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File metadata and controls

185 lines (169 loc) · 11.6 KB

Workflow output data structure


The results of the creation-mode workflow are structured in folders corresponding to the workflow steps.

  • gene_prediction/
    • orf_seqs.fasta - gene prediction sequence amino acid in fasta format.
    • orf_seqs.txt - gene prediction sequence headers.
    • orf_partial_info.tsv - gene prediction sequence headers and Prodigal partiality information.
  • pfam_annotation/
    • hmmsearch_pfam_annot.log/out
    • pfam_annotations.tsv - clean hmmsearch output in long format.
    • pfam_annot_parsed.tsv - parsed and filtered hmmsearch output in long format.
  • mmseqs_clustering/
    • seqDB - MMseqs2 sequence database.
    • cluDB - MMseqs2 cluster database.
    • clu_seqDB - MMseqs2 cluster sequence database.
    • cluDB.tsv - clusters in long format (representative - memeber "newline" member).
    • cluDB_wide.tsv - clusters in wide format (representative - memeber member).
    • cluDB_name_index.txt - cluster index of MMseqs2-ids and cluster-names.
    • cluDB_name_rep_size.tsv - cluster names - representastive - cluster size.
    • cluDB_length.tsv - gene length.
    • cluDB_info.tsv - summary table of the clustering process: cluster name - representative - memeber - length - cluster size.
    • cluDB_no_singletons.tsv - clusters with more that one gene.
    • cluDB_singletons.tsv - clusters with only one gene.
  • spurious_shadow/
    • hmmsearch_antifam_sp.log/out
    • spurious_orfs.tsv - list of spurious genes, based on the search against the Antifam database.
    • all_shadow_orfs.tsv - list of potential shadow genes.
    • shadow_orfs_info.tsv - list of shadow genes.
    • spurious_shadow_info.tsv - table containing information about quality of all genes.
  • annot_and_clust/
    • pfam_name_acc_clan_multi.tsv - all Pfam annotatated genes. Fields: gene - pfam_name - pfam_acc - pfam_clan. The multi-domain annotations are separated by a pipe "|" ("domainA|domainB").
    • annotated_clusters.tsv - table with Pfam annotated clusters (long format).
    • not_annotated_clusters.tsv - table with not annotated clusters (long format).
    • singletons_pfam_annot.tsv - Pfam annotated singletons.
  • compositional_validation/
    • compositional_validation_filt_stats.tsv - cluster sequence composition stats.
    • compositional_validation_rejected_orfs.tsv - list of non-homologous genes.
    • compositional_validation_results.tsv - general/parsed cluster compositional validation results. The following folders contain the results of the compositional validation for each clusters, separated in folders named accordingly to the cluster names:
    • log_vals/
    • alignments/
    • core/
    • rejected/
    • stats/
  • functional_validation/
    • functional_val_results.tsv - general/parsed cluster functional validation results.
  • validation/
    • compositional_validation_plots.rda
    • functional_validation_plots.rda
    • validation_annot_noannot.tsv - cluster old new representatives and annotation status.
    • good_clusters.tsv - set of good clusters main information.
    • validation_results.sqlite3 - validation results in SQLite database format.
    • validation_results.tsv - validation results in tab separated format.
    • validation_results_stats.tsv - validation results main cluster and gene statistics.
  • cluster_refinement/
    • cluster_orfs_to_remove.tsv - list of genes x cluster to remove from the good clusters.
    • refined_clusters.tsv (and refined_clusterDB) - refined cluster database.
    • refined_annotated_clusters.tsv (and refined_annotated_clusterDB) - annotated clusters subset.
    • refined_not_annotated_clusters.tsv (and refined_not_annotated_clusterDB) - not annotated clusters subset.
    • new_not_annotated_clusters.tsv - previously annotated clusters left without any annotated memebers.
  • cluster_classification/
    • refined_not_annotated_cluster_cons.fasta
    • noannot_vs_uniref90.tsv - MMseqs2 search vs UniRef90 results (blast tab format).
    • noannot_vs_uniref90_hits/char/hypo.txt - MMseqs2 search vs UniRef90 subset of the results.
    • noannot_vs_uniref90_E0.6_prot.tsv - MMseqs2 search vs UniRef90 protein annotations (descriptions).
    • noannot_vs_uniref90_nohits.fasta
    • uniref-nohits_vs_NR.tsv - MMseqs2 search vs NCBI nr results (blast tab format).
    • uniref-nohits_vs_NR_hits/char/hypo.txt - MMseqs2 search vs NCBI nr subset of the results.
    • uniref-nohits_vs_NR_E0.6_prot.tsv - MMseqs2 search vs NCBI nr protein annotations (descriptions).
    • uniref-nohits_vs_NR_nohits.fasta
    • noannot_uniref_nr_annotations.tsv - list of annotations retrieved from the two searches.
    • cluster_pfam_domain_architectures.tsv - tabble with cluster consensus Pfam domain architectures.
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_ids.txt - lists of cluster ids/names of the different categories (pre-refinement).
    • k/kwp/gu_annotations.tsv - cluster annotations (pre-refinement).
  • cluster_categories/
    • refined_clusterDB
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_ids.txt - lists of cluster ids/names of the different categories (refined).
    • K/KWP/GU_annotations.tsv - cluster annotations (refined).
    • cluster_ids_categ.tsv - summary table of refined cluster names and categories.
    • cluster_ids_categ_orfs.tsv.gz - summary table of refined cluster names, categories and genes.
    • eu_hhbl_parsed.tsv - EU refinement hhblits results.
    • eu_hhbl_new_gu_ids.txt
    • eu_hhbl_new_kwp_ids.txt
    • kwp_hhbl_name_acc_clan_multi.tsv - KWP refinement hhblits results.
    • kwp_hhbl_new_gu_ids_annot.tsv
    • kwp_hhbl_new_k_ids_annot.tsv
  • cluster_category_DB/
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_orfs.txt - category gene headers.
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_clu_orfs.fasta - category genes amino acid sequences.
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_clseqdb.index - category cluster sequence MMseqs2 database.
    • clu_hmm_db - cluster HMM profiles MMseqs2 database (for profile searches). The following databases are the HH-SUITE DBs of the different cluster categories:
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_aln
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_a3m_db
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_cons
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_cs219.ffdata
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_hhm_db.index
  • cluster_category_stats/
    • taxonomy/
    • cluster_category_prevalent_tax.tsv - prevalent taxonomic affiliation x cluster.
    • cluster_category_taxonomy_entropy.tsv - cluster taxonomic dishomogeneity.
    • cluster_category_taxonomy_plot.rda
    • darkness/
    • cluster_category_dpd_perc.tsv - category level of darkness and disorder.
    • cluster_dpd_perc.tsv - cluster level of darkness and disorder.
    • cluster_category_completeness.tsv - percentage of complete gene x cluster.
    • HQ_clusters.tsv - set of high quality clusters (clusters with high percentage of complete genes).
    • cluster_category_summary_stats.tsv - summary table containing various information about the clusters.
    • only_category_summary_stats.tsv - summary table containing various information about the cluster categories.
  • cluster_communities/
    • k/kwp/gu/eu_hhblits.tsv - all-vs-all category hhblits raw results.
    • 2020-03-28-111859/ - folder containing all the community inference result files.
    • cluster_communities.tsv - summary table containing the correspondence cluster-community.
  • report/
    • workflow_report.html
Folder containing the files necessary for the DB_update module:
  • clusterDB_results/

    • cluDB_name_origin_size.tsv - table with cluster names, their origin and their size.
    • cluster_ids_categ.tsv - table with refined cluster names and categories.
    • cluster_ids_categ_genes.tsv.gz - table with refined cluster names, categories and genes.
    • cluster_communities.tsv - summary table containing the correspondence cluster-community.
    • cluster_category_summary_stats.tsv - summary table containing various information about the clusters.
    • pfam_name_acc_clan_multi.tsv.gz - all genes Pfam annotations.
    • K/KWP/GU/EU_annotations.tsv.gz - category annotations.
    • orf_partial_info.tsv.gz - list of gene headers and their level of completness, based on the Prodigal prediction results.
    • HQ_clusters.tsv - set of high quality clusters (clusters with high percentage of complete genes).
    • spurious_shadow_info.tsv.gz - summary table with gene quality information.
    • mmseqs_profiles/ - clu_hmm_db - cluster HMM profiles MMseqs2 database (for profile searches).
    • mmseqs_cluseqdb/ - clu_seqDB - cluster sequences MMseqs2 database.

    Plus, the mmseqs_clustering/ folder has to be copied here as well, including the cluDB, the seqDB and the file cluDB_name_rep_size.tsv


The results structure is the same as the creation-mode one (the clusters processed through the workflow steps are those not found in the original DB), plus a folder containing the cluster-update summary results (derived from the merging of the new with the original clusterDB):

  • integrated_cluster_DB/

    • cluDB_name_origin_size.tsv - table with cluster names, their origin and their size.
    • cluster_ids_categ.tsv - table with refined cluster names and categories.
    • cluster_ids_categ_genes.tsv.gz - table with refined cluster names, categories and genes.
    • cluster_communities.tsv - summary table containing the correspondence cluster-community.
    • cluster_category_summary_stats.tsv - summary table containing various information about the clusters.
    • pfam_name_acc_clan_multi.tsv.gz - all genes Pfam annotations.
    • K/KWP/GU/EU_annotations.tsv.gz - category annotations.
    • orf_partial_info.tsv.gz - list of gene headers and their level of completness, based on the Prodigal prediction results.
    • HQ_clusters.tsv - set of high quality clusters (clusters with high percentage of complete genes).
    • spurious_shadow_info.tsv.gz - summary table with gene quality information.
    • mmseqs_profiles/
      • clu_hmm_db - cluster HMM profiles MMseqs2 database (for profile searches).
    • mmseqs_cluseqdb/
      • clu_seqDB - cluster sequences MMseqs2 database. Tables summarasing the results and eventually the cluster contextual data
  • output_tables/

    • contig_genes.tsv - genome - contig - gene ids
    • DB_cluster_annotations.tsv - summary of K, KWP and GU annotations per cluster
    • DB_genes_clusters_communities.tsv - gene - cluster - category - community
    • DB_genes_summary_info_red.tsv - reduced set of information per cluster
    • DB_genes_summary_info_exp.tsv - expanded set of information per cluster Contextual data (if the pre-existing DB ir or originates from the agnostosDB):
    • DB_clusters_niche_breadth.tsv - clusters with significant niche breadth values in metagenomes
    • DB_lineage_specific_clusters.tsv - linege-specific clusters within the GTDB phylogeney
    • DB_mutant_phenotype_clusters.tsv - clusters with mutant phenotype (Proce et al. 2018)
    • DB_clusters_in_metagenomes.tsv
    • DB_clusters_in_gtdb_genomes.tsv

The cluster-update results in the form of MMseqs2 databases are stored in the "mmseqs_clustering/" folder.


The profile search output consist in one main file containing the search results, and two additional files which are generated only if the "gene-info" file ("--info") is provided in input.

The output files:

  • "your_name_search_res_best-hits.tsv": best-hits with categories.

  • "your_name_search_res_summary-categ.tsv": proportion of different categories per contig.

  • "your_name_search_res_summary-classes.tsv": proportion of classes per contig, where the classes are defined grouping the categories into "unknown" (EUs and GUs) and "known" (Ks and KWPs)