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lukasschwab committed Aug 31, 2021
1 parent 836c368 commit 4e09d3d
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Showing 3 changed files with 315 additions and 310 deletions.
322 changes: 166 additions & 156 deletions arxiv/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,176 +4,186 @@
# cath4s = document.getElementsByTagName("h4")
# a = Array.from(cath4s)
# a.shift()
# strs = => `${h.children[0].textContent.replace(/\W/g, "")} = "${h.firstChild.textContent.trim()}"`)
# strs = => `${h.children[0].textContent.replace(
# /\W/g, ""
# )} = "${h.firstChild.textContent.trim()}"`)
# console.log(strs.join("\n"))

class ComputerScience(Enum):
ArtificialIntelligence = "cs.AI"
HardwareArchitecture = "cs.AR"
ComputationalComplexity = "cs.CC"
ComputationalEngineeringFinanceAndScience = "cs.CE"
ComputationalGeometry = "cs.CG"
ComputationAndLanguage = "cs.CL"
CryptographyAndSecurity = "cs.CR"
ComputerVisionAndPatternRecognition = "cs.CV"
ComputersAndSociety = "cs.CY"
Databases = "cs.DB"
DistributedParallelAndClusterComputing = "cs.DC"
DigitalLibraries = "cs.DL"
DiscreteMathematics = "cs.DM"
DataStructuresAndAlgorithms = "cs.DS"
EmergingTechnologies = "cs.ET"
FormalLanguagesAndAutomataTheory = "cs.FL"
GeneralLiterature = "cs.GL"
Graphics = "cs.GR"
ComputerScienceAndGameTheory = "cs.GT"
HumanComputerInteraction = "cs.HC"
InformationRetrieval = "cs.IR"
MathInformationTheory = "cs.IT"
MachineLearning = "cs.LG"
LogicinComputerScience = "cs.LO"
MultiagentSystems = "cs.MA"
Multimedia = "cs.MM"
MathematicalSoftware = "cs.MS"
NumericalAnalysis = "cs.NA"
NeuralAndEvolutionaryComputing = "cs.NE"
NetworkingAndInternetArchitecture = "cs.NI"
OtherComputerScience = "cs.OH"
OperatingSystems = "cs.OS"
Performance = "cs.PF"
ProgrammingLanguages = "cs.PL"
Robotics = "cs.RO"
SymbolicComputation = "cs.SC"
Sound = "cs.SD"
SoftwareEngineering = "cs.SE"
SocialAndInformationNetworks = "cs.SI"
SystemsAndControl = "cs.SY"
ArtificialIntelligence = "cs.AI"
HardwareArchitecture = "cs.AR"
ComputationalComplexity = "cs.CC"
ComputationalEngineeringFinanceAndScience = "cs.CE"
ComputationalGeometry = "cs.CG"
ComputationAndLanguage = "cs.CL"
CryptographyAndSecurity = "cs.CR"
ComputerVisionAndPatternRecognition = "cs.CV"
ComputersAndSociety = "cs.CY"
Databases = "cs.DB"
DistributedParallelAndClusterComputing = "cs.DC"
DigitalLibraries = "cs.DL"
DiscreteMathematics = "cs.DM"
DataStructuresAndAlgorithms = "cs.DS"
EmergingTechnologies = "cs.ET"
FormalLanguagesAndAutomataTheory = "cs.FL"
GeneralLiterature = "cs.GL"
Graphics = "cs.GR"
ComputerScienceAndGameTheory = "cs.GT"
HumanComputerInteraction = "cs.HC"
InformationRetrieval = "cs.IR"
MathInformationTheory = "cs.IT"
MachineLearning = "cs.LG"
LogicinComputerScience = "cs.LO"
MultiagentSystems = "cs.MA"
Multimedia = "cs.MM"
MathematicalSoftware = "cs.MS"
NumericalAnalysis = "cs.NA"
NeuralAndEvolutionaryComputing = "cs.NE"
NetworkingAndInternetArchitecture = "cs.NI"
OtherComputerScience = "cs.OH"
OperatingSystems = "cs.OS"
Performance = "cs.PF"
ProgrammingLanguages = "cs.PL"
Robotics = "cs.RO"
SymbolicComputation = "cs.SC"
Sound = "cs.SD"
SoftwareEngineering = "cs.SE"
SocialAndInformationNetworks = "cs.SI"
SystemsAndControl = "cs.SY"

class Economics(Enum):
Econometrics = "econ.EM"
GeneralEconomics = "econ.GN"
TheoreticalEconomics = "econ.TH"
Econometrics = "econ.EM"
GeneralEconomics = "econ.GN"
TheoreticalEconomics = "econ.TH"

class ElectricalEngineeringAndSystemsScience(Enum):
AudioAndSpeechProcessing = "eess.AS"
ImageAndVideoProcessing = "eess.IV"
SignalProcessing = "eess.SP"
SystemsAndControl = "eess.SY"
AudioAndSpeechProcessing = "eess.AS"
ImageAndVideoProcessing = "eess.IV"
SignalProcessing = "eess.SP"
SystemsAndControl = "eess.SY"

class Mathematics(Enum):
CommutativeAlgebra = "math.AC"
AlgebraicGeometry = "math.AG"
AnalysisofPDEs = "math.AP"
AlgebraicTopology = "math.AT"
ClassicalAnalysisandODEs = "math.CA"
Combinatorics = "math.CO"
CategoryTheory = "math.CT"
ComplexVariables = "math.CV"
DifferentialGeometry = "math.DG"
DynamicalSystems = "math.DS"
FunctionalAnalysis = "math.FA"
GeneralMathematics = "math.GM"
GeneralTopology = "math.GN"
GroupTheory = "math.GR"
GeometricTopology = "math.GT"
HistoryandOverview = "math.HO"
MathInformationTheory = "math.IT"
KTheoryandHomology = "math.KT"
Logic = "math.LO"
MetricGeometry = "math.MG"
MathematicalPhysics = "math.MP"
NumericalAnalysis = "math.NA"
NumberTheory = "math.NT"
OperatorAlgebras = "math.OA"
OptimizationandControl = "math.OC"
Probability = "math.PR"
QuantumAlgebra = "math.QA"
RingsandAlgebras = "math.RA"
RepresentationTheory = "math.RT"
SymplecticGeometry = "math.SG"
SpectralTheory = "math.SP"
StatisticsTheory = "math.ST"
CommutativeAlgebra = "math.AC"
AlgebraicGeometry = "math.AG"
AnalysisofPDEs = "math.AP"
AlgebraicTopology = "math.AT"
ClassicalAnalysisandODEs = "math.CA"
Combinatorics = "math.CO"
CategoryTheory = "math.CT"
ComplexVariables = "math.CV"
DifferentialGeometry = "math.DG"
DynamicalSystems = "math.DS"
FunctionalAnalysis = "math.FA"
GeneralMathematics = "math.GM"
GeneralTopology = "math.GN"
GroupTheory = "math.GR"
GeometricTopology = "math.GT"
HistoryandOverview = "math.HO"
MathInformationTheory = "math.IT"
KTheoryandHomology = "math.KT"
Logic = "math.LO"
MetricGeometry = "math.MG"
MathematicalPhysics = "math.MP"
NumericalAnalysis = "math.NA"
NumberTheory = "math.NT"
OperatorAlgebras = "math.OA"
OptimizationandControl = "math.OC"
Probability = "math.PR"
QuantumAlgebra = "math.QA"
RingsandAlgebras = "math.RA"
RepresentationTheory = "math.RT"
SymplecticGeometry = "math.SG"
SpectralTheory = "math.SP"
StatisticsTheory = "math.ST"

class Physics(Enum):
CosmologyandNongalacticAstrophysics = "astro-ph.CO"
EarthandPlanetaryAstrophysics = "astro-ph.EP"
AstrophysicsofGalaxies = "astro-ph.GA"
HighEnergyAstrophysicalPhenomena = "astro-ph.HE"
InstrumentationandMethodsforAstrophysics = "astro-ph.IM"
SolarandStellarAstrophysics = "astro-ph.SR"
DisorderedSystemsandNeuralNetworks = "cond-mat.dis-nn"
MesoscaleandNanoscalePhysics = "cond-mat.mes-hall"
MaterialsScience = "cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
OtherCondensedMatter = "cond-mat.other"
QuantumGases = "cond-mat.quant-gas"
SoftCondensedMatter = "cond-mat.soft"
StatisticalMechanics = "cond-mat.stat-mech"
StronglyCorrelatedElectrons = "cond-mat.str-el"
Superconductivity = "cond-mat.supr-con"
GeneralRelativityandQuantumCosmology = "gr-qc"
HighEnergyPhysicsExperiment = "hep-ex"
HighEnergyPhysicsLattice = "hep-lat"
HighEnergyPhysicsPhenomenology = "hep-ph"
HighEnergyPhysicsTheory = "hep-th"
MathematicalPhysics = "math-ph"
AdaptationandSelfOrganizingSystems = "nlin.AO"
ChaoticDynamics = "nlin.CD"
CellularAutomataandLatticeGases = "nlin.CG"
PatternFormationandSolitons = "nlin.PS"
ExactlySolvableandIntegrableSystems = "nlin.SI"
NuclearExperiment = "nucl-ex"
NuclearTheory = "nucl-th"
AcceleratorPhysics = "physics.acc-ph"
AtmosphericandOceanicPhysics = ""
AppliedPhysics = ""
AtomicandMolecularClusters = "physics.atm-clus"
AtomicPhysics = "physics.atom-ph"
BiologicalPhysics = ""
ChemicalPhysics = "physics.chem-ph"
ClassicalPhysics = "physics.class-ph"
ComputationalPhysics = "physics.comp-ph"
DataAnalysisStatisticsandProbability = ""
PhysicsEducation = "physics.ed-ph"
FluidDynamics = "physics.flu-dyn"
GeneralPhysics = "physics.gen-ph"
Geophysics = "physics.geo-ph"
HistoryandPhilosophyofPhysics = "physics.hist-ph"
InstrumentationandDetectors = "physics.ins-det"
MedicalPhysics = ""
Optics = "physics.optics"
PlasmaPhysics = "physics.plasm-ph"
PopularPhysics = "physics.pop-ph"
PhysicsandSociety = "physics.soc-ph"
SpacePhysics = ""
QuantumPhysics = "quant-ph"
CosmologyandNongalacticAstrophysics = "astro-ph.CO"
EarthandPlanetaryAstrophysics = "astro-ph.EP"
AstrophysicsofGalaxies = "astro-ph.GA"
HighEnergyAstrophysicalPhenomena = "astro-ph.HE"
InstrumentationandMethodsforAstrophysics = "astro-ph.IM"
SolarandStellarAstrophysics = "astro-ph.SR"
DisorderedSystemsandNeuralNetworks = "cond-mat.dis-nn"
MesoscaleandNanoscalePhysics = "cond-mat.mes-hall"
MaterialsScience = "cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
OtherCondensedMatter = "cond-mat.other"
QuantumGases = "cond-mat.quant-gas"
SoftCondensedMatter = "cond-mat.soft"
StatisticalMechanics = "cond-mat.stat-mech"
StronglyCorrelatedElectrons = "cond-mat.str-el"
Superconductivity = "cond-mat.supr-con"
GeneralRelativityandQuantumCosmology = "gr-qc"
HighEnergyPhysicsExperiment = "hep-ex"
HighEnergyPhysicsLattice = "hep-lat"
HighEnergyPhysicsPhenomenology = "hep-ph"
HighEnergyPhysicsTheory = "hep-th"
MathematicalPhysics = "math-ph"
AdaptationandSelfOrganizingSystems = "nlin.AO"
ChaoticDynamics = "nlin.CD"
CellularAutomataandLatticeGases = "nlin.CG"
PatternFormationandSolitons = "nlin.PS"
ExactlySolvableandIntegrableSystems = "nlin.SI"
NuclearExperiment = "nucl-ex"
NuclearTheory = "nucl-th"
AcceleratorPhysics = "physics.acc-ph"
AtmosphericandOceanicPhysics = ""
AppliedPhysics = ""
AtomicandMolecularClusters = "physics.atm-clus"
AtomicPhysics = "physics.atom-ph"
BiologicalPhysics = ""
ChemicalPhysics = "physics.chem-ph"
ClassicalPhysics = "physics.class-ph"
ComputationalPhysics = "physics.comp-ph"
DataAnalysisStatisticsandProbability = ""
PhysicsEducation = "physics.ed-ph"
FluidDynamics = "physics.flu-dyn"
GeneralPhysics = "physics.gen-ph"
Geophysics = "physics.geo-ph"
HistoryandPhilosophyofPhysics = "physics.hist-ph"
InstrumentationandDetectors = "physics.ins-det"
MedicalPhysics = ""
Optics = "physics.optics"
PlasmaPhysics = "physics.plasm-ph"
PopularPhysics = "physics.pop-ph"
PhysicsandSociety = "physics.soc-ph"
SpacePhysics = ""
QuantumPhysics = "quant-ph"

class QuantitativeBiology(Enum):
Biomolecules = "q-bio.BM"
CellBehavior = "q-bio.CB"
Genomics = "q-bio.GN"
MolecularNetworks = "q-bio.MN"
NeuronsandCognition = "q-bio.NC"
OtherQuantitativeBiology = "q-bio.OT"
PopulationsandEvolution = "q-bio.PE"
QuantitativeMethods = "q-bio.QM"
SubcellularProcesses = "q-bio.SC"
TissuesandOrgans = "q-bio.TO"
Biomolecules = "q-bio.BM"
CellBehavior = "q-bio.CB"
Genomics = "q-bio.GN"
MolecularNetworks = "q-bio.MN"
NeuronsandCognition = "q-bio.NC"
OtherQuantitativeBiology = "q-bio.OT"
PopulationsandEvolution = "q-bio.PE"
QuantitativeMethods = "q-bio.QM"
SubcellularProcesses = "q-bio.SC"
TissuesandOrgans = "q-bio.TO"

class QuantitativeFinance(Enum):
ComputationalFinance = "q-fin.CP"
Economics = "q-fin.EC"
GeneralFinance = "q-fin.GN"
MathematicalFinance = "q-fin.MF"
PortfolioManagement = "q-fin.PM"
PricingofSecurities = "q-fin.PR"
RiskManagement = "q-fin.RM"
StatisticalFinance = "q-fin.ST"
TradingandMarketMicrostructure = "q-fin.TR"
ComputationalFinance = "q-fin.CP"
Economics = "q-fin.EC"
GeneralFinance = "q-fin.GN"
MathematicalFinance = "q-fin.MF"
PortfolioManagement = "q-fin.PM"
PricingofSecurities = "q-fin.PR"
RiskManagement = "q-fin.RM"
StatisticalFinance = "q-fin.ST"
TradingandMarketMicrostructure = "q-fin.TR"

class Statistics(Enum):
Applications = "stat.AP"
Computation = "stat.CO"
Methodology = "stat.ME"
MachineLearning = "stat.ML"
OtherStatistics = "stat.OT"
StatisticsTheory = "stat.TH"
Applications = "stat.AP"
Computation = "stat.CO"
Methodology = "stat.ME"
MachineLearning = "stat.ML"
OtherStatistics = "stat.OT"
StatisticsTheory = "stat.TH"

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