Manuca is a small command-line Python program to calculate various forms of the mean (or effective) atomic number and other physical properties of compounds.
The name stems from it's intended use as a Mean Atomic Number Calculator.
The tool can help to create complicated mixtures of materials for simulations (e.g. get stoichiometries of compounds, for DTSA-II, Casino, or SRIM) and to calculate the effective atomic numbers proposed/used in various publications.
You can explore Manuca without installing anything by opening the Binder link above in a new tab.
Enter a stoichiometry, e.g. H2O and confirm with Enter
Quit by entering q
Chemparse can handle (single-level) parentheses, here for the Fe-based superconductor Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2:
The multi
compound mode is meant to handle more complex compounds, e.g. 73% of H2O and 27% of SiO2.
A more complicated random mixture of superconductors and BaZrO3: 42% YBa2Cu3O6.9, 42% Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2, and 16% BaZrO3:
To finish, let's put in the periodic system (let's call it an ultra-high-entropy alloy):
... and in the end:
The periodic-table-elements string can be generated from mendeleev
from mendeleev.fetch import fetch_table
df = fetch_table('elements') #pandas data frame
Manuca works by utilizing chemparse to evaluate the stoichiometric formula from a user input. Then, mendeleev is used to retrieve the element-specific data. NumPy is used for calculations.
Clone or download the repository (or just
). -
Optional: Create a fresh environment:
conda create -n manuca python=3.9
conda activate manuca
- Install the required Python packages:
pip install numpy chemparse mendeleev
- Run Manuca (from the folder where the
is located):
Manuca version 0.14 calculates the following outputs:
Composition in atomic % (at.%) and weight % (wt.%)
Mean/effective atomic numbers are calculated from the atomic numbers (
), the weight fractions (
), and atomic fractions (
). Formulas were taken from
Howell, P. G. T., Davy, K. M. W. & Boyde, A. Mean atomic number and backscattered electron coefficient calculations for some materials with low mean atomic number. Scanning 20, 35–40 (1998).
Atomic-percent average:
$\overline{Z}=\sum_i a_i Z_i$ -
Müller (1954),
$\overline{Z}=\sum_i c_i Z_i$ -
Sandick & Allen (1954)
$\overline{Z}=\sum_i a_i Z^2_i/\sum_i a_i Z_i$ -
Joyet (1953) / Hohn & Niedrig (1972) / Büchner (1973):
$\overline{Z}=\sqrt{\sum_i a_i Z^2_i}$ -
Everhart (1960):
$\overline{Z}=\sum_i c_i Z^2_i/\sum_i c_i Z_i$ -
Donovan (2003, with x = 0.8 and x = 0.7):
$\overline{Z}=\sum_i a_i Z^{1.8}_i/\sum_i a_i Z_i^{0.8}$
$\overline{Z}=\sum_i a_i Z^{1.7}_i/\sum_i a_i Z_i^{0.7}$ -
Langmore (effective
$Z$ for elastic scattering) (see also Zhang et al., and Basha et al.)$\overline{Z}_\text{eff,el}=\left(\sum_i a_i Z^{3/2}_i\right)^{2/3}$ Langmore et al. Collection of scattered electrons in dark field electron -microscopy. 1. Elastic-scattering Optik, 38 (1973), pp. 335-350
Egerton (effective
$Z$ , and$A$ in g/mol for inelastic scattering for EELS/EFTEM):$\overline{Z}_\text{eff,inel}=\sum_i a_i Z^{1.3}_i/\sum_i a_i Z^{0.3}_i$ $\overline{A}_\text{eff,inel}=\sum_i a_i A^{1.3}_i/\sum_i a_i A^{0.3}_i$ Eq. (5.4) from Egerton, R. F. Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy in the Electron Microscope. (Springer US, 2011). doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-9583-4.
Total and average atomic mass/molecular weight in g/mol.
Backscatter electron coefficient/yield (at 20 keV):
$\eta_i = -0.0254 + 0.016 \cdot Z_i - 1.86 \cdot 10^{-4}\cdot Z_i^2 + 8.3\cdot10^{-7}\cdot Z_i^3$
$\eta = \sum_i c_i \eta_i$ Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, 2018, p. 17.
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