The TransitionHandler
interface defines a single operation to be implemented:
interface TransitionHandler<C> {
fun onTransition(elements: List<TransitionElement<out C>>): TransitionPair
The list of TransitionElements
contain all the information about the transition:
open class TransitionElement<C>(
val configuration: C,
val direction: TransitionDirection,
val addedOrRemoved: Boolean,
val identifier: Rib.Identifier,
val view: View,
val progressEvaluator: MultiProgressEvaluator = MultiProgressEvaluator()
Not how here you get access to the view
being transitioned on or out.
The expected return type of TransitionPair
is just:
data class TransitionPair(
val exiting: Transition?,
val entering: Transition?
Where Transition
interface Transition {
fun start()
fun end()
fun reverse()
This practically means you are free to implement your transitions however you see fit.
You can check the framework provided implementations of TransitionHandler
in the com.badoo.ribs.routing.transition.handler
package to get some ideas:
These implementations mostly add some logic over simple effect elements defined in the com.badoo.ribs.routing.transition.effect
package. Feel free to use them too!