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364 lines (229 loc) · 9.49 KB


function approveKYCAndDeposit

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.approveKYCAndDeposit(currency, account, amount, limit, issuerFirm) nonpayable 28e53bb2

Approves account and deposits specified amount of given currency


type name description
string currency Currency symbol of amount to be deposited;
address account Ethereum address of account holder;
uint256 amount Deposit amount for account holder;
uint256 limit undefined
string issuerFirm Name of the issuer firm with authority on account holder;


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function getAccountSpendingRemaining

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.getAccountSpendingRemaining(account) view 29db8ec4

Returns the periodic remaining spending amount for an account


type name description
address account Ethereum address of account holder;


type name description
uint256 spendingRemaining Returns the remaining spending amount for the account

function getTokenBalance

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.getTokenBalance(currency, account) view 3cdb9762

Gets balance of sepcified account for a given currency


type name description
string currency Currency symbol 'USDx'
address account Sepcified account address


type name description
uint256 balance Returns account balance

function setFxBpsRate

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.setFxBpsRate(currency, bpsRate, issuerFirm) nonpayable 44890014

Set the foreign currency exchange rate to USD in basis points

NOTE: This value should always be relative to USD pair; e.g. JPY/USD, GBP/USD, etc.


type name description
string currency The TokenIO currency symbol (e.g. USDx, JPYx, GBPx)
uint256 bpsRate Basis point rate of foreign currency exchange rate to USD
string issuerFirm Firm setting the foreign currency exchange


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function approveKYC

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.approveKYC(account, isApproved, limit, issuerFirm) nonpayable 46e06634

Sets approval status of specified account


type name description
address account Sepcified account address
bool isApproved Frozen status
uint256 limit undefined
string issuerFirm Name of the issuer firm with authority on account holder;


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function allowOwnership

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.allowOwnership(allowedAddress) nonpayable 4bbc142c

Allows interface contracts to access contract methods (e.g. Storage contract)


type name description
address allowedAddress The address of new owner


type name description
bool success Returns true when successfully allowed ownership

function deposit

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.deposit(currency, account, amount, issuerFirm) nonpayable 5d586bfd

Issues a specified account to recipient account of a given currency


type name description
string currency [string] currency symbol
address account undefined
uint256 amount [uint] issuance amount
string issuerFirm Name of the issuer firm with authority on account holder;


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function getAccountSpendingLimit

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.getAccountSpendingLimit(account) view 61e7662b

Return the spending limit for an account


type name description
address account Ethereum address of account holder


type name description
uint256 spendingLimit Returns the remaining daily spending limit of the account

function owner

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.owner() view 666e1b39


type name description
address undefined

function withdraw

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.withdraw(currency, account, amount, issuerFirm) nonpayable 79662bd5

Withdraws a specified amount of tokens of a given currency


type name description
string currency Currency symbol
address account Ethereum address of account holder
uint256 amount Issuance amount
string issuerFirm Name of the issuer firm with authority on account holder


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function setAccountSpendingLimit

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.setAccountSpendingLimit(account, limit, issuerFirm) nonpayable 8a8f1f25

Sets the spending limit for a given account


type name description
address account Ethereum address of account holder;
uint256 limit Spending limit amount for account;
string issuerFirm Name of the issuer firm with authority on account holder;


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function getTokenSupply

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.getTokenSupply(currency) view a0776a59

Gets total supply of specified currency


type name description
string currency Currency symbol 'USDx'


type name description
uint256 supply Returns total supply of currency

function freezeAccount

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.freezeAccount(account, isAllowed, issuerFirm) nonpayable e354a3f2

Updates account status. false: frozen, true: un-frozen


type name description
address account Sepcified account address
bool isAllowed Frozen status
string issuerFirm Name of the issuer firm with authority on account holder;


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function approveForwardedAccount

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.approveForwardedAccount(originalAccount, updatedAccount, issuerFirm) nonpayable e6562fe1

Updates to new forwarded account


type name description
address originalAccount [address]
address updatedAccount [address]
string issuerFirm Name of the issuer firm with authority on account holder;


type name description
bool success Returns true if successfully called from another contract

function getFxUSDAmount

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.getFxUSDAmount(currency, fxAmount) view f2de12fc

Return the foreign currency USD exchanged amount


type name description
string currency The TokenIO currency symbol (e.g. USDx, JPYx, GBPx)
uint256 fxAmount Amount of foreign currency to exchange into USD


type name description
uint256 usdAmount Returns the foreign currency amount in USD

function transferOwnership

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.transferOwnership(newOwner) nonpayable f2fde38b

Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.


type name description
address newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.


type name description
bool success Returns true when successfully transferred ownership

event LogOwnershipTransferred

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.LogOwnershipTransferred(previousOwner, newOwner) db6d05f3


type name description
address previousOwner indexed
address newOwner indexed

event LogAllowOwnership

TokenIOCurrencyAuthority.LogAllowOwnership(allowedAddress) 5c65eb6a


type name description
address allowedAddress indexed