Releases: m2epro/magento1-extension
Releases · m2epro/magento1-extension
- Added: Compatibility with Magento Marketplace (
- Added: [Amazon] Support of Australia and Mexico marketplaces
- Improvement: Better formatting of displaying values from Magento Price Attributes
- Fix: Image thumbnails were not displayed in Product grids
- Fix: "Call to undefined method Mage_Weee_Helper_Data::setStore()" error during Magento Order creation process, on Magento version lower than 1.9.*
- Fix: Tracking numbers that were added to Magento using ShipStation extension (or similar tools) were not processed in some cases
- Fix: "vsprintf(): Too few arguments in ..." warning happened in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Custom Import from CSV file of Parts Compatibilities (ePIDs/kTypes) did not work in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] An update of payment status for already paid orders caused an error in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Price and Quantity changes of individual variations, that performed directly on eBay, were lost in some cases
- Fix: [Amazon] Some Products marked as 'creator of ASIN/ISBN' after List Action mistakenly
- Added: Import company name to magento customer during order creation
- Added: [eBay] Ability to receive Waste Recycling Fee from Channel and transfer it to Magento Order
- Added: [eBay] Ability to receiving Cash On Delivery Cost and display it in Order page
- Added: [Amazon] Ability to create Magento order even if it has zero price
- Improvement: Return Products Image URLs based on a store configuration (http / https)
- Improvement: The locking is now based on exclusive MySQL locks (protection of cron to be run in parallel)
- Improvement: [Amazon] Readable error message, about impossible Order Refund, if Credit Memo created without Items (Amazon restriction)
- Fix: [eBay] Watermarks are not being added to the images into custom description
- Fix: [Amazon] Carrier Name of Tracking Number, sent as "DHL (Deprecated)" to Channel in some cases
- Fix: [Amazon] Grand Total value displayed incorrectly in M2E Pro Order page, when VAT on Europe marketplaces presented
- Removed: [eBay] Integration to the the Terapeak service
- Improvement: [Amazon] Condition Note can be filled only if Condition is different than "New"
- Fix: Magento Order was not created if Buyer Email Address was not received from channel and Buyer Name contains special symbols
- Fix: Magento Order was created with invalid Tax Rate if the same Buyer bought Items from other marketplaces at one time
- Fix: "Call to a member function setStockItem() on null" for Orders which had the QTY reserved and then the Product was unmapped manually
- Fix: Log record about sending tracking number to channel was written twice mistakenly in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Adding custom kTypes did not work in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Address line1 and line2 are being merged in Magento Order even it is not needed
- Fix: [eBay] Unnecessary log records, about Online Price changes, can happen, if Listed Product becomes not variational in Magento
- Fix: [eBay] Order Variation Options were not mapped automatically if some Options were added after List the Item action on Channel
- Fix: [eBay] Automatic revise did not work, if Base Image was changed in Magento in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Category Specifics edit page was crashed in some cases (the limited set of cases)
- Fix: [Amazon] Unable to revise AFN Variation Child Products by running Revise action for Parent Product
- Fix: [Amazon] Invalid variations matching for Bundle Product in some cases (the limited set of cases)
- Added: [eBay] Ability to use Parts Compatibility Feature for Spain (kTypes)
- Improvement: Some sort of new protection to prevent Magento Orders to be duplicated
- Improvement: Ignore Channel Orders that were created earlier than M2E Pro Account was created
- Improvement: [eBay] M2E Pro Images Gallery uses CSS instead of JS (eBay active content deprecation announcement)
- Fix: A simple with Custom Options product is considered to be a Variational by mistake (in some cases)
- Fix: Undefined constant TYPE_DB_UPGRADE during an upgrade process (only if Magento versions less than 1.5.x)
- Fix: Magento Order for Configurable Products was not created (the limited set of cases)
- Fix: [eBay] Order Variation Options were not mapped automatically for Grouped Products in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Incorrect Status of Listing Product displayed in Listing Grid, if Out Of Stock Control enabled (Sold instead of Stopped) in some cases
- Fix: [eBay] Not paid Orders could be automatically canceled earlier than allowed period was ended
- Fix: [Amazon] Error when new Variational Product was added to the Listing because it was not considered as Parent-Child Amazon Product
- Fix: [Amazon] Some QTY amount was not returned back for AFN Orders if Magento Product QTY was lower or equal to zero
- Added: [eBay] Ability to use Parts Compatibility Feature for France Marketplace (kTypes)
- Improvement: More stable extension Install / Upgrade process
- Improvement: Prevention of executing synchronization in parallel when Service Cron is working
- Fix: Wrong message "Domain is invalid for this license" in some cases
- Fix: Magento Order was not created due to "Out of Stock" reason if Product Quantity was reserved earlier
- Fix: Unicode string may be cut in a wrong place (on the border of two bytes of one Unicode character)
- Fix: Warning "Compilation failed: regular expression is too large at offset" when you are using Advanced Filter of the Grid
- Fix: "Unknown Product type." exception, during synchronization, if Variation Magento Product was removed directly from database
- Fix: [eBay] Automatic Cancellation did not work for the Orders, which were not paid
- Fix: [eBay] Custom Import from CSV file of Parts Compatibilities (ePIDs/kTypes) did not work in some cases
- Fix: [Amazon] "Disable Repricing" option did not work correctly for Variational Products
- Fix: [Amazon] "Duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY'" error during Synchronization process
- Fix: [Amazon] If some Products are managed by Repricing Tool, their prices can have wrong values in the grids
- Fix: [Amazon] If some Products are added to the Repricing Tool but they are in the disabled state, their prices can have wrong values in the grids
- Fix: [Amazon] If Magento Product becomes Variational, some associated Listing Products may be broken as a result
- Fix: [Amazon] Incorrect behavior during adding virtual attributes to active variation products
- Fix: [Amazon] Error message "General ID "%id%" is invalid" can be shown during List/Relist/... actions, even if the value is a valid ISBN10
- Added: [Amazon] Ability to use Repricing Service without the need to contact support of M2E Pro
- Added: [Amazon] Max, Min, Regular Prices of Repricing Service Products can be synchronized with Magento Attribute
- Added: [Amazon] Ability to disable Products automatically on Repricing Service depending on Magento Attribute Value
- Improvement: [Amazon] Prices will be updated every hour instead of one time a day for Products which are processed by Repricing Service
- Improvement: [Amazon] When Products which are processed by Repricing Service are added to the Listing, they will be marked immediately
- Fix: [Amazon] Adding a lot of Products to the Repricing Service from Listing Grid did not work correctly
- Fix: [Amazon] Sometimes, Products could be marked by Repricing Service Label even if they are not used by it
- Fix: [Amazon] When Product is being disabled on Repricing Service then M2E Pro will revise their own Price immediately
- Improvement: Orders could not be dowloaded if there were a lot of Orders updates in one second on channel
- Improvement: There was Orders downloading delay if many List/Relist/Revise/Stop actions are processed at that time
- Improvement: [eBay] Now you cannot List the Variational Product if their Attributes/Options have space at start or end
- Improvement: [Amazon] There was Orders statuses updating delay if many List/Relist/Revise/Stop actions are processed at that time
- Fix: Magento order was not created by "Out of Stock" reason if this Product Quantity was reserved earlier
- Fix: Missed records in Listings Log during Magento Orders creation for products with negative QTY
- Fix: [eBay] "Undefined index: reference_id" error during Magento Order creation
- Added: Compatibility with PHP version < 7.0.11 (6.x.x - 7.0.11 added) [only as beta mode]
- Added: [eBay] Add ability to use Parts Compatibility Feature for Italy Marketplace (kTypes)
- Fix: [eBay] Unable to list new Items if PHP version less then 5.4 (short array syntax issue)
- Fix: [eBay] 3rd Party Synchronization fails (it could be the reason of all synchronization gets stuck)