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madprof edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 44 revisions

Welcome to |ALPHA|’s fork of ioquake3.



  • maximum 16384 instead of 1024 bans
  • Rambetter’s sv_block1337 to block clients with qport 1337
    • enabled by default, set to 0 to disable
  • Rambetter’s sv_requireValidGuid to block clients with messed up GUIDs
    • enabled by default, set to 0 to disable
  • Rambetter’s patch for the Urban Terror 4.1 $location exploit
  • sv_userinfoDelayMillis to rate limit how often clients can update their userinfo
    • 3 seconds by default, can be set from 1 to 10 seconds
    • similar to Rambetter’s sv_userinfoFloodProtect patch but uses SVC_RateLimit() internally
  • sv_rconWhitelist to restrict rcon commands to fixed IPs/CIDRs
    • “whitelist.dat” by default, set to "" to disable
    • same format as serverbans.dat, exceptions ignored
    • “rcon rehashrconwhitelist” to reload while server is running
  • Rambetter’s forcecvar command allowing admins to change cvars of clients
    • syntax is “rcon forcecvar slot/name cvar value”
  • ioUrT’s tell command to send private messages to players
    • syntax is “rcon tell slot text”
    • our version doesn’t prefix “console_tell” to make B3 look better
  • kick with optional reason
    • syntax is “rcon kick player reason”, if no reason default “was kicked”


  • additional imports from Rambetter (very productive guy :-D)
  • more conservative server build options


  • external client/admin authorization server
  • Bgone, a replacement for B3


Everything we added to ioquake3 is covered by the GPL just like the original ioquake3 source code. We assume that stuff we imported from other public repositories is also covered by the GPL, tell us if that’s not the case. If you use our fork on your servers, we’d appreciate an email about it.


We are still trying to figure out how to best use for others to contribute improvements. Until we figure it out, we’d appreciate getting patches by email. Make sure your patches are based on our development branch, not our master branch. We use the master branch solely to track the upstream SVN repository.


We will periodically do releases of our fork, including server binaries you can use out of the box. The details are a bit fuzzy at the moment, so if you need a binary right now, send email. :-D

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