import logging
+import time
+import feedparser
+import re
+import os
+import warnings
+from urllib.parse import urlencode
+from urllib.request import urlretrieve
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
+from calendar import timegm
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import Dict, Generator, List
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_DEFAULT_TIME = datetime.min
+class Result(object):
+ """
+ An entry in an arXiv query results feed.
+ See [the arXiv API User's Manual: Details of Atom Results
+ Returned](
+ """
+ entry_id: str
+ """A url of the form `{id}`."""
+ updated: time.struct_time
+ """When the result was last updated."""
+ published: time.struct_time
+ """When the result was originally published."""
+ title: str
+ """The title of the result."""
+ authors: list
+ """The result's authors."""
+ summary: str
+ """The result abstrace."""
+ comment: str
+ """The authors' comment if present."""
+ journal_ref: str
+ """A journal reference if present."""
+ doi: str
+ """A URL for the resolved DOI to an external resource if present."""
+ primary_category: str
+ """
+ The result's primary arXiv category. See [arXiv: Category
+ Taxonomy](
+ """
+ categories: List[str]
+ """
+ All of the result's categories. See [arXiv: Category
+ Taxonomy](
+ """
+ links: list
+ """Up to three URLs associated with this result."""
+ pdf_url: str
+ """The URL of a PDF version of this result if present among links."""
+ _raw: feedparser.FeedParserDict
+ """
+ The raw feedparser result object if this Result was constructed with
+ Result._from_feed_entry.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ entry_id: str,
+ updated: datetime = _DEFAULT_TIME,
+ published: datetime = _DEFAULT_TIME,
+ title: str = "",
+ authors: List['Result.Author'] = [],
+ summary: str = "",
+ comment: str = "",
+ journal_ref: str = "",
+ doi: str = "",
+ primary_category: str = "",
+ categories: List[str] = [],
+ links: List['Result.Link'] = [],
+ _raw: feedparser.FeedParserDict = None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Constructs an arXiv search result item.
+ In most cases, prefer using `Result._from_feed_entry` to parsing and
+ constructing `Result`s yourself.
+ """
+ self.entry_id = entry_id
+ self.updated = updated
+ self.published = published
+ self.title = title
+ self.authors = authors
+ self.summary = summary
+ self.comment = comment
+ self.journal_ref = journal_ref
+ self.doi = doi
+ self.primary_category = primary_category
+ self.categories = categories
+ self.links = links
+ # Calculated members
+ self.pdf_url = Result._get_pdf_url(links)
+ # Debugging
+ self._raw = _raw
+ def _from_feed_entry(entry: feedparser.FeedParserDict) -> 'Result':
+ """
+ Converts a feedparser entry for an arXiv search result feed into a
+ Result object.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(entry, "id"):
+ raise Result.MissingFieldError("id")
+ # Title attribute may be absent for certain titles. Defaulting to "0" as
+ # it's the only title observed to cause this bug.
+ #
+ # title = entry.title if hasattr(entry, "title") else "0"
+ title = "0"
+ if hasattr(entry, "title"):
+ title = entry.title
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Result %s is missing title attribute; defaulting to '0'",
+ )
+ return Result(
+ updated=Result._to_datetime(entry.updated_parsed),
+ published=Result._to_datetime(entry.published_parsed),
+ title=re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', title),
+ authors=[Result.Author._from_feed_author(a) for a in entry.authors],
+ summary=entry.summary,
+ comment=entry.get('arxiv_comment'),
+ journal_ref=entry.get('arxiv_journal_ref'),
+ doi=entry.get('arxiv_doi'),
+ primary_category=entry.arxiv_primary_category.get('term'),
+ categories=[tag.get('term') for tag in entry.tags],
+ links=[Result.Link._from_feed_link(link) for link in entry.links],
+ _raw=entry
+ )
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.entry_id
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return (
+ '{}(entry_id={}, updated={}, published={}, title={}, authors={}, '
+ 'summary={}, comment={}, journal_ref={}, doi={}, '
+ 'primary_category={}, categories={}, links={})'
+ ).format(
+ _classname(self),
+ repr(self.entry_id),
+ repr(self.updated),
+ repr(self.published),
+ repr(self.title),
+ repr(self.authors),
+ repr(self.summary),
+ repr(self.comment),
+ repr(self.journal_ref),
+ repr(self.doi),
+ repr(self.primary_category),
+ repr(self.categories),
+ repr(self.links)
+ )
+ def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
+ if isinstance(other, Result):
+ return self.entry_id == other.entry_id
+ return False
+ def get_short_id(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Returns the short ID for this result.
+ + If the result URL is `""`,
+ `result.get_short_id()` returns `2107.05580v1`.
+ + If the result URL is `""`,
+ `result.get_short_id()` returns `"quant-ph/0201082v1"` (the pre-March
+ 2007 arXiv identifier format).
+ For an explanation of the difference between arXiv's legacy and current
+ identifiers, see [Understanding the arXiv
+ identifier](
+ """
+ return self.entry_id.split('')[-1]
+ def _get_default_filename(self, extension: str = "pdf") -> str:
+ """
+ A default `to_filename` function for the extension given.
+ """
+ nonempty_title = self.title if self.title else "UNTITLED"
+ # Remove disallowed characters.
+ clean_title = '_'.join(re.findall(r'\w+', nonempty_title))
+ return "{}.{}.{}".format(self.get_short_id(), clean_title, extension)
+ def download_pdf(self, dirpath: str = './', filename: str = '') -> str:
+ """
+ Downloads the PDF for this result to the specified directory.
+ The filename is generated by calling `to_filename(self)`.
+ """
+ if not filename:
+ filename = self._get_default_filename()
+ path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+ written_path, _ = urlretrieve(self.pdf_url, path)
+ return written_path
+ def download_source(self, dirpath: str = './', filename: str = '') -> str:
+ """
+ Downloads the source tarfile for this result to the specified
+ directory.
+ The filename is generated by calling `to_filename(self)`.
+ """
+ if not filename:
+ filename = self._get_default_filename('tar.gz')
+ path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+ # Bodge: construct the source URL from the PDF URL.
+ source_url = self.pdf_url.replace('/pdf/', '/src/')
+ written_path, _ = urlretrieve(source_url, path)
+ return written_path
+ def _get_pdf_url(links: list) -> str:
+ """
+ Finds the PDF link among a result's links and returns its URL.
+ Should only be called once for a given `Result`, in its constructor.
+ After construction, the URL should be available in `Result.pdf_url`.
+ """
+ pdf_urls = [link.href for link in links if link.title == 'pdf']
+ if len(pdf_urls) == 0:
+ return None
+ elif len(pdf_urls) > 1:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Result has multiple PDF links; using %s",
+ pdf_urls[0]
+ )
+ return pdf_urls[0]
+ def _to_datetime(ts: time.struct_time) -> datetime:
+ """
+ Converts a UTC time.struct_time into a time-zone-aware datetime.
+ This will be replaced with feedparser functionality [when it becomes
+ available](
+ """
+ return datetime.fromtimestamp(timegm(ts), tz=timezone.utc)
+ class Author(object):
+ """
+ A light inner class for representing a result's authors.
+ """
+ name: str
+ """The author's name."""
+ def __init__(self, name: str):
+ """
+ Constructs an `Author` with the specified name.
+ In most cases, prefer using `Author._from_feed_author` to parsing
+ and constructing `Author`s yourself.
+ """
+ = name
+ def _from_feed_author(
+ feed_author: feedparser.FeedParserDict
+ ) -> 'Result.Author':
+ """
+ Constructs an `Author` with the name specified in an author object
+ from a feed entry.
+ See usage in `Result._from_feed_entry`.
+ """
+ return Result.Author(
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return '{}({})'.format(_classname(self), repr(
+ def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
+ if isinstance(other, Result.Author):
+ return ==
+ return False
+ class Link(object):
+ """
+ A light inner class for representing a result's links.
+ """
+ href: str
+ """The link's `href` attribute."""
+ title: str
+ """The link's title."""
+ rel: str
+ """The link's relationship to the `Result`."""
+ content_type: str
+ """The link's HTTP content type."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ href: str,
+ title: str = None,
+ rel: str = None,
+ content_type: str = None
+ ):
+ """
+ Constructs a `Link` with the specified link metadata.
+ In most cases, prefer using `Link._from_feed_link` to parsing and
+ constructing `Link`s yourself.
+ """
+ self.href = href
+ self.title = title
+ self.rel = rel
+ self.content_type = content_type
+ def _from_feed_link(
+ feed_link: feedparser.FeedParserDict
+ ) -> 'Result.Link':
+ """
+ Constructs a `Link` with link metadata specified in a link object
+ from a feed entry.
+ See usage in `Result._from_feed_entry`.
+ """
+ return Result.Link(
+ href=feed_link.href,
+ title=feed_link.get('title'),
+ rel=feed_link.get('rel'),
+ content_type=feed_link.get('content_type')
+ )
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.href
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return '{}({}, title={}, rel={}, content_type={})'.format(
+ _classname(self),
+ repr(self.href),
+ repr(self.title),
+ repr(self.rel),
+ repr(self.content_type)
+ )
+ def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
+ if isinstance(other, Result.Link):
+ return self.href == other.href
+ return False
+ class MissingFieldError(Exception):
+ """
+ An error indicating an entry is unparseable because it lacks required
+ fields.
+ """
+ missing_field: str
+ """The required field missing from the would-be entry."""
+ message: str
+ """Message describing what caused this error."""
+ def __init__(self, missing_field):
+ self.missing_field = missing_field
+ self.message = "Entry from arXiv missing required info"
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return '{}({})'.format(
+ _classname(self),
+ repr(self.missing_field)
+ )
+class SortCriterion(Enum):
+ """
+ A SortCriterion identifies a property by which search results can be
+ sorted.
+ See [the arXiv API User's Manual: sort order for return
+ results](
+ """
+ Relevance = "relevance"
+ LastUpdatedDate = "lastUpdatedDate"
+ SubmittedDate = "submittedDate"
+class SortOrder(Enum):
+ """
+ A SortOrder indicates order in which search results are sorted according
+ to the specified arxiv.SortCriterion.
+ See [the arXiv API User's Manual: sort order for return
+ results](
+ """
+ Ascending = "ascending"
+ Descending = "descending"
+class Search(object):
+ """
+ A specification for a search of arXiv's database.
+ To run a search, use `` to use a default client or ``
+ with a specific client.
+ """
+ query: str
+ """
+ A query string.
+ See [the arXiv API User's Manual: Details of Query
+ Construction](
+ """
+ id_list: list
+ """
+ A list of arXiv article IDs to which to limit the search.
+ See [the arXiv API User's
+ Manual](
+ for documentation of the interaction between `query` and `id_list`.
+ """
+ max_results: float
+ """
+ The maximum number of results to be returned in an execution of this
+ search.
+ To fetch every result available, set `max_results=float('inf')`.
+ """
+ sort_by: SortCriterion
+ """The sort criterion for results."""
+ sort_order: SortOrder
+ """The sort order for results."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ query: str = "",
+ id_list: List[str] = [],
+ max_results: float = float('inf'),
+ sort_by: SortCriterion = SortCriterion.Relevance,
+ sort_order: SortOrder = SortOrder.Descending
+ ):
+ """
+ Constructs an arXiv API search with the specified criteria.
+ """
+ self.query = query
+ self.id_list = id_list
+ self.max_results = max_results
+ self.sort_by = sort_by
+ self.sort_order = sort_order
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ # TODO: develop a more informative string representation.
+ return repr(self)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return (
+ '{}(query={}, id_list={}, max_results={}, sort_by={}, '
+ 'sort_order={})'
+ ).format(
+ _classname(self),
+ repr(self.query),
+ repr(self.id_list),
+ repr(self.max_results),
+ repr(self.sort_by),
+ repr(self.sort_order)
+ )
+ def _url_args(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ """
+ Returns a dict of search parameters that should be included in an API
+ request for this search.
+ """
+ return {
+ "search_query": self.query,
+ "id_list": ','.join(self.id_list),
+ "sortBy": self.sort_by.value,
+ "sortOrder": self.sort_order.value
+ }
+ def get(self) -> Generator[Result, None, None]:
+ """
+ **Deprecated** after 1.2.0; use `Search.results`.
+ """
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The 'get' method is deprecated, use 'results' instead",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2
+ )
+ return self.results()
+ def results(self) -> Generator[Result, None, None]:
+ """
+ Executes the specified search using a default arXiv API client.
+ For info on default behavior, see `Client.__init__` and `Client.results`.
+ """
+ return Client().results(self)
+class Client(object):
+ """
+ Specifies a strategy for fetching results from arXiv's API.
+ This class obscures pagination and retry logic, and exposes
+ `Client.results`.
+ """
+ query_url_format = '{}'
+ """The arXiv query API endpoint format."""
+ page_size: int
+ """Maximum number of results fetched in a single API request."""
+ delay_seconds: int
+ """Number of seconds to wait between API requests."""
+ num_retries: int
+ """Number of times to retry a failing API request."""
+ _last_request_dt: datetime
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ page_size: int = 100,
+ delay_seconds: int = 3,
+ num_retries: int = 3
+ ):
+ """
+ Constructs an arXiv API client with the specified options.
+ Note: the default parameters should provide a robust request strategy
+ for most use cases. Extreme page sizes, delays, or retries risk
+ violating the arXiv [API Terms of Use](,
+ brittle behavior, and inconsistent results.
+ """
+ self.page_size = page_size
+ self.delay_seconds = delay_seconds
+ self.num_retries = num_retries
+ self._last_request_dt = None
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ # TODO: develop a more informative string representation.
+ return repr(self)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return '{}(page_size={}, delay_seconds={}, num_retries={})'.format(
+ _classname(self),
+ repr(self.page_size),
+ repr(self.delay_seconds),
+ repr(self.num_retries)
+ )
+ def get(self, search: Search) -> Generator[Result, None, None]:
+ """
+ **Deprecated** after 1.2.0; use `Client.results`.
+ """
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The 'get' method is deprecated, use 'results' instead",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2
+ )
+ return self.results(search)
+ def results(self, search: Search) -> Generator[Result, None, None]:
+ """
+ Uses this client configuration to fetch one page of the search results
+ at a time, yielding the parsed `Result`s, until `max_results` results
+ have been yielded or there are no more search results.
+ If all tries fail, raises an `UnexpectedEmptyPageError` or `HTTPError`.
+ For more on using generators, see
+ [Generators](
+ """
+ offset = 0
+ # total_results may be reduced according to the feed's
+ # opensearch:totalResults value.
+ total_results = search.max_results
+ first_page = True
+ while offset < total_results:
+ page_size = min(self.page_size, search.max_results - offset)
+"Requesting {} results at offset {}".format(
+ page_size,
+ offset,
+ ))
+ page_url = self._format_url(search, offset, page_size)
+ feed = self._parse_feed(page_url, first_page)
+ if first_page:
+ # NOTE: this is an ugly fix for a known bug. The totalresults
+ # value is set to 1 for results with zero entries. If that API
+ # bug is fixed, we can remove this conditional and always set
+ # `total_results = min(...)`.
+ if len(feed.entries) == 0:
+"Got empty results; stopping generation")
+ total_results = 0
+ else:
+ total_results = min(
+ total_results,
+ int(feed.feed.opensearch_totalresults)
+ )
+"Got first page; {} of {} results available".format(
+ total_results,
+ search.max_results
+ ))
+ # Subsequent pages are not the first page.
+ first_page = False
+ # Update offset for next request: account for received results.
+ offset += len(feed.entries)
+ # Yield query results until page is exhausted.
+ for entry in feed.entries:
+ try:
+ yield Result._from_feed_entry(entry)
+ except Result.MissingFieldError:
+ logger.warning("Skipping partial result")
+ continue
+ def _format_url(self, search: Search, start: int, page_size: int) -> str:
+ """
+ Construct a request API for search that returns up to `page_size`
+ results starting with the result at index `start`.
+ """
+ url_args = search._url_args()
+ url_args.update({
+ "start": start,
+ "max_results": page_size,
+ })
+ return self.query_url_format.format(urlencode(url_args))
+ def _parse_feed(
+ self,
+ url: str,
+ first_page: bool = True
+ ) -> feedparser.FeedParserDict:
+ """
+ Fetches the specified URL and parses it with feedparser.
+ If a request fails or is unexpectedly empty, retries the request up to
+ `self.num_retries` times.
+ """
+ # Invoke the recursive helper with initial available retries.
+ return self.__try_parse_feed(
+ url,
+ first_page=first_page,
+ retries_left=self.num_retries
+ )
+ def __try_parse_feed(
+ self,
+ url: str,
+ first_page: bool,
+ retries_left: int,
+ last_err: Exception = None,
+ ) -> feedparser.FeedParserDict:
+ """
+ Recursive helper for _parse_feed. Enforces `self.delay_seconds`: if that
+ number of seconds has not passed since `_parse_feed` was last called,
+ sleeps until delay_seconds seconds have passed.
+ """
+ retry = self.num_retries - retries_left
+ # If this call would violate the rate limit, sleep until it doesn't.
+ if self._last_request_dt is not None:
+ required = timedelta(seconds=self.delay_seconds)
+ since_last_request = - self._last_request_dt
+ if since_last_request < required:
+ to_sleep = (required - since_last_request).total_seconds()
+"Sleeping for %f seconds", to_sleep)
+ time.sleep(to_sleep)
+"Requesting page of results", extra={
+ 'url': url,
+ 'first_page': first_page,
+ 'retry': retry,
+ 'last_err': last_err.message if last_err is not None else None,
+ })
+ feed = feedparser.parse(url)
+ self._last_request_dt =
+ err = None
+ if feed.status != 200:
+ err = HTTPError(url, retry, feed)
+ elif len(feed.entries) == 0 and not first_page:
+ err = UnexpectedEmptyPageError(url, retry)
+ if err is not None:
+ if retries_left > 0:
+ return self.__try_parse_feed(
+ url,
+ first_page=first_page,
+ retries_left=retries_left-1,
+ last_err=err,
+ )
+ # Feed was never returned in self.num_retries tries. Raise the last
+ # exception encountered.
+ raise err
+ return feed
+class ArxivError(Exception):
+ """This package's base Exception class."""
+ url: str
+ """The feed URL that could not be fetched."""
+ retry: int
+ """
+ The request try number which encountered this error; 0 for the initial try,
+ 1 for the first retry, and so on.
+ """
+ message: str
+ """Message describing what caused this error."""
+ def __init__(self, url: str, retry: int, message: str):
+ """
+ Constructs an `ArxivError` encountered while fetching the specified URL.
+ """
+ self.url = url
+ self.retry = retry
+ self.message = message
+ super().__init__(self.message)
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return '{} ({})'.format(self.message, self.url)
+class UnexpectedEmptyPageError(ArxivError):
+ """
+ An error raised when a page of results that should be non-empty is empty.
+ This should never happen in theory, but happens sporadically due to
+ brittleness in the underlying arXiv API; usually resolved by retries.
+ See `Client.results` for usage.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, url: str, retry: int):
+ """
+ Constructs an `UnexpectedEmptyPageError` encountered for the specified
+ API URL after `retry` tries.
+ """
+ self.url = url
+ super().__init__(url, retry, "Page of results was unexpectedly empty")
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return '{}({}, {})'.format(
+ _classname(self),
+ repr(self.url),
+ repr(self.retry)
+ )
+class HTTPError(ArxivError):
+ """
+ A non-200 status encountered while fetching a page of results.
+ See `Client.results` for usage.
+ """
+ status: int
+ """The HTTP status reported by feedparser."""
+ entry: feedparser.FeedParserDict
+ """The feed entry describing the error, if present."""
+ def __init__(self, url: str, retry: int, feed: feedparser.FeedParserDict):
+ """
+ Constructs an `HTTPError` for the specified status code, encountered for
+ the specified API URL after `retry` tries.
+ """
+ self.url = url
+ self.status = feed.status
+ # If the feed is valid and includes a single entry, trust it's an
+ # explanation.
+ if not feed.bozo and len(feed.entries) == 1:
+ self.entry = feed.entries[0]
+ else:
+ self.entry = None
+ super().__init__(
+ url,
+ retry,
+ "Page request resulted in HTTP {}: {}".format(
+ self.status,
+ self.entry.summary if self.entry else None,
+ ),
+ )
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return '{}({}, {}, {})'.format(
+ _classname(self),
+ repr(self.url),
+ repr(self.retry),
+ repr(self.status)
+ )
+def _classname(o):
+ """A helper function for use in __repr__ methods: arxiv.Result.Link."""
+ return 'arxiv.{}'.format(o.__class__.__qualname__)