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The delay that you play.

a user video

In VST3 and CLAP format, for Linux, Mac and Windows.

Features & Quickstart

  • Midi rhythm delay
    You record a delay rhythm by playing midi notes into the plugin.
    The first note starts counting, and each note after that creates a new delay tap.

  • Independent effects for each of the 16 taps:

    • A Moog style filter with creamy drive.
      The parameters are (optionally) linked to velocity and note.
    • Panning linked to the note
  • Four midi triggers:

    • mute input
    • mute output
    • clear taps
    • lock taps
  • The rhythm pattern is saved alongside the other parameters in the preset and DAW session.

  • Stereo from end to end.



Download the zip from here, unpack it, and copy the .vst3 or .clap to your plugin folder.
Mac users will have to disable GateKeeper

Before you start

  • Connect a midi source.
    This can be an instrument, a foot-pedal, a sequencer, or anything else that sends midi.
  • Connect an audio source.
    Live, recorded or from an instrument plugin.

Here's how you connect both audio and midi to a plugin:

You can also put an instrument plugin before DEL2 and use the audio from that.

Recording a rhythm

The first note starts counting, and each note after that creates a delay tap.

The time-out slider sets how long a tap can take.
The pink line in the graph shows how much time there is left to add new taps to the rhythm
When you add a tap the graph zooms out to show how the new available time.

debounce is the minimum time between two taps, mainly for de-bouncing, but it can also be used creatively.

sync lets you choose between a free running delay, or one synced to the host tempo.
BPM mode doesn't quantize the tap timing; it just changes the duration of the taps when the host tempo changes.

listen to lets you choose which midi channel the rhythm notes come from: "any channel", or 1 to 16


There's a set of filter parameters for low velocity and one for high velocity.
Each individual filter follows the velocity of the tap.
You can also link the note to the cutoff frequency, to play melodies with the resonance.

  • Parameters that affect all taps the same:
    • With cutoff mod you hook up the cutoff to either velocity or note.
    • type lets you choose between low-pass, band-pass and high-pass in various steepness, and notch filters.
  • Velocity dependent parameters:
    • cutoff sets the filter cutoff frequency.
    • res sets the filter resonance.
    • drive lets you adjust how much the filter distorts.
      Paradoxically, when the input signal is loud, a high amount of drive can sound quieter than low one.
      This is because internally, for each dB you turn up the drive (aka input gain), the output turns one dB down.
      When there's no distortion, they cancel each other out, but with lots of distortion the output will sound quieter.


By playing lower or higher notes, you pan each tap to the left or right.
The first note determines the center of the stereo image.
The center slider allows you to change that to another note.
panning amount controls how much each note is panned.

Faux HRTF panning

Normal panners operate on the level of each input.
Let's say we want to pan left.
A regular stereo panner would either turn down the right channel, or mix some of the right input into the left output.
When you hard-pan, the first method will turn off the right input, and the second method will have a mono mix of both channels in the left output.

The panners in DEL2 work differently.
When you pan left, they do three things:

  • Add a bit more delay to the right input.
    This is called the Haas Effect.
  • Make the right side slightly duller
  • Make it a bit quieter.
    Together they emulate a HRTF".

The upside is that the signal retains it's stereo-width and sounds that where hard-panned in the input don't get lost.
The downside is that you get comb filtering when you listen in mono.
Since this panner is only on the delay and not on any of the main channels of your mix, the stereo width you get is more than worth it.


To set which note controls the trigger, just click the button and play a note.

  • There are two modes for the input and output mute: "toggle" and "direct":
    • Toggle-mode is how most mutes work: the triggers turn the mute on when it's off and vice versa.
    • Direct-mode is more like an instrument: the mute is on by default and the trigger turns it off only as long as you hold the trigger note.
      it also (retroactively) turns the other mute off when you press it.
  • clear taps removes the delay taps.
  • lock taps ignores any midi that would have changed the pattern otherwise.
    It still listens for triggers though, unlike the listen to parameter, which will completely ignore any midi that is on the wrong channel.

Other parameters

dry/wet mix between the unaltered dry signal and the effect.
wet gainthis is a post effect make up gain.
global drive lets you adjust the overall amount of distortion.
attack and release set how long it takes for the mute to turn on and off.

Slider usage

Apart from regular dragging and mouse-wheel-scrolling, you can:

  • Shift + drag or mouse-wheel: fine adjustments, relative to the current position of the slider.
  • Alt + click on a slider: type a value
  • Double-click or right-click on a slider: back to the default value.


This plugin would not have been possible without the following projects:

I would like to thank Robbert van der Helm, Dr George Atkinson, Fredemus and WeirdConstructor for their fantastic support and feedback!