init git
defnie mahdi help
init exceptions
get first build
get argvs and analyze options and file path
init basic interpreter variables
init data defined
init virtual memory(vm)
init built in functions
browse and find all files of program package
reading source file as utf8
remove comments and convert utf8 to ascii
import all package source files
extract tokens
parsing tokens
create regex expression parser
parsing class headers
parsing function headers
parsing function attributes
parsing import statement
parsing config statement
parsing class property variables
config colors on console for print errors
parsing if,elif,loop,... blocks
manage instruction orders
parsing the other instructions
init inheritance
create inheritance data structure
inheritance class if needed
inheritance class attributes
inheritance class methods
init runtime global variables (define vars)
boot app from "_ bootup_" function :)
init runtime app controller
init runtime instruction executor
set trust level to 1
set label for types of instructions
implement define vars
split and analyzing define vars
calculate number expressions
determine type of number like 'i','f','h'
convert radix numbers to decimal
calculate string expressions
implement string formatting
calculate boolean expressions
set new var in memory
init config variables
call global functions
detect function call parameters type
normalize function parameter values
implement return instruction
init a class var
allocation two vars
allocation short vars like ++ or --
swap two var values
start implement mahdi built-in functions
call class init method
call public class method
delete var in memory
call static class method
implement if,elif,else blocks
init and build stdio module
ignore duplicate import modules,mahpacks
load stdio module
call methods of stdio module
run "Hello world" program
implement lambda block
call lambda variable function
run lambda function in seperate threading
convert choose block to if,elif,else blocks
init and build exception module
implement manage block
manage exceptions
implement loop block
implement next,break instructions
init mdebug
implement class operators
implement class indexes
implement class ranges
init and build os module
implement short condition
start official documentation of mahdi
export package program as mahpack file
import mahpack file
preview of mahdi official website
complete main structure of mahdi
export executable file from program
complete mdebug
test mahdi by 20-questions
complete full structure of mahdi
export executable program
complete used config vars
complete mahdi built-in functions
init and build sqlite3 module
complete stdio module packages
complete official docs
init and build socket module
complete mahdi website
optimizing RAM,CPU usage
find (0/300) bugs and debug it!
check trust level up to 70%
complete os module
init and build time module
init and build math module
init and build thread module
init and create encoding mahpack
init and create crypto mahpack
init and create net mahpack
init and create mlearn mahpack
create (0/10) executable programs with mahdi
implement a web server with mahdi
((:publish MAHDI-RC version of MAHDI (for linux):))
init mahdi packages and modules repository
implement mrm(mahdi repository manager) program with mahdi-RC
init and build mgui module
publish mahdi-RC version for windows
support gtk graphics for linux
init and create database mahpack
complete mlearn mahpack
complete crypto mahpack
complete encoding mahpack
complete net mahpack
complete support for windows and linux
implement mdg(mahdi documentation generator) program with mahdi-RC
find (0/200) bugs and debug it!
complete multi threading
check trust level up to 90%
((:publish MAHDI-2 version of MAHDI:))