- 0a24b4e: Fixes case where new wallet needs to be generated upon switching chains
- d0614c4: Adds switchChain to Dedicated Wallet connector
- bfb2d08: - Updated Magic SDK dependencies
- Added switchChain implementation for Universal connector
- a006951: Fixes lost app state upon page refresh
- 0ab4b4c: Adds redirect result to localStorage
- Update to support WAGMI v2
- Fix bug where email login couldn't be disabled
- 417a1bf: Updates dedicated connector to use email OTP
- 7e727a0: Updates @wagmi-core dependency
- e381c54: Updates package to use new Magic product names (Dedicated and Universal Wallet)
- 8dd286f: Updates viem dependency
- Updates WAGMI and Magic dependencies
- Moves package ownership to @magiclabs and adds @everipedianetwork as maintainers
- 6e648bb: Adds post processing to build to fix bundling issues
- eb25ae1: Makes package es module from package json type
9e97169: Adds support to use the connectors with wagmi v1. Major version bump to support wagmi v1 ✌️
For migration:
- update the connector version to 1.0.0
- update Wagmi to v1 and install Viem (https://viem.sh) in place of ethers
- follow migration guide https://wagmi.sh/react/migration-guide#1xx-breaking-changes to adapt your code to the new wagmi api.
Note: The connector itself has no API change.
- 897ed1f: Fixes magic auth not working with oauth login. updates magic sdk and wagmi versions to latest
- c09ccc0: Add support for switchChain for MagicConnectConnector
You can now pass a list of network accepted to switch chain
new MagicConnectConnector({ chains: chains, options: { apiKey: environment.MAGIC_API_KEY, networks: [ { chainId: 1, rpcUrl: "https://your-ethereum-rpc-url" }, { chainId: 137, rpcUrl: "https://your-polygon-rpc-url" }, // ... ], }, });
- 58b39f3: Update Magic Connect Connector to use Magic Connect's Modal UI
- This will use Magic Connect's Modal instead of homemade one.
- Remove the styling props to constructor for migration
febd0a3: ### Patch Changes
- Fixing a bug that prevents login with email because of a MagicSDK naming convention recent change.
- Dependencies update.
- 82a5174: Throws
api key not provided
error instead ofuser rejected request
- 5a555d8: Adds post processing on build output for adding .js ext for ESM resolution
adb6e07: Changes @everipedia/wagmi-magic-connector to a pure ESM Module package.
Requires Node 12.20.0 or higher. it fixes resolution issues of latest wagmi and magic packages and should work well out of the box with Nextjs and other react frameworks without the need for any extra configuration.
- a5d6191: Updates packages to use latest magic sdk and wagmi core
- b19d703: -
is no available for Magic Connect, relying on local storage instead- Require email input for
flow to continue once modal is open. Otherwise the Magic Connect modals appears even if the user quits the process manually.
- Require email input for
38dd8cc: ### Major
- Creation of two classes
: Connector integrating with Magic Auth. Most of the code comes from previous implementationMagicConnectConnector
: Connector integrating with Magic Connect.
- Made
an abstract class containing shared logic betweenMagicAuthConnector
- Renamed
, which seemed to be a clearer name - Renamed
- Updated documentation in README to fit changes
- Fixed some typos in the README
- Fixed Rainbow Kit example in the README and specified that
needs to be specified. This comes from the fact that in their most recent version Rainbow Kit makes agetChainId()
call on the connector before calling theconnect()
method. - Fixed typo in enableSMSlogin -> enableSMSLogin
- Creation of two classes
- d5c95eb: updates email regex to take +
- d49c203: updated dependancies to latest versions
- 4288ba5: Prevent changing chainId type from number to string
- 127b67e: added implementation for getChainId
- 85cc525: Fix Custom header images not working
- 1001fbf: - Made dark mode styles overridable by converting darkmode styles to pure css
- Fixed OAuth provider buttons not following the order they are passed in
- Redesigned Modal look and feel
- Changed Github and Default header icons
- 075cf2b: Made Email Authentication Optional. To remove the email authentication requirement, you can set
in connector configuration's options object.
- 7ab9877: fixes animations not working while opening and closing modal