Camunda Micronaut BPM Demo with an example Process running in the Camunda Platform, which is connected to Camunda Optimize.
Have a look at the running instance: Camunda Optimize
You could login with username: admin
and password: pw
To configure Camunda Optimize have a look at the docs.
Have a look at the running instance: Camunda Platform
You could login with username: admin
and password: pw
Using the external task pattern to work on a service task.
Place the Camunda Optimize licenses under licenses/OptimizeLicense.txt
kubectl create configmap optimize-licenses --from-file licenses/OptimizeLicense.txt
To pull the Camunda Optimize docker image you must be logged into the camunda registry.
E.g. with a pull secret:
kubectl create secret docker-registry camunda-registry \ \
--docker-username=<username> \
--docker-password=<password> \
To start the kubernetes pods run kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ --recursive
Start the containers with the docker-compose: docker-compose up