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Domain Driven Design Toolkit for Laravel

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Laravel-DDD is a toolkit to support domain driven design (DDD) in Laravel applications. One of the pain points when adopting DDD is the inability to use Laravel's native make commands to generate objects outside the App\* namespace. This package aims to fill the gaps by providing equivalent commands such as ddd:model, ddd:dto, ddd:view-model and many more.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require lunarstorm/laravel-ddd

You may initialize the package using the ddd:install artisan command. This will publish the config file, register the domain path in your project's composer.json psr-4 autoload configuration on your behalf, and allow you to publish generator stubs for customization if needed.

php artisan ddd:install


For first-time installations, a config wizard is available to populate the ddd.php config file interactively:

php artisan ddd:config wizard

For existing installations with a config file published from a previous version, you may use the ddd:config update command to rebuild and merge it with the latest package copy:

php artisan ddd:config update

See Configuration Utility for details about other available options.

Peer Dependencies

The following additional packages are suggested (but not required) while working with this package.

The default DTO and Action stubs of this package reference classes from these packages. If this doesn't apply to your application, you may publish and customize the stubs accordingly.


In production, ensure you run php artisan ddd:optimize during the deployment process to optimize autoloading. If you already run php artisan optimize in production, this will be handled automatically.

Version Compatibility

Laravel LaravelDDD
9.x - 10.24.x 0.x 0.x README
10.25.x 1.x
11.x 1.x
11.44.x 2.x
12.x 2.x

See UPGRADING for more details about upgrading across different versions.



All domain generator commands use the following syntax:

# Specifying the domain as an option
php artisan ddd:{object} {name} --domain={domain}

# Specifying the domain as part of the name (short-hand syntax)
php artisan ddd:{object} {domain}:{name}

# Not specifying the domain at all, which will then 
# prompt for it (with auto-completion)
php artisan ddd:{object} {name}

Available Commands


The following generators are currently available:

Command Description Usage
ddd:model Generate a domain model php artisan ddd:model Invoicing:Invoice

--controller --resource --requests|-crR
ddd:factory Generate a domain factory php artisan ddd:factory Invoicing:InvoiceFactory
ddd:dto Generate a data transfer object php artisan ddd:dto Invoicing:LineItemPayload
ddd:value Generate a value object php artisan ddd:value Shared:DollarAmount
ddd:view-model Generate a view model php artisan ddd:view-model Invoicing:ShowInvoiceViewModel
ddd:action Generate an action php artisan ddd:action Invoicing:SendInvoiceToCustomer
ddd:cast Generate a cast php artisan ddd:cast Invoicing:MoneyCast
ddd:channel Generate a channel php artisan ddd:channel Invoicing:InvoiceChannel
ddd:command Generate a command php artisan ddd:command Invoicing:InvoiceDeliver
ddd:controller Generate a controller php artisan ddd:controller Invoicing:InvoiceController

Options: inherits options from make:controller
ddd:event Generate an event php artisan ddd:event Invoicing:PaymentWasReceived
ddd:exception Generate an exception php artisan ddd:exception Invoicing:InvoiceNotFoundException
ddd:job Generate a job php artisan ddd:job Invoicing:GenerateInvoicePdf
ddd:listener Generate a listener php artisan ddd:listener Invoicing:HandlePaymentReceived
ddd:mail Generate a mail php artisan ddd:mail Invoicing:OverduePaymentReminderEmail
ddd:middleware Generate a middleware php artisan ddd:middleware Invoicing:VerifiedCustomerMiddleware
ddd:migration Generate a migration php artisan ddd:migration Invoicing:CreateInvoicesTable
ddd:notification Generate a notification php artisan ddd:notification Invoicing:YourPaymentWasReceived
ddd:observer Generate an observer php artisan ddd:observer Invoicing:InvoiceObserver
ddd:policy Generate a policy php artisan ddd:policy Invoicing:InvoicePolicy
ddd:provider Generate a provider php artisan ddd:provider Invoicing:InvoiceServiceProvider
ddd:resource Generate a resource php artisan ddd:resource Invoicing:InvoiceResource
ddd:rule Generate a rule php artisan ddd:rule Invoicing:ValidPaymentMethod
ddd:request Generate a form request php artisan ddd:request Invoicing:StoreInvoiceRequest
ddd:scope Generate a scope php artisan ddd:scope Invoicing:ArchivedInvoicesScope
ddd:seeder Generate a seeder php artisan ddd:seeder Invoicing:InvoiceSeeder
ddd:class Generate a class php artisan ddd:class Invoicing:Support/InvoiceBuilder
ddd:enum Generate an enum php artisan ddd:enum Customer:CustomerType
ddd:interface Generate an interface php artisan ddd:interface Customer:Contracts/Invoiceable
ddd:trait Generate a trait php artisan ddd:trait Customer:Concerns/HasInvoices

Generated objects will be placed in the appropriate domain namespace as specified by ddd.namespaces.* in the config file.

Config Utility (Since 1.2)

A configuration utility was introduced in 1.2 to help manage the package's configuration over time.

php artisan ddd:config


 ┌ Laravel-DDD Config Utility ──────────────────────────────────┐
 │ › ● Run the configuration wizard                             │
 │   ○ Rebuild and merge ddd.php with latest package copy       │
 │   ○ Detect domain namespace from composer.json               │
 │   ○ Sync composer.json from ddd.php                          │
 │   ○ Exit                                                     │

These config tasks are also invokeable directly using arguments:

# Run the configuration wizard
php artisan ddd:config wizard

# Rebuild and merge ddd.php with latest package copy
php artisan ddd:config update

# Detect domain namespace from composer.json
php artisan ddd:config detect

# Sync composer.json from ddd.php   
php artisan ddd:config composer

Other Commands

# Show a summary of current domains in the domain folder
php artisan ddd:list

# Cache domain manifests (used for autoloading)
php artisan ddd:optimize

# Clear the domain cache
php artisan ddd:clear

Advanced Usage

Application Layer (since 1.2)

Some objects interact with the domain layer, but are not part of the domain layer themselves. By default, these include: controller, request, middleware. You may customize the path, namespace, and which ddd:* objects belong in the application layer.

// In config/ddd.php
'application_path' => 'app/Modules',
'application_namespace' => 'App\Modules',
'application_objects' => [

The configuration above will result in the following:

ddd:model Invoicing:Invoice --controller --resource --requests


├─ app
|   └─ Modules
│       └─ Invoicing
│           ├─ Controllers
│           │   └─ InvoiceController.php
│           └─ Requests
│               ├─ StoreInvoiceRequest.php
│               └─ UpdateInvoiceRequest.php
├─ src/Domain
    └─ Invoicing
        └─ Models
            └─ Invoice.php

Custom Layers (since 1.2)

Often times, additional top-level namespaces are needed to hold shared components, helpers, and things that are not domain-specific. A common example is the Infrastructure layer. You may configure these additional layers in the ddd.layers array.

// In config/ddd.php
'layers' => [
    'Infrastructure' => 'src/Infrastructure',

The configuration above will result in the following:

ddd:model Invoicing:Invoice
ddd:trait Infrastructure:Concerns/HasExpiryDate


├─ src/Domain
|   └─ Invoicing
|       └─ Models
|           └─ Invoice.php
├─ src/Infrastructure
    └─ Concerns
        └─ HasExpiryDate.php

After defining new layers in ddd.php, make sure the corresponding namespaces are also registered in your composer.json file. You may use the ddd:config helper command to handle this for you.

# Sync composer.json with ddd.php
php artisan ddd:config composer

Nested Objects

For any ddd:* generator command, nested objects can be specified with forward slashes.

php artisan ddd:model Invoicing:Payment/Transaction
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\Payment\Transaction

php artisan ddd:action Invoicing:Payment/ProcessTransaction
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Actions\Payment\ProcessTransaction

php artisan ddd:exception Invoicing:Payment/PaymentFailedException
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Exceptions\Payment\PaymentFailedException

This is essential for objects without a fixed namespace such as class, interface, trait, each of which have a blank namespace by default. In other words, these objects originate from the root of the domain.

php artisan ddd:class Invoicing:Support/InvoiceBuilder
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Support\InvoiceBuilder

php artisan ddd:interface Invoicing:Contracts/PayableByCreditCard
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Contracts\PayableByCreditCard

php artisan ddd:interface Invoicing:Models/Concerns/HasLineItems
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\Concerns\HasLineItems

Subdomains (nested domains)

Subdomains can be specified with dot notation wherever a domain option is accepted.

# Domain/Reporting/Internal/ViewModels/MonthlyInvoicesReportViewModel
php artisan ddd:view-model Reporting.Internal:MonthlyInvoicesReportViewModel

# Domain/Reporting/Customer/ViewModels/MonthlyInvoicesReportViewModel
php artisan ddd:view-model Reporting.Customer:MonthlyInvoicesReportViewModel

# (supported by all commands where a domain option is accepted)

Overriding Configured Namespaces at Runtime

If for some reason you need to generate a domain object under a namespace different to what is configured in ddd.namespaces.*, you may do so using an absolute name starting with /. This will generate the object from the root of the domain.

# The usual: generate a provider in the configured provider namespace
php artisan ddd:provider Invoicing:InvoiceServiceProvider 
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Providers\InvoiceServiceProvider

# Override the configured namespace at runtime
php artisan ddd:provider Invoicing:/InvoiceServiceProvider
# -> Domain\Invoicing\InvoiceServiceProvider

# Generate an event inside the Models namespace (hypothetical)
php artisan ddd:event Invoicing:/Models/EventDoesNotBelongHere
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\EventDoesNotBelongHere

# Deep nesting is supported
php artisan ddd:exception Invoicing:/Models/Exceptions/InvoiceNotFoundException
# -> Domain\Invoicing\Models\Exceptions\InvoiceNotFoundException

Custom Object Resolution

If you require advanced customization of generated object naming conventions, you may register a custom resolver using DDD::resolveObjectSchemaUsing() in your AppServiceProvider's boot method:

use Lunarstorm\LaravelDDD\Facades\DDD;
use Lunarstorm\LaravelDDD\ValueObjects\CommandContext;
use Lunarstorm\LaravelDDD\ValueObjects\ObjectSchema;

DDD::resolveObjectSchemaUsing(function (string $domainName, string $nameInput, string $type, CommandContext $command): ?ObjectSchema {
    if ($type === 'controller' && $command->option('api')) {
        return new ObjectSchema(
            name: $name = str($nameInput)->replaceEnd('Controller', '')->finish('ApiController')->toString(),
            namespace: "App\\Api\\Controllers\\{$domainName}",
            fullyQualifiedName: "App\\Api\\Controllers\\{$domainName}\\{$name}",
            path: "src/App/Api/Controllers/{$domainName}/{$name}.php",

    // Return null to fall back to the default
    return null;

The example above will result in the following:

php artisan ddd:controller Invoicing:PaymentController --api 
# Controller [src/App/Api/Controllers/Invoicing/PaymentApiController.php] created successfully. 

Customizing Stubs

This package ships with a few ddd-specific stubs, while the rest are pulled from the framework. For a quick reference of available stubs and their source, you may use the ddd:stub --list command:

php artisan ddd:stub --list

Stub Priority

When generating objects using ddd:*, stubs are prioritized as follows:

  • Try stubs/ddd/*.stub (customized for ddd:* only)
  • Try stubs/*.stub (shared by both make:* and ddd:*)
  • Fallback to the package or framework default

Publishing Stubs

To publish stubs interactively, you may use the ddd:stub command:

php artisan ddd:stub
 ┌ What do you want to do? ─────────────────────────────────────┐
 │ › ● Choose stubs to publish                                  │
 │   ○ Publish all stubs                                        │

 ┌ Which stub should be published? ─────────────────────────────┐
 │ policy                                                       │
 │ › ◼ policy.plain.stub                                        │
 │   ◻ policy.stub                                              │
 └────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 selected ┘
  Use the space bar to select options.

You may also use shortcuts to skip the interactive steps:

# Publish all stubs
php artisan ddd:stub --all

# Publish one or more stubs specified as arguments (see ddd:stub --list)
php artisan ddd:stub model
php artisan ddd:stub model dto action
php artisan ddd:stub controller controller.plain controller.api

# Options:

# Publish and overwrite only the files that have already been published
php artisan ddd:stub ... --existing

# Overwrite any existing files
php artisan ddd:stub ... --force

To publish multiple stubs with common prefixes at once, use * or . as a wildcard ending to indicate "stubs that starts with":

php artisan ddd:stub listener.


Publishing /stubs/ddd/listener.typed.queued.stub
Publishing /stubs/ddd/listener.queued.stub
Publishing /stubs/ddd/listener.typed.stub
Publishing /stubs/ddd/listener.stub

Domain Autoloading and Discovery

Autoloading behaviour can be configured with the ddd.autoload configuration option. By default, domain providers, commands, policies, and factories are auto-discovered and registered.

'autoload' => [
    'providers' => true,
    'commands' => true,
    'policies' => true,
    'factories' => true,
    'migrations' => true,

Service Providers

When ddd.autoload.providers is enabled, any class within the domain layer extending Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider will be auto-registered as a service provider.

Console Commands

When ddd.autoload.commands is enabled, any class within the domain layer extending Illuminate\Console\Command will be auto-registered as a command when running in console.


When ddd.autoload.policies is enabled, the package will register a custom policy discovery callback to resolve policy names for domain models, and fallback to Laravel's default for all other cases. If your application implements its own policy discovery using Gate::guessPolicyNamesUsing(), you should set ddd.autoload.policies to false to ensure it is not overridden.


When ddd.autoload.factories is enabled, the package will register a custom factory discovery callback to resolve factory names for domain models, and fallback to Laravel's default for all other cases. Note that this does not affect domain models using the Lunarstorm\LaravelDDD\Factories\HasDomainFactory trait. Where this is useful is with regular models in the domain layer that use the standard Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory trait.

If your application implements its own factory discovery using Factory::guessFactoryNamesUsing(), you should set ddd.autoload.factories to false to ensure it is not overridden.


When ddd.autoload.migrations is enabled, paths within the domain layer matching the configured ddd.namespaces.migration namespace will be auto-registered as a database migration path and recognized by php artisan migrate.

Ignoring Paths During Autoloading

To specify folders or paths that should be skipped during autoloading class discovery, add them to the ddd.autoload_ignore configuration option. By default, the Tests and Migrations folders are ignored.

'autoload_ignore' => [

Note that ignoring folders only applies to class-based autoloading: Service Providers, Console Commands, Policies, and Factories.

Paths specified here are relative to the root of each domain. e.g., src/Domain/Invoicing/{path-to-ignore}. If more advanced filtering is needed, a callback can be registered using DDD::filterAutoloadPathsUsing(callback $filter) in your AppServiceProvider's boot method:

use Lunarstorm\LaravelDDD\Facades\DDD;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;

DDD::filterAutoloadPathsUsing(function (SplFileInfo $file) {
    if (basename($file->getRelativePathname()) === 'functions.php') {
        return false;

The filter callback is based on Symfony's Finder Component.

Disabling Autoloading

You may disable autoloading by setting the respective autoload options to false in the configuration file as needed, or by commenting out the autoload configuration entirely.

// 'autoload' => [
//     'providers' => true,
//     'commands' => true,
//     'policies' => true,
//     'factories' => true,
//     'migrations' => true,
// ],

Autoloading in Production

In production, you should cache the autoload manifests using the ddd:optimize command as part of your application's deployment process. This will speed up the auto-discovery and registration of domain providers and commands. The ddd:clear command may be used to clear the cache if needed. If you are already running php artisan optimize, ddd:optimize will be included within that pipeline. The framework's optimize and optimize:clear commands will automatically invoke ddd:optimize and ddd:clear respectively.

Configuration File

This is the content of the published config file (ddd.php):

return [

    | Domain Layer
    | The path and namespace of the domain layer.
    'domain_path' => 'src/Domain',
    'domain_namespace' => 'Domain',

    | Application Layer
    | The path and namespace of the application layer, and the objects
    | that should be recognized as part of the application layer.
    'application_path' => 'app/Modules',
    'application_namespace' => 'App\Modules',
    'application_objects' => [

    | Custom Layers
    | Additional top-level namespaces and paths that should be recognized as
    | layers when generating ddd:* objects.
    | e.g., 'Infrastructure' => 'src/Infrastructure',
    'layers' => [
        'Infrastructure' => 'src/Infrastructure',
        // 'Integrations' => 'src/Integrations',
        // 'Support' => 'src/Support',

    | Object Namespaces
    | This value contains the default namespaces of ddd:* generated
    | objects relative to the layer of which the object belongs to.
    'namespaces' => [
        'model' => 'Models',
        'data_transfer_object' => 'Data',
        'view_model' => 'ViewModels',
        'value_object' => 'ValueObjects',
        'action' => 'Actions',
        'cast' => 'Casts',
        'class' => '',
        'channel' => 'Channels',
        'command' => 'Commands',
        'controller' => 'Controllers',
        'enum' => 'Enums',
        'event' => 'Events',
        'exception' => 'Exceptions',
        'factory' => 'Database\Factories',
        'interface' => '',
        'job' => 'Jobs',
        'listener' => 'Listeners',
        'mail' => 'Mail',
        'middleware' => 'Middleware',
        'migration' => 'Database\Migrations',
        'notification' => 'Notifications',
        'observer' => 'Observers',
        'policy' => 'Policies',
        'provider' => 'Providers',
        'resource' => 'Resources',
        'request' => 'Requests',
        'rule' => 'Rules',
        'scope' => 'Scopes',
        'seeder' => 'Database\Seeders',
        'trait' => '',

    | Base Model
    | The base model class which generated domain models should extend. If
    | set to null, the generated models will extend Laravel's default.
    'base_model' => null,

    | Base DTO
    | The base class which generated data transfer objects should extend. By
    | default, generated DTOs will extend `Spatie\LaravelData\Data` from
    | Spatie's Laravel-data package, a highly recommended data object
    | package to work with.
    'base_dto' => 'Spatie\LaravelData\Data',

    | Base ViewModel
    | The base class which generated view models should extend. By default,
    | generated domain models will extend `Domain\Shared\ViewModels\BaseViewModel`,
    | which will be created if it doesn't already exist.
    'base_view_model' => 'Domain\Shared\ViewModels\ViewModel',

    | Base Action
    | The base class which generated action objects should extend. By default,
    | generated actions are based on the `lorisleiva/laravel-actions` package
    | and do not extend anything.
    'base_action' => null,

    | Autoloading
    | Configure whether domain providers, commands, policies, factories,
    | and migrations should be auto-discovered and registered.
    'autoload' => [
        'providers' => true,
        'commands' => true,
        'policies' => true,
        'factories' => true,
        'migrations' => true,

    | Autoload Ignore Folders
    | Folders that should be skipped during autoloading discovery,
    | relative to the root of each domain.
    | e.g., src/Domain/Invoicing/<folder-to-ignore>
    | If more advanced filtering is needed, a callback can be registered
    | using `DDD::filterAutoloadPathsUsing(callback $filter)` in
    | the AppServiceProvider's boot method.
    'autoload_ignore' => [

    | Caching
    | The folder where the domain cache files will be stored. Used for domain
    | autoloading.
    'cache_directory' => 'bootstrap/cache/ddd',


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.