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608 lines (381 loc) · 17.8 KB

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608 lines (381 loc) · 17.8 KB

Test cases

Test Item: InitializeExchange Entrypoint

General Requirements:

  1. Initialization is only possible during deployment or if there is no shares.
  2. The assets amount cannot be zero during initialization.
  3. The user receives the amount of shares equal to provided XTZ.
  4. Each token can have the only pair.
  5. Info about previous rewards (if any) should be reset.
  6. The tokens should be withdrawn from user.

Scope: Test various ways to initialize the contract.

Action: Invoke the InitializeExchange entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Ensure all the initialize approaches work.

Verification Steps: Verify the exchange is initialized and the initial state is correct.

Scenario 1: Test initialize during the deployment when

  • the pair doesn't exist
  • the amount of XTZ is zero
  • the amount of token is zero
  • the token isn't approved
  • the pair exists

Scenario 2: Test initialize after liquidity withdrawn when

  • liquidity is zero
  • liquidity isn't zero
  • the amount of XTZ is zero
  • the amount of token is zero
  • the token isn't approved

Test Item: InvestLiquidity Entrypoint

General Requirements:

  1. Investment is only possible after initialization.
  2. At least 1 share should be purchased.
  3. Minimal shares are specified by the user.
  4. The rewards for the previous period if any should be distributed.
  5. The rewards to the user if any should be distributed.
  6. The tokens should be withdrawn from user.
  7. Shares are calculated as :
shares_purchased = xtz_amount * total_supply / tez_pool
tokens_amount = shares_purchased * token_pool / total_supply

Scope: Test if the investment is allowed.

Action: Invoke the InvestLiquidity entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Ensure the investment is only possible after initialization.

Verification Steps: Verify the investment fails if the pool isn't launched.

Scenario 1: Test the investment

  • without provided liquidity
  • with provided liquidity

Scope: Test various min shared.

Action: Invoke the InvestLiquidity entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the investment fails if the min shares aren't in the range.

Scenario 1: Test the investment with minimal shares of

  • 0
  • 1
  • enough
  • exact
  • too many

Scenario 2: Test purchased shares

  • 0
  • > 0

Test Item: DivestLiquidity Entrypoint

General Requirements:

  1. Divestment is only possible after initialization.
  2. At least 1 share should be burnt.
  3. Minimal shares are specified by the user.
  4. Burnt shares can't be smaller than the user's balance.
  5. The rewards for the previous period if any should be distributed.
  6. The rewards to the user if any should be distributed.
  7. The tokens should be sent to user.
  8. Amounts are calculated as :
tez_divested = tez_pool * burnt_shares / total_supply
tokens_divested = token_pool * burnt_shares / total_supply

Scope: Test if the divestment is allowed.

Action: Invoke the DivestLiquidity entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Ensure the divestment is only possible after initialization.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the pool isn't launched.

Scenario 1: Test the divestment

  • without provided liquidity
  • with provided liquidity

Scope: Test various burnt shared.

Action: Invoke the DivestLiquidity entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the the burnt shares aren't in the range.

Scenario 1: Test the divestment with burnt shares of

  • 0
  • 1
  • enough
  • exact
  • too many

Scenario 2: Test calculated received amount

  • Received tez are zero
  • Reseived tokens are zero

Scenario 3: Test expected amount when

  • Expected tez are smaller
  • Expected tokens are smaller
  • Expected tez are exact
  • Expected tokens are exact
  • Expected tez are higher
  • Expected tokens are higher
  • Expected tez are 0
  • Expected tokens are 0

Test Item: SetXFunctions Entrypoint

General Requirements:

  1. The function can be set only once.
  2. Only functions with index between 0 and 8 can be set as exchange functions.
  3. Only functions with index between 0 and 4 can be set as token functions.

Scope: Test the all functions can be added.

Action: Invoke the SetXFunctions entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create new empty factory.

Verification Steps: Verify the function can be set only once.

Scenario 1: Test adding of all

  • exchange fuctions
  • token functions

Scope: Test the function replacement.

Action: Invoke the SetXFunctions entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create new empty factory.

Verification Steps: Verify the function can be set only once.

Scenario 1: Test the replacement of

  • exchange fuction
  • token function

Scope: Test the function count.

Action: Invoke the SetXFunctions entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create new empty factory.

Verification Steps: Verify only 9 exchange and 4 token functions can be set.

Scenario 1: Test the function setting

  • of 5th token function
  • of 9th token function

Test Item: TezToToken Entrypoint

General Requirements:

  1. Amount of XTZ to swap should be non-zero and received tokens cann't be bigger than 1/3 of reserves.
  2. Amount of received tokens should be non-zero and received XTZ cann't be bigger than 1/3 of reserves.
  3. Desirable minimal received amount of tokens should be non-zero.
  4. The received amount of tokens can't be smaller then minimal decirable amount.
  5. All bought tokens should be sent to user.
  6. Tez and token pool should be updated accordingly.
  7. The output amount is calculated as:
fee = tez_in * fee_rate
tokens_out = token_pool * (tez_in - fee) / (tez_pool + tez_in - fee)

Scope: Test different amount of XTZ to be swapped.

Action: Invoke the TezToToken entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create new pair, provide liquidity.

Verification Steps: Ensure the amount to be swapped cannot be zero.

Scenario 1: Test swap of

  • 0 XTZ
  • 1% of reserves
  • 30% of reserves
  • 100% of reserves
  • 10000% of reserves

Scope: Test different minimal desirable output amount.

Action: Invoke the TezToToken entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create new pair, provide liquidity.

Verification Steps: Ensure the received amount cannot be zero and is taken into account during the swap, the real output is still equal to the calculated amount.

Scenario 1: Test swap of

  • 0 tokens
  • too many tokens
  • smaller amount of tokens
  • exact tokens

Test Item: TokenToTez Entrypoint

General Requirements:

  1. Amount of tokens to swap should be non-zero and received XTZ cann't be bigger than 1/3 of reserves.
  2. Amount of received tokens should be non-zero and received XTZ cann't be bigger than 1/3 of reserves.
  3. Desirable minimal received amount of XTZ should be non-zero.
  4. The received amount of XTZ can't be smaller then minimal decirable amount.
  5. All bought XTZ should be sent to user.
  6. Tez and token pool should be updated accordingly.
  7. The output amount is calculated as:
fee = tez_in * fee_rate
tokens_out = token_pool * (tez_in - fee) / (tez_pool + tez_in - fee)

Scope: Test different amount of XTZ to be swapped.

Action: Invoke the TokenToTez entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create new pair, provide liquidity.

Verification Steps: Ensure the amount to be swapped cannot be zero.

Scenario 1: Test swap of

  • 0 tokens
  • 0.01% of reserves
  • 30% of reserves
  • 100% of reserves
  • 10000% of reserves

Scope: Test different minimal desirable output amount.

Action: Invoke the TokenToTez entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create new pair, provide liquidity.

Verification Steps: Ensure the received amount cannot be zero and is taken into account during the swap, the real output is still equal to the calculated amount.

Scenario 1: Test swap of

  • 0 XTZ
  • too many XTZ
  • exact XTZ

Test Item: Token To Token Exchange

General Requirements:

  1. Should be possibel to exchange token to token via batch.

Scope: Test correct requied amounts.

Action: Invoke the TokenToTez and TezToToken entrypoints.

Test Notes and Preconditions: Create 2 new pairs, provide liquidity.

Verification Steps: Ensure the received amount is taken into account during the swap, the real output is still equal to the calculated amount.

Scenario 1: Test swap of 1000 tokens

Test Item: Vote Exchange

General Requirements:

  1. Vote is only possible if the user has shares in the pool.
  2. The user cannot vote for the banned candidate.
  3. The user cannot exceed the share balance (including the amount of voted tokens).
  4. The other user can vote instead of shares owner if there are enough allowances.
  5. The previous votes should be removed if the user voted before.
  6. Total votes, user liquid balance and candidate should be updated.
  7. Zero vote should be interpreted as removing any candidate.
  8. If the amount of vote for the candidate is higher than the previous, baker is updated.

Scope: Test the user's vote power.

Action: Invoke the Vote entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the amount of votes can't be higher than the liquid balance.

Scenario 1: Test voting with:

  • no shares.
  • 0 shares with no candidate.
  • more than liquid shares.
  • enough liquid shares.
  • exactly equal to liquid balance.
  • enough liquid shares for revoting.
  • 0 shares to remove candidate.

Scope: Test voting permissions.

Action: Invoke the Vote entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before, the user should have shares to vote.

Verification Steps: Verify the voting for user can only be done by approved users or user by himself.

Scenario 1: Test voting by:

  • the user.
  • the approved user.
  • the unapproved user.

Scope: Test different candidates.

Action: Invoke the Vote entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before, the user should have shares to vote.

Verification Steps: Verify the candidate of votes can't be higher than the liquid balance.

Scenario 1: Test voting for:

  • unregistered candidate with power that makes him delegate.
  • unregistered candidate with power that won't makes him delegate.
  • new candidate.
  • candidate with votes.
  • banned candidate.

Scope: Test candidate replacement.

Action: Invoke the Vote entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before, the user should have shares to vote.

Verification Steps: Verify the candidate of votes can't be higher than the liquid balance.

Scenario 1: Test voting for:

  • new candidate if there if no delegate.
  • new candidate if there is delegate with lower votes.
  • keep candidate if there is delegate with the same votes.
  • new candidate if there is delegate with higher votes.
  • the delegate.
  • delegate by remove votes for him.

Test Item: Veto entrypoint

General Requirements:

  1. Veto is only possible if the user has shares in the pool.
  2. The user cannot exceed the share balance (including the amount of tokens veted before).
  3. The other user can set veto instead of shares owner if there are enough allowances.
  4. The previous vetos should be removed if the user set veto before for the current delegate.
  5. Total vetos, user liquid balance and last veto should be updated.
  6. If the amount of vetos is at least 1/3 of all the votes the delegate receiveddelegate is changed.
  7. If the delegate is reset the vetos should be reset.

Scope: Test the user's veto power.

Action: Invoke the Veto entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the amount of votes can't be higher than the liquid balance.

Scenario 1: Test veto with:

  • no shares.
  • more than liquid shares.
  • enough liquid shares.
  • exactly equal to liquid balance.
  • enough after delegate removal.

Scope: Test veto permissions.

Action: Invoke the Veto entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before, the user should have shares to veto.

Verification Steps: Verify the veto agains the delegator can only be done by approved users or user by himself.

Scenario 1: Test veto by:

  • the user.
  • the approved user.
  • the unapproved user.

Scope: Test different delegates.

Action: Invoke the Veto entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before, the user should have shares to vote.

Verification Steps: Verify the veto can be executed only if there is any delegate.

Scenario 1: Test veto for:

  • delegate.
  • no delegate.

Scope: Test the veto limit.

Action: Invoke the Veto entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before, the user should have shares to vote.

Verification Steps: Verify the delegate is banned only if the vote is higher than 1/3 of all votes.

Scenario 1: Test veto with:

  • too little vetos.
  • exactly 1/3 vetos.
  • more than 1/3 vetos.

Test Item: Default

General Requirements:

  1. Reward should be collected everytime the simple payment to the contract is done.
  2. Reward is distributed once in the period.
  3. Rewards is assessed only if thre are some shares in the pool.

Scope: Test the rewards assessment in case of differrent deposits.

Action: Invoke the Default entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the the burnt shares are in the range.

Scenario 1: Test user rewards assesment if

  • some shares.

Scope: Test the rewards assessment based on the sent amount.

Action: Invoke the Default entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before, shares should be in the pool.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the the burnt shares are in the range.

Scenario 1: Test user rewards assesment if

  • 0 XTZ sent.
  • 1 XTZ sent.

Scope: Test the total rewards assessments in case of different periods.

Action: Invoke the Default entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the the burnt shares are in the range.

Scenario 1: Test rewards distribution of

  • before period finished.
  • after period finished.
  • in the middle of the second period.

Test Item: Rewards distribution

General Requirements:

  1. Loyalty represents the share of the reward claimable by the user.
  2. Loyalty depend both of stake duration and amout of the provided liquidity.
  3. Reward is distributed once in the period.
  4. Reward can be withdrawn any time and sent to any address.
  5. The reward should be destributed only if there are any investment.

Scope: Test the loyalty assessment.

Action: Invoke the few entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the the burnt shares are in the range.

Scenario 1: Test user loyalty assesment if

  • user own some shares.
  • user makes new investment.
  • reward withdrawn.
  • tokens transfered.
  • shares withdrawn.

Scope: Test the user's reward distribution.

Action: Invoke the Default entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the the burnt shares are in the range.

Scenario 1: Test rewards distribution of

  • before period finished.
  • after period finished.
  • in the middle of the second period.

Scope: Test the user's reward distribution with different total rewards.

Action: Invoke the WithdrawProfit entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The exchange should be launched before.

Verification Steps: Verify the divestment fails if the the burnt shares are in the range.

Scenario 1: Test user rewards distribution of

  • no reward.
  • reward is accumulated.
  • shares withdrawn but reward assest after.

Test Item: Update_owners

General Requirements:

  1. Only new owner can be added
  2. Only existed owner can be removed
  3. The owner status can be changed only by one of the owners
  4. The metadate can be changed only by one of the owners

Scope: Test permissions for update owner status.

Action: Invoke the Update_owners entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The contract should be deployed.

Verification Steps: Verify the action is only permitted by owner.

Scenario 1: Test update owner status by:

  • owner.
  • unprivileged user.

Scope: Test permissions for update metadata.

Action: Invoke the Update_storage entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The contract should be deployed.

Verification Steps: Verify the action is only permitted by owner.

Scenario 1: Test update metadata status by:

  • owner.
  • unprivileged user.

Scope: Test owner status update.

Action: Invoke the Update_owners entrypoint.

Test Notes and Preconditions: The contract should be deployed.

Verification Steps: Verify the action is only permitted by owner.

Scenario 1: Test update owner status by:

  • adding existed owner.
  • removing unxisted owner.
  • adding new owner.
  • removing existed owner.