Very Narrow CoreXY 3D Printer
vn-corexy is designed around 300x300 mm build plate with goal to be as compact as possible with focus on width. Current dimensions are 390(width)x520(depth)x520(height) mm. Only filament could stick above maximum height, everything else (including cables) are within size limits.
In this repository there is OpenScad source code with 3D printer design. There are many parameters that can be customized. In Customizer you could choose which printed parts you want to render and save as STL file. There are also ECHO messages in console that can be used to prepare BOM, for example there are messages with all lengths of specific extrusion types, GT2 belt lengts are also calculated.
WARNING: While this is almost finished, THIS IS STILL WORK IN PROGRESS
Forum thread (in Polish):
YouTube videos:
- OpenScad
- NopSCADlib library (version 21.32.0)
- for Sailfin extruder checkout Sailfin-Extruder/ git submodule
- for Moli extruder checkout Moli-Extruder/ git submodule
- for MRF extruder, download stl files from and put them into MRF/ directory
- TBG-Lite
- HGX Lite 2.0 Hotend:
- CHC heating block Bed probes:
- Mini differential IR probe
- BL-Touch Bed stabilization:
- v-slot wheels
- MGN12 carriage sticks 3.5mm out of frame
- bed frame could be 10mm shorter to use 4 the same wheel supports
- bed frame wheels supports are temporary, will be changed in future (work in progress on on MGN7 rails)
- Sailfin, Moli and MRF extruders support is not finished, BMG extruder is abandoned.
(C) 2020-2024 Marek Wodzinski [email protected]
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see
BL-Touch model (STL) by @EA3D from: is under a Creative Commons (International License) Public Domain