- 返回上层目录
- AlphaGo-Zero: Mastering the Game of Go without Human Knowledge Nature2017
- AlphaStar: Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning Nature2019
- AlphaTensor: Discovering faster matrix multiplication algorithms with reinforcement learning Nature2022
- Grandmaster-Level Chess Without Search Arxiv202402
DeepMind 研发的围棋 AI AlphaGo 是如何下棋的?
AlphaGo的第一作者David Silver还在MIT做post-doc的时候(也有可能是visit?),曾经和我们组师兄合作利用机器学习和蒙特卡罗树搜索玩《文明2》。当时也有不小的轰动:
Human-level performance in 3D multiplayer games with population-based reinforcement learning
DeepMind 在多智能体强化学习方面又有了新进展,最新成果登上 Science 杂志!http://www.hzhcontrols.com/new-1161721.html
AlphaStar agent 24 JANUARY 2019