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Releases: macxq/foxess-ha

Additional sensors and minor fixes

18 Jun 13:27
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Additional Sensors:

Added Energy Generated Month sensor (the Total Yield for this month)

Added Energy Throughput sensor (the number of kWh's the battery has throughput, this is the principal metric for the FoxESS battery warranty)

Reduced API timeout to 65 seconds - if the API is very busy, it will not reply if a request is over 60 seconds.

On H3 Pro (dual battery systems) - fixes battery temperature sensor and adds sensor for second battery.

Adds inverter bat power sensor which will show battery power as measured by the inverter - this is negative kW for charge and positive kW for discharge ( 2 sensors on dual battery systems)

New Inverter Running State sensor which shows current inverter status, the states are:

160: self-test
161: waiting
162: checking
163: on-grid
164: off-grid
165: fault
166: permanent-fault
167: standby
168: upgrading
169: fct
170: illegal


  • Correct date response for platforms that do not support extended formats

  • For solar only inverters that go into standby at dusk, the daily totals (feedin, gridconsumption, chargetotal, dischargetotal, loads) will stay available and not go 'unknown' if they have received valid data during that day.

  • It was possible at startup before any report data had been received for the feedin calculation to fail because of a typo - this corrects that.

minor fix for startup variables

08 Jun 12:16
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It was possible at startup before any report data had been received for the feedin calculation to fail because of a typo - this corrects that.

Modified to be agnostic to platforms that do not support extended python date formats

08 Jun 08:17
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Correct date response for platforms that do not support extended formats

For solar only inverters that go into standby at dusk, the daily totals (feedin, gridconsumption, chargetotal, dischargetotal, loads) will stay available and not go 'unknown' if they have received valid data during that day.

Adds Inverter RunningState sensor and extends support for H3 Pro

27 Apr 10:43
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Adds inverter battery power sensor which will show battery power as measured by the inverter - this is negative kW for charge and positive kW for discharge ( 2 sensors on dual battery systems)

On H3 Pro (dual battery systems) - fixes battery temperature sensor and adds sensor for second battery.

New Inverter Running State sensor, the states displayed are:

  • 160: self-test
  • 161: waiting
  • 162: checking
  • 163: on-grid
  • 164: off-grid
  • 165: fault
  • 166: permanent-fault
  • 167: standby
  • 168: upgrading
  • 169: fct
  • 170: illegal

H3 Pro Support Added

22 Apr 15:20
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This release adds support for the FoxESS H3 Pro inverter.

It adds the following entities:

  • PV5 (volt, power, current)
  • PV6 (volt, power, current)
  • Dual battery support (bat_soc1 and bat_soc2)

Note for the H3 Pro (and any dual battery system) bat_soc1 and bat_soc2 will replace the bat_soc entity.
Single battery systems will continue to show the bat_soc entity.

Corrects off-line handling for inverter standby and startup use case

28 Mar 17:33
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This release corrects the bug introduced in v0.38 which sees entities become unavailable should an inverter go into standby or if it is 'off-line' at startup.

When an inverter goes off-line (i.e. in standby, powered down) the integration will mark the entities as unavailable and stop polling for entity updates. The plant status will be checked every 5 minutes and once it returns 'on-line' the integration will begin polling for variable updates and update all entities.

Site / Plant status when running in normal 'on-line' mode is now checked every 15 minutes (reduced from 30 minutes in previous releases), when off-line it is checked every 5 minutes.

Improved Logic when an inverter goes off-line, & API response time sensor

24 Mar 09:20
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Improved Logic when an inverter goes off-line, & API response time sensor

A minor release which fixes the off-line inverter logic and adds an API response time sensor.

This corrects the logic when an inverter goes off-line, previously it continued to update values even though no data was available - now when it detects that an inverter has gone off-line, it will stop polling, the entities will not be updated and they will show unavailable whilst it is off-line, apart from sensor.inverter which will display the current status 'off-line'.

Added new sensor to time the response time for a variable fetch on the OpenAPI - with the various problems seen accessing the FoxESS cloud servers, this sensor provides the time taken in milliseconds to get an API response. Typically a response should take less than 1 second but the integration will handle very slow api responses (up to 75 seconds), it is also useful to monitor the round trip time for your location.

Updated Readme with changes

Power Factor added for 3 Phase systems

16 Mar 11:31
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Power Factor added for 3ph systems

This release provides a new sensor for those users with 3 phase systems - 'Power Factor'

Also includes tidying and refactoring of the original code.

Thanks to @webmake 👍

Open API increase timeout

04 Mar 15:02
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Minor change to deal with null values returned in json decode (Fox server error).

Increase timeout to deal with the openapi very slow responses

FoxESS Open API Cloud Version - lower resource usage

29 Feb 09:35
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Open API with lower resource usage.

This version provides 2 small updates, the first is a reduction in the number of API calls made from 35 per hour (previous release), to 24 per hour.

The integration collects data with the following update timings:

  • Site status and plant details - every 30 minutes
  • Real time variables - every 5 minutes
  • Cumulative total reports (generation, feedin, gridConsumption, BatterychargeTotal, Batterydischargetotal, home load) - every 15 minutes
  • Daily Generation report (Daily Energy Generated - 'total yield') - every 30 minutes
  • Battery minSoC settings - every 30 minutes

The second update is to how it manages connections to the FoxESS servers, the default behaviour is for the connection to be kept alive, whilst this may be slightly faster then closing the connection, on systems that have very low system resources it can result in occasional crashes as the resources are exhausted. The default behaviour is now set to close connections once they have been used.