Time: 9am PDT (12pm EDT, 5pm BST) see the time in your timezone
Meeting location: https://docker.zoom.us/j/779801882
Announcement: Moby project forum post
Video recording: https://youtu.be/qkp0JqtlST0
Previous meeting notes: 2017-06-21
- Introductions & Administrivia (5 min)
- Automatic privilege separation and
deep dive - @ndauten (30 min)- What is automatic privilege separation?
- Introduction to
- Discussion about tracking namespaces, other feedback
- demo
- Project updates (10 min)
- Next meeting: 2017-07-19
- deep dive TBD
- we can propose additional deep dives and discussion topics!
Scribe: @mgoelzer
Next meeting: July 19th
Automatic Privilege Separation
OPS = opportunistic privilege separation (meta project)
Our infra operates on a large, untrusted code base. Easily exploitable. “Titanic”
- Lots of layers of vulnerable code.
- Lots of code. E.g., Every version of Linux kernel is >1000 developers contributing
- Monolithic
Strategies to address these problems:
- Replace (microkernel), or
- Harden + Separate
- Harden = making external shell more resistant to attack
- Separate = each internal component having minimal privileges so even a compromised component can do only limited damage (eg SELinux, Landlock)
What about flipping the script? - by default everything is protected and then whitelist
- In contrast to current model where by default you have access to everything and then you bolt on protections after the fact
Limitations of existing approaches
- No ephemeral state
- manual policy
- don’t address kernel principles
- lack of visibility into app
- (others mentioned)
Tools / Projects:
- OPS (Opportunistic Priv. Sep.): end to end approach for fine grained security policy retrofitting
- Core hypoth: we can automatically derive policies from system behavior. Use ML to set up initial separation policy.
- Similar to an optimizing compiler.
- LINX: linux nested kernel
- kr^x: kernel randomization
- Memorizer: dynamic tracer
- Creates “maps” (like CAPs)
- Takes kernel source -> pass it through instrumentation (piggybacking on kernel address sanitizer to hook all allocations with KASAN) -> now all allocs are hooked
- Stack is hooked through KASAN
- OPS (Opportunistic Priv. Sep.): end to end approach for fine grained security policy retrofitting