Fully setup for RAG agent using terraform
Terrafrom code to connect aws security hub with aws event bridget and trigger lambda.
Lambda uses aws bedrock to generate a report.
To Run
sh 2-build-layer.sh
terraform init
terraform apply
sh 4-invoketf.sh
to increase no of issues it picks from security hub can change variable max_finding = 2 in function/lambda_function.py
aws lexv2-models update-intent --bot-id DKBO1HUUQX --bot-version DRAFT --locale-id en_US --intent-name FallbackIntent --intent-id FALLBCKINT --fulfillment-code-hook '{"enabled": true}'
aws lexv2-models delete-intent
--bot-id DKBO1HUUQX
--bot-version DRAFT
--locale-id en_US
--intent-id FALLBCKINT
aws lexv2-models list-bot-aliases --bot-id DKBO1HUUQX --query "botAliasSummaries[?botAliasName == 'abc'].botAliasId | [0]" --output text
aws lexv2-models create-bot-alias --bot-id DKBO1HUUQX --bot-alias-name abc --bot-version 1 --description "Your bot alias description" --output text