This directory contains a demonstration of using the NRFU EOS pytest functions by dynamically loading test-cases based on pytest command line arguments:
--nrfu-device : the name of the device
--nrfu-testcasedir : the path to the device testcase files
This demonstrations uses EOS show output that was captured and stored into JSON files rather than going directly to the EOS device; this was done for the purpose of demonstrations and dev-testing so that there is no dependencies on actual running systems.
For an example of using NRFU EOS pytest with an actual device, refer to the online-demo directory.
To run the demonstration:
$ ./ dev1
You can also pass any pytest command line arguements, for example, just run a single test functions:
$ ./ dev1
Or pass specific flags like filtering test based on test-case name:
$ ./ dev1 -k "up and Eth"
$ ./ dev1 -k "up and not Eth"