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PODIO Collection as a Container

Comparison of the PODIO Collections with a C++ named requirement Container.

The PODIO Collections interface was designed to mimic the standard Container interface, in particular std::vector. Perfect compliance with the Container is not achieved as the Collections are concerned with additional semantics such as mutable/immutable element access, associations and relations, and IO which that are not part of Container.

On the implementation level most of the differences with respect to the Container comes from the fact that in order to satisfy the additional semantics a Collection doesn't directly store user layer objects. Instead, data layer objects are stored and user layer objects are constructed and returned when needed. Similarly, the Collection iterators operate on the user layer objects but don't expose Collection's storage directly to the users. Instead, they construct and return user layer objects when needed. In other words, a Collection utilizes the user layer type as a reference type instead of using plain references (& or &&) to stored data layer types.

As a consequence some of the standard algorithms may not work with PODIO Collection iterators. See standard algorithm documentation below.

The following tables list the compliance of a PODIO generated collection with the Container named requirement, stating which member types, interfaces, or concepts are fulfilled and which are not. Additionally, there are some comments explaining missing parts or pointing out differences in behaviour.

Container Types

Name Type Requirements Fulfilled by Collection? Comment
value_type T Erasable ✔️ yes Defined as immutable component type
reference T& ❌ no Not defined
const_reference const T& ❌ no Not defined
iterator Iterator whose value_type is T LegacyForwardIterator convertible to const_iterator ❌ no Defined as podio MutableCollectionIterator. iterator::value_type not defined, not LegacyForwardIterator (see below), not convertible to const_iterator
const_iterator Constant iterator whose value_type is T LegacyForwardIterator ❌ no Defined as podio CollectionIterator. const_iterator::value_type not defined, not LegacyForwardIterator (see below)
difference_type Signed integer Must be the same as std::iterator_traits::difference_type for iterator and const_iterator ❌ no std::iterator_traits::difference_type not defined
size_type Unsigned integer Large enough to represent all positive values of difference_type ✔️ yes

Container member functions and operators

Expression Return type Semantics Fulfilled by Collection? Comment
C() C Creates an empty container ✔️ yes
C(a) C Creates a copy of a ❌ no Not defined, non-copyable by design
C(rv) C Moves rv ✔️ yes
a = b C& Destroys or copy-assigns all elements of a from elements of b ❌ no Not defined, non-copyable by design
a = rv C& Destroys or move-assigns all elements of a from elements of rv ✔️ yes
a.~C() void Destroys all elements of a and frees all memory ✔️ yes Invalidates all handles retrieved from this collection
a.begin() (const_)iterator Iterator to the first element of a ✔️ yes
a.end() (const_)iterator Iterator to one past the last element of a ✔️ yes
a.cbegin() const_iterator Same as const_cast<const C&>(a).begin() ✔️ yes
a.cend() const_iterator Same as const_cast<const C&>(a).end() ✔️ yes
a == b Convertible to bool Same as std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end()) ❌ no Not defined
a != b Convertible to bool Same as !(a == b) ❌ no Not defined
a.swap(b) void Exchanges the values of a and b ❌ no Not defined
swap(a,b) void Same as a.swap(b) ❌ no a.swap(b) not defined
a.size() size_type Same as std::distance(a.begin(), a.end()) ✔️ yes
a.max_size() size_type b.size() where b is the largest possible container ✔️ yes
a.empty() Convertible to bool Same as a.begin() == a.end() ✔️ yes

Collection as an AllocatorAwareContainer

The C++ standard specifies AllocatorAwareContainer for containers that can use other allocators beside the default allocator.

PODIO collections don't provide a customization point for allocators and use only the default allocator. Therefore they are not AllocatorAwareContainers.

AllocatorAwareContainer types

Name Requirements Fulfilled by Collection? Comment
allocator_type allocator_type::value_type same as value_type ❌ no allocator_type not defined

AllocatorAwareContainer expression and statements

The PODIO Collections currently are not checked against expression and statements requirements for AllocatorAwareContainer.

Collection iterators as an Iterator

The C++ specifies a set of named requirements for iterators. Starting with C++20 the standard specifies also iterator concepts. The requirements imposed by the concepts and named requirements are similar but not identical.

In the following tables a convention from Collection is used: iterator stands for PODIO MutableCollectionIterator and const_iterator stands for PODIO CollectionIterator.

Iterator summary

Named requirement iterator const_iterator
LegacyIterator ❌ no (see below) ❌ no (see below)
LegacyInputIterator ❌ no (see below) ❌ no (see below)
LegacyForwardIterator ❌ no (see below) ❌ no (see below)
LegacyOutputIterator ❌ no (see below) ❌ no (see below)
LegacyBidirectionalIterator ❌ no ❌ no
LegacyRandomAccessIterator ❌ no ❌ no
LegacyContiguousIterator ❌ no ❌ no
Concept iterator const_iterator
std::indirectly_readable ❌ no ❌ no
std::indirectly_writable ❌ no ❌ no
std::weakly_incrementable ❌ no ❌ no
std::incrementable ❌ no ❌ no
std::input_or_output_iterator ❌ no ❌ no
std::input_iterator ❌ no ❌ no
std::output_iterator ❌ no ❌ no
std::forward_iterator ❌ no ❌ no
std::bidirectional_iterator ❌ no ❌ no
std::random_access_iterator ❌ no ❌ no
std::contiguous_iterator ❌ no ❌ no


Requirement Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
CopyConstructible ❌ no / ❌ no Move constructor and copy constructor not defined
CopyAssignable ❌ no / ❌ no Move assignment and copy assignment not defined
Destructible ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
Swappable ❌ no / ❌ no
std::iterator_traits::value_type (Until C++20 ) ❌ no / ❌ no Not defined
std::iterator_traits::difference_type ❌ no / ❌ no Not defined
std::iterator_traits::reference ❌ no / ❌ no Not defined
std::iterator_traits::pointer ❌ no / ❌ no Not defined
std::iterator_traits::iterator_category ❌ no / ❌ no Not defined
Expression Return type Semantics Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
*r Unspecified ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
++r It& ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes


Requirement Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
LegacyIterator ❌ no / ❌ no See above
EqualityComparable ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
Expression Return type Semantics Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
i != j Contextually convertible to bool Same as !(i==j) ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
*i reference, convertible to value_type ❌ no / ❌ no reference and value_type not defined
i->m Same as (*i).m ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
++r It& ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
(void)r++ Same as (void)++r ❌ no / ❌ no Post-increment not defined
*r++ Convertible to value_type Same as value_type x = *r; ++r; return x; ❌ no / ❌ no Post-increment and value_type not defined


In addition to the LegacyForwardIterator the C++ standard specifies also the mutable LegacyForwardIterator, which is both LegacyForwardIterator and LegacyOutputIterator. The term mutable used in this context doesn't imply mutability in the sense used in the PODIO.

Requirement Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
LegacyInputIterator ❌ no / ❌ no See above
DefaultConstructible ❌ no / ❌ no Value initialization not defined
If mutable iterator then reference same as value_type& or value_type&&, otherwise same as const value_type& or const value_type&& ❌ no / ❌ no reference and value_type not defined
Multipass guarantee ❌ no / ❌ no Copy constructor not defined
Singular iterators ❌ no / ❌ no Value initialization not defined
Expression Return type Semantics Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
i++ It Same as It ip = i; ++i; return ip; ❌ no / ❌ no Post-increment not defined
*i++ reference ❌ no / ❌ no Post-increment and reference not defined


Requirement Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
LegacyIterator ❌ no / ❌ no See above
Is pointer type or class type ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
Expression Return type Semantics Fulfilled by iterator/const_iterator? Comment
*r = o ❗ attention / ❗ attention Defined but an assignment doesn't modify objects inside collection
++r It& ✔️ yes / ✔️ yes
r++ Convertible to const It& Same as It temp = r; ++r; return temp; ❌ no / ❌ no Post-increment not defined
*r++ = o Same as *r = o; ++r; ❌ no / ❌ no Post-increment not defined

Collection iterators and standard iterator adaptors

Adaptor Compatible with Collection? Comment
std::reverse_iterator ❌ no iterator and const_iterator not LegacyBidirectionalIterator or std::bidirectional_iterator
std::back_insert_iterator ❗ attention Compatible only with SubsetCollections, otherwise throws std::invalid_argument
std::front_insert_iterator ❌ no push_front not defined
std::insert_iterator ❌ no insert not defined
std::const_iterator ❌ no iterator and const_iterator not LegacyInputIterator or std::input_iterator
std::move_iterator ❌ no iterator and const_iterator not LegacyInputIterator or std::input_iterator
std::counted_iterator ❌ no iterator and const_iterator not std::input_or_output_iterator

Collection and standard algorithms

Most of the standard algorithms require the iterators to be at least InputIterator. The iterators of PODIO collection don't fulfil this requirement, therefore they are not compatible with standard algorithms according to the specification.

In practice, some algorithms may still compile with the collections depending on the implementation of a given algorithm. In general, the standard algorithms mutating a collection will give wrong results, while the standard algorithms not mutating a collection in principle should give correct results if they compile.

Standard range algorithms

The standard range algorithm use constrains to operate at least on std::input_iterators and std::ranges::input_ranges. The iterators of PODIO collection don't model these concepts, therefore can't be used with standard range algorithms. The range algorithms won't compile with PODIO Collection iterators.