -U $USER -L -o pid,lwp,psr,comm,pcpu | grep -v COMMAND | sort -k3n

Example 2: MSPCM Workshop-OneWeek

This example runs a base case that simulates one week of the energy market

  1. Clone the MSPCM Workshop and move into the model directory
cd /scratch/$USER/
git clone
cd MSPCM-Workshop/Workshop-Explorations/OneWeek
  1. Within OneWeek we will create a new environment file newenv using the following commands
echo 'export PLEXOS_VERSION="8.0"
export XPRESSMP_VERSION="8.5.6"
module purge
module load centos mono/ xpressmp/$XPRESSMP_VERSION plexos/$PLEXOS_VERSION
module load conda

export PLEXOS_TEMP=/scratch/$USER/tmp/$SLURM_JOBID
mkdir -p $PLEXOS_TEMP
' > newenv

This will ensure that the appropriate modules and conda versions are loaded and an output directory.

  1. Request an interactive session on Eagle
srun --account=MYACCOUNT --time=01:00:00 --partition=debug --ntasks=1 --nodes=1 --pty bash
  1. Setup the new environment. Make sure that you have numpy and pandas in your plex1 environment.
# Ensure that we are in the correct working directory
cd /scratch/$USER/MSPCM-Workshop/Workshop-Explorations/OneWeek
source newenv
conda activate plex1
  1. Run the script. This script essentially extracts a weeks worth of data for the simulation
  1. Finally we run our day ahead example using the following command
mono $PLEXOS/PLEXOS64.exe -n "one_week_model.xml" -m DAY_AHEAD

Example 3: Simple Batch Job Submission

Up till now we have been running PLEXOS examples in an interactive settings. Now we will try to submit a batch job into the Eagle queue. This job uses the same one_week_model.xml file from Example 2, but for the sake of completeness, we will download a tarball of the same from a different repo in our batch script.

  1. Copy the batch script simple into your current working directory on Eagle. The path to simple within this repository is
  1. Change the account name on line 8 of simple to be your HPC account name

  2. Now that we have the simple batch script, we can simply run the example by using the following command

sbatch simple

Example 4: Enhanced Batch Job Submission

The enhanced batch file builds upon the simple file from Example 3 and has additional features such as custom output paths for directing the standard output and standard error streams. This script will also make a record of the environment being used for the run using the printenv command. Finally, the enhanced script also hedges against failed runs due to licensing issues by attempting to run multiple times if there is a license failure. In order to run this script:

  1. Copy the batch script enhanced into your current working directory on Eagle. The path to enhanced within this repository is
  1. Make sure that you specify custom paths on lines 10 & 11 which write the standard output and standard error to file. Change the account name on line 8.

  2. Create the following directory

mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/slurmout
  1. The script can be run using the command
sbatch enhanced

Example 5: Submitting multiple PLEXOS jobs

We will rely on the following files to run this example

r3_CO2_150n35_NoCCS2035_HPC.xml was generated as part of someone's research and, therefore, is not present within the GitHub repository. If you would like to run this particular example, please reach out to Dr. Timothy Kaiser or Dr. Kinshuk Panda.

Once you have the XML file, you can run this example by running the command

./ r3_CO2_150n35_NoCCS2035_HPC.xml models.txt

If you look at, you find that calls which actually calls the PLEXOS executable

Example 6: Running Plexos using SLURM array jobs

We will use as a template for submitting array jobs on Eagle. This example will use some of run files we used in Example 5 above.

  1. Create a new working directory plexos_array and copy, r3_CO2_150n35_NoCCS2035_HPC.xml, and models.txt
$ mkdir /scratch/$USER/plexos_array && cd /scratch/$USER/plexos_array
# Copy necessary files
$ ls  data  models.txt  r3_CO2_150n35_NoCCS2035_HPC.xml

data above is a directory that contains ReEDS_Data. Please reach out to Dr. Timothy Kaiser or Dr. Kinshuk Panda to get a copy of this directory.

  1. We need to set a couple of environment variables
export filename=r3_CO2_150n35_NoCCS2035_HPC
export LIST=models.txt
  1. We can now run the example as
cd /scratch/$USER/plexos_array
sbatch -A account_name -p short -t 4:00:00 --array=1-3 ./