- First release on PyPI.
- Fixed installation issues.
- Working release on PyPI.
- New repository.
- Tests.
- Readme.
- GitHub Actions.
- Fix Codecov.
- Fix Codecov for GitHub Actions.
- Publish documentation.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Publish documentation - next try.
- Numpy style documentation.
- Import rules.
- GPU Acceleration.
- cuDF improved import.
- Clear GPU memory pool.
- Eliminate zeros for sparse matrix.
- Readme improved.
- Predict function.
- Improved pretty notation.
- Uplift fixed.
- Docstrings and notations.
- Completely finished.
- Uplift fixed.
- Profiling.
- Comparison with another package.
- Fix predict method for cupy
- Fix empty list of stable attributes
- Feature: New fit_onehot
- Fix: Onehot data copy