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lazyboard code base

what is lazyboard

read more detailed in lazyboard tutorial (Turkish)

libraries that used in code

[submodule "DigisParkKeyboard"]
	path = lib/DigisParkKeyboard
	url =
	branch = main

coding tutorial and template code

electronic scheme

including library

#define kbd_tr_tr // define keyboard layout
#include "DigiKeyboard.h" // include library file

led control

all leds can be controlled via transistor that connected to PB1 port of attiny85, they can’t be conntrolled separately.

// ------ led control ------

#define led 1 // defining pin number

void setup() {
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // setting pinmode as output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // led on
  digitalWrite(led, LOW); // led off

reading analog values

attiny85 in lazyboard, that has internal uart or usb uart unit cause this reason we can’t directly transfer analog data to serial monitor.But there is a trick, we can intruduce lazyboard as keyboard to pc than we can transfer datas like printing with keyboard.

// ----- reading analog values -----

// setting tr(turkish) keyboard layout
#define kbd_tr_tr
#include "DigiKeyboard.h"

void setup() {
  // disable input for 2,5 second for no startup errors
  // and sending empty keystroke

void loop() {

  // reading mechanic switch data and assigning into data variable
  int data = analogRead(1);
  if ( data > 100)
    // writing "read val: " from keyboard
    // WARN: error from library cannot print 'ğ' keyword
    DigiKeyboard.print("read val:    ");
    // sending 'return'/'enter' key stroke
    while (analogRead(1) > 100);
  // for ignoring analog read unstabilty to waiting very short time

mechanic switch control

mechanic keyboard scheme

like we can see in scheme if we press S6 2.2K resistance and under favour of 10K voltage divider data reading accurs. when we press S5 3.3K + 2.2K = 5.5K through voltage divider then accourdingly to that it comes to this senario we can understand which key is pressed. *WARN:we need to calibrate our buttons to work all buttons *

// ---- switch control -----

#define kbd_tr_tr
#include "DigiKeyboard.h"

void setup() {

void loop() {

  int data = analogRead(1);
  if ( data > 100)
      //if button 6 pressed we do this operations
    if (data > 933) {
      DigiKeyboard.print("button 6 pressed");
      //if button 5 pressed we do this operations
    else if (data > 747) {
      DigiKeyboard.print("button 5 pressed");
      //if button 4 pressed we do this operations
    else if (data > 577) {
      DigiKeyboard.print("button 4 pressed");
      //if button 3 pressed we do this operations
    else if (data > 421) {
      DigiKeyboard.print("button 3 pressed");
      //if button 2 pressed we do this operations
    else if (data > 249) {
      DigiKeyboard.print("button 2 pressed");
      //if button 1 pressed we do this operations
    else  {
      DigiKeyboard.print("button 1 pressed");

    while (analogRead(1) > 100);


Controlling via laser remote control

intruducing remote control buttons

with infrared in lazyboard we can use with infrared remote control devices. but we need to find buttons hex codes to configure buttons, for this we can use this code snippet.

#define kbd_tr_tr
#include "DigiKeyboard.h"

// setting IR reader pin, 0 is default for 'Lazyboard'
const byte IRpin = 0;

// creating and assinging remote and irCode variables ,there are neccesary for our algorithm
volatile boolean remote = false;
volatile unsigned long irCode = 0;

void setup() {

    // setting IR reader pin's mode as Input
  pinMode(IRpin, INPUT);

  // waiting to 2,5s to initialize and start with empty keystroke

void loop() {
    // IR reader gives 1 (HIGH) when it not detect any signal
  if (digitalRead(IRpin)) {
  } else {

      // when it gets signal we print values to our computer as keyboard
    DigiKeyboard.println(irCode, HEX);
  // for our algorith work we change remote as true
  remote = true;

//IR reading func
void remoting()
  if (remote) {
    remote = false;
    unsigned long T;
    for (byte n = 0; n < 32; n++) {
      do {
        T = pulseIn(IRpin, HIGH, 2200);
      } while (T < 64);
      bitWrite(irCode, n, T > 1120);

using remote control

#define kbd_tr_tr
#include "DigiKeyboard.h"

// setting IR reader pin, 0 is default for 'Lazyboard'
const byte IRpin = 0;

// creating and assinging remote and irCode variables ,there are neccesary for our algorithm
volatile boolean remote = false;
volatile unsigned long irCode = 0;

void setup() {

    // setting IR reader pin's mode as Input
  pinMode(IRpin, INPUT);

  // waiting to 2,5s to initialize and start with empty keystroke

void loop() {
    // IR reader gives 1 (HIGH) when it not detect any signal
  if (digitalRead(IRpin)) {
  } else {
    // if pressed 1.button
    if (irCode == 0xE718FF00) {
      irCode = 0;
    // if pressed 2.button
    else if(irCode == 0xAD52FF00)
      irCode = 0;
  // for our algorith work we change remote as true
  remote = true;

//IR reading func
void remoting()
  if (remote) {
    remote = false;
    unsigned long T;
    for (byte n = 0; n < 32; n++) {
      do {
        T = pulseIn(IRpin, HIGH, 2200);
      } while (T < 64);
      bitWrite(irCode, n, T > 1120);

doing key combinations

for some situations you may need press multiple button in same time situations like these we use code in below :


example of copy

DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_C , MOD_CONTROL_LEFT);
// KEY_C is 'C', MOD_CONTROL_LEFT is left control button (left-ctrl)
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_V , MOD_CONTROL_LEFT);
// KEY_V is 'V', MOD_CONTROL_LEFT is left control button (left-ctrl)

maybe u need 3 triple key combinations you can use somethink like

DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_S, MOD_GUI_LEFT | MOD_SHIFT_LEFT);
//KEY_S is 'S', MOD_GUI_LEF is left super (prob. key with windows logo) key , MOD_SHIFT_LEFT is left Shift

some special keys

key_valkeyboard equivalents
MOD_CONTROL_LEFTleft Control key
MOD_SHIFT_LEFTleft Shift key
MOD_ALT_LEFTleft Alt key
MOD_GUI_LEFTleft Super key
+ ++ +
MOD_CONTROL_RIGHTright Control key
MOD_SHIFT_RIGHTright Shift key
MOD_ALT_RIGHTright Alt key
MOD_GUI_RIGHTright Super key

you can use ‘KEY_’ as prefix for keys in English like in T => KEY_T but specific layouts like Turkish you need to use .print() funtion WARN: some apps can be problematic with .print() func because of that try using English keys if it is possible

adding custom shortcuts for applications

you can use lazyboard as launcher for launch your frequent used apps. look for example :

#define kbd_tr_tr
#include "DigiKeyboard.h"

void setup() {
  // disable input for 2,5 second for no startup errors
  // and sending empty keystroke

void loop() {
  int data = analogRead(1);
  if (data > 100) {
   if (data > 933) {
    // open windows run WİN+R
    DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_R, MOD_GUI_LEFT);
    // open cmd
    // Win + r + print cmd + enter

    // run command to  change dir tor EAGLE dir
    DigiKeyboard.print("cd C:\/");
    DigiKeyboard.print("EAGLE 9.6.2/");

    // run eagle

    // close cmd via alt + f4
    DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_F4, MOD_ALT_LEFT);
  } else if (data > 747) {
    // windows run  win + r
    DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_R, MOD_GUI_LEFT);

    // CMD
    // cd to arduino installation dir
    DigiKeyboard.print("cd C:\/");
    DigiKeyboard.print("Program Files\/");
    DigiKeyboard.print("Arduino IDE/");

    // run arduino
    // reason for keystroke 0x35;
    // in some app names have spaces for this situations we use '"' symbol and it s hex code is 0x35. (cmd)

    DigiKeyboard.print("Arduino IDE.exe");

    // if we close cmd arduino ide close cause of this reason we not close cmd
  } else if (data > 577) {
      //if button 4 pressed we do this operations
  } else if (data > 421) {
      //if button 3 pressed we do this operations
  } else if (data > 249) {
      //if button 2 pressed we do this operations
  } else {
      //if button 1 pressed we do this operations

  while (analogRead(1) > 100);