diff --git a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
index c2924b07468b28..d2e33e86376e59 100644
--- a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
+++ b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
@@ -7707,6 +7707,9 @@ endpoint 1 {
     callback attribute attributeList;
     ram      attribute featureMap default = 0;
     ram      attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
+    handle command ChangeToMode;
+    handle command ChangeToModeResponse;
   server cluster LaundryDryerControls {
diff --git a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.zap b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.zap
index 167a75e838fc42..7206a9da14d7aa 100644
--- a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.zap
+++ b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.zap
@@ -8603,6 +8603,24 @@
           "side": "server",
           "enabled": 1,
           "apiMaturity": "provisional",
+          "commands": [
+            {
+              "name": "ChangeToMode",
+              "code": 0,
+              "mfgCode": null,
+              "source": "client",
+              "isIncoming": 1,
+              "isEnabled": 1
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "ChangeToModeResponse",
+              "code": 1,
+              "mfgCode": null,
+              "source": "server",
+              "isIncoming": 0,
+              "isEnabled": 1
+            }
+          ],
           "attributes": [
               "name": "SupportedModes",
diff --git a/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json b/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json
index a9c54d4bb43193..66886c7d769ff5 100644
--- a/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json
+++ b/examples/darwin-framework-tool/templates/tests/ciTests.json
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_2_1",
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_1",
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2",
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3",
         "Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not support constraints arithmetic operations",
diff --git a/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py b/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py
index 1adf7de8efe3d8..ad2cc6a4782df0 100644
--- a/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py
+++ b/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py
@@ -187,6 +187,9 @@ def _GetChipReplUnsupportedTests() -> Set[str]:
         "Test_TC_LWM_3_1.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
         "Test_TC_LWM_3_2.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
         "Test_TC_LWM_3_3.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_1.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
         "Test_TC_G_2_4.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
         "Test_TC_RVCRUNM_3_1.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
         "Test_TC_RVCCLEANM_3_1.yaml",            # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/PICS.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/PICS.yaml
index 2affde1181c68c..af29b4df7a37b9 100644
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/PICS.yaml
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/PICS.yaml
@@ -9037,6 +9037,63 @@ PICS:
     - label: "Can the device be controlled manually?"
       id: DRYERCTRL.S.M.ManuallyControlled
+    #  Oven Mode Cluster
+    - label: "Does the device implement the OM cluster as a server?"
+      id: OTCCM.S
+    - label: "Does the DUT support testing the failed ChangeToMode command?"
+    - label:
+          "Id of mode the device will fail to transition to, given its current
+          state"
+    - label:
+          "Id of mode the device will successfully transition to, given its
+          current state"
+    #
+    # server / features
+    #
+    - label:
+          "Does the device support depending on an On/Off cluster implemented on
+          the same endpoint?"
+      id: OTCCM.S.F00
+    #
+    # server / attributes
+    #
+    - label: "Does the device implement the SupportedModes attribute?"
+      id: OTCCM.S.A0000
+    - label: "Does the device implement the CurrentMode attribute?"
+      id: OTCCM.S.A0001
+    - label: "Does the device implement the StartUpMode attribute?"
+      id: OTCCM.S.A0002
+    - label: "Does the device implement the OnMode attribute?"
+      id: OTCCM.S.A0003
+    #
+    # server / Commands received
+    #
+    - label: "Does the device implement receiving the ChangeToMode command?"
+      id: OTCCM.S.C00.Rsp
+    #
+    # server / Commands generated
+    #
+    - label:
+          "Does the device implement sending the ChangeToModeResponse command?"
+      id: OTCCM.S.C01.Tx
+    - label: "Can the device be controlled manually?"
     # RVC Clean Mode Cluster
     - label: "Does the device implement the RVCCLEANM cluster as a server?"
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1.yaml
index 4cfdaf04f41c97..180490a567c742 100644
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1.yaml
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,75 +20,106 @@ PICS:
     nodeId: 0x12344321
-    cluster: "Basic Information"
-    endpoint: 0
+    cluster: "Oven Mode"
+    endpoint: 1
-    - label:
-          "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding
-          test)."
-      verification: |
-      disabled: true
+    - label: "Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
     - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the ClusterRevision attribute."
-      verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read cluster-revision 1 1
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "ClusterRevision"
+      response:
+          value: 1
+          constraints:
+              type: int16u
-          [1705647221.295875][50041:50047] CHIP:DMG: }
-          [1705647221.296007][50041:50047] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0049 Attribute 0x0000_FFFD DataVersion: 3240184500
-          [1705647221.296039][50041:50047] CHIP:TOO:   ClusterRevision: 1
-      disabled: true
+    - label:
+          "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute, bit 0: SHALL
+          be 1 if and only if OTCCM.S.F00(DEPONOFF)"
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "FeatureMap"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.F00
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: bitmap32
+              hasMasksSet: [0x1]
     - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute."
-      verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read feature-map 1 1
-          [1705647273.001229][53151:53158] CHIP:DMG: }
-          [1705647273.001266][53151:53158] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0049 Attribute 0x0000_FFFC DataVersion: 3240184500
-          [1705647273.001279][53151:53158] CHIP:TOO:   FeatureMap: 1
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute."
-      verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read attribute-list 1 1
-          [1705647386.476019][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0049 Attribute 0x0000_FFFB DataVersion: 3240184500
-          [1705647386.476098][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:   AttributeList: 7 entries
-          [1705647386.476117][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:     [1]: 0
-          [1705647386.476130][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:     [2]: 1
-          [1705647386.476139][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:     [3]: 65528
-          [1705647386.476151][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:     [4]: 65529
-          [1705647386.476162][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:     [5]: 65531
-          [1705647386.476171][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:     [6]: 65532
-          [1705647386.476183][60066:60072] CHIP:TOO:     [7]: 65533
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 5*: TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute."
-      verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read event-list 1 1
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "FeatureMap"
+      PICS: "!OTCCM.S.F00"
+      response:
+          value: 0
+          constraints:
+              type: bitmap32
+    - label: "Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute."
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "AttributeList"
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              contains: [0, 1, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533]
+    - label: "Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute."
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "AttributeList"
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              contains: [0, 1, 65528, 65529, 65531, 65532, 65533]
+    - label:
+          "Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "AttributeList"
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              contains: [2]
-          [1705647422.713386][62252:62257] CHIP:DMG: 				StatusIB =
-          [1705647422.713399][62252:62257] CHIP:DMG: 				{
-          [1705647422.713411][62252:62257] CHIP:DMG: 					status = 0x86 (UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE),
-          [1705647422.713420][62252:62257] CHIP:DMG: 				},
-      disabled: true
+    - label:
+          "Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent attribute(DEPONOFF) in
+          AttributeList"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "AttributeList"
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              contains: [3]
+    - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute."
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "EventList"
+      response:
+          value: []
+          constraints:
+              type: list
     - label: "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the AcceptedCommandList attribute."
-      verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read accepted-command-list 1 1
-          [1705647458.520722][64406:64412] CHIP:DMG: }
-          [1705647458.520764][64406:64412] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0049 Attribute 0x0000_FFF9 DataVersion: 3240184500
-          [1705647458.520776][64406:64412] CHIP:TOO:   AcceptedCommandList: 0 entries
-      disabled: true
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "AcceptedCommandList"
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              contains: [0]
     - label: "Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the GeneratedCommandList attribute."
-      verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read generated-command-list 1 1
-          [1705647658.986480][76560:76567] CHIP:DMG: }
-          [1705647658.986529][76560:76567] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0049 Attribute 0x0000_FFF8 DataVersion: 3240184500
-          [1705647658.986540][76560:76567] CHIP:TOO:   GeneratedCommandList: 0 entries
-      disabled: true
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "GeneratedCommandList"
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              contains: [1]
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_2.yaml
index abf17d55b35633..7b793c9694fe10 100644
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_2.yaml
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_1_2.yaml
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ PICS:
     nodeId: 0x12344321
-    cluster: "Basic Information"
-    endpoint: 0
+    cluster: "Oven Mode"
+    endpoint: 1
     - label:
@@ -34,90 +34,38 @@ tests:
     - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
       PICS: OTCCM.S.A0000
       verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read supported-modes  1 1
+          ./chip-tool Ovenmode read supported-modes 1 1
-          [1705647707.587205][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0049 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 3240184500
-          [1705647707.587250][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:   SupportedModes: 9 entries
-          [1705647707.587265][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587268][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Bake
-          [1705647707.587275][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 0
-          [1705647707.587282][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587287][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587290][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16384
-          [1705647707.587294][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587297][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587303][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [2]: {
-          [1705647707.587305][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Convection
-          [1705647707.587308][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 1
-          [1705647707.587311][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587316][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587318][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16385
-          [1705647707.587321][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587324][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587330][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [3]: {
-          [1705647707.587333][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Grill
-          [1705647707.587335][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 2
-          [1705647707.587338][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587342][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587345][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16386
-          [1705647707.587348][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587351][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587356][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [4]: {
-          [1705647707.587359][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Roast
-          [1705647707.587361][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 3
-          [1705647707.587364][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587369][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587371][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16387
-          [1705647707.587374][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587376][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587382][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [5]: {
-          [1705647707.587384][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Clean
-          [1705647707.587387][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 4
-          [1705647707.587390][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587394][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587397][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16388
-          [1705647707.587400][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587402][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587408][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [6]: {
-          [1705647707.587410][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Convection Bake
-          [1705647707.587413][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 5
-          [1705647707.587416][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587420][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587423][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16389
-          [1705647707.587425][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587428][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587434][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [7]: {
-          [1705647707.587436][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Convection Roast
-          [1705647707.587439][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 6
-          [1705647707.587442][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587446][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587449][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16390
-          [1705647707.587451][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587454][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587460][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [8]: {
-          [1705647707.587462][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Warming
-          [1705647707.587465][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 7
-          [1705647707.587468][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587472][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587475][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16391
-          [1705647707.587477][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587480][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1705647707.587485][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:     [9]: {
-          [1705647707.587488][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Label: Proofing
-          [1705647707.587490][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       Mode: 8
-          [1705647707.587493][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:       ModeTags: 1 entries
-          [1705647707.587497][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:         [1]: {
-          [1705647707.587500][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:           Value: 16392
-          [1705647707.587502][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:          }
-          [1705647707.587505][79487:79492] CHIP:TOO:      }
+          Verify that the DUT response contains list of ModeOptionsStruct entries.
+          - Verify that the list has at least 2 and at most 255 entries
+          - Verify that each ModeOptionsStruct entry has a unique Mode field value and Label field value
+          - If ModeOptionsStruct entry’s ModeTags field is not empty,  then Verify the values of the Value fields that are not larger than 16 bits, for each Value field: Is the mode tag value a defined common tag value ( Auto(0x0000), Quick(0x0001), Quiet(0x0002), LowNoise(0x0003), LowEnergy(0x0004), Vacation(0x0005), Min(0x0006), Max(0x0007), Night(0x0008), Day(0x0009)) or a defined cluster derived tag value ( Normal, Delicate, Heavy, Whites) or in the MfgTags (0x8000 to 0xBFFF) range
+          - If the Value field is in the MfgTags (0x8000 to 0xBFFF) range, the TagName field is a string with a length between 1 and 64
+          - Verify that at least one ModeOptionsStruct entry includes the Normal mode tag
+          - Save the Mode field values as supported_modes_dut on the TH (Chip-tool)
       disabled: true
     - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
       PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
       verification: |
-          ./chip-tool ovenmode read current-mode  1 1
+          ./chip-tool Ovenmode read current-mode 1 1
-          [1705647748.316225][81944:81949] CHIP:DMG: }
-          [1705647748.316354][81944:81949] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0049 Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 3240184500
-          [1705647748.316395][81944:81949] CHIP:TOO:   CurrentMode: 0
+          Verify on TH(chip-tool) logs, CurrentMode attribute value is an integer value from supported_modes_dut
+      disabled: true
+    - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the OnMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0003
+      verification: |
+          ./chip-tool Ovenmode read on-mode 1 1
+          Verify on TH(chip-tool) logs, OnMode attribute value is an integer value from supported_modes_dut or null
+      disabled: true
+    - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      verification: |
+          ./chip-tool Ovenmode read start-up-mode 1 1
+          Verify on TH(chip-tool) logs, StartUpMode attribute value is an integer value from supported_modes_dut or null
       disabled: true
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_2_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_2_1.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..1e6d17ff71679f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_2_1.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+name: 3.3 [TC-OTCCM-2.1] Change to Mode functionality with DUT as Server
+    - OTCCM.S
+    nodeId: 0x12344321
+    cluster: "Oven Mode"
+    endpoint: 1
+    NewMode_CHANGE_OK:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 2
+    NewMode_CHANGE_FAIL:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 10
+    invalid_mode_th:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 15
+    - label:
+          "Step 1:Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding
+          test)."
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
+    - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0000
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "SupportedModes"
+      response:
+          saveAs: "supported_mode_dut"
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              minLength: 2
+    - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: old_current_mode_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: int8u
+              minValue: 0
+              maxValue: 255
+    - label:
+          "Step 4: TH sends a ChangeToMode command to the DUT with NewMode set
+          to old_current_mode_dut"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.C00.Rsp
+      command: "ChangeToMode"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "NewMode"
+                value: old_current_mode_dut
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: "Status"
+                value: 0x00
+    - label:
+          "Step 5: Manually put the device in a state from which it will FAIL to
+          transition to PIXIT.OTCCM.MODE_CHANGE_FAIL"
+      verification: |
+          Manual operation required
+      cluster: "LogCommands"
+      command: "UserPrompt"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "message"
+                value: "Enter 'y' after success"
+              - name: "expectedValue"
+                value: "y"
+    - label: "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: Step6_current_mode_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: int8u
+              minValue: 0
+              maxValue: 255
+    #Skipping test-7 because SDK is not enabled with this failure response
+    - label:
+          "Step 7: TH sends a ChangeToMode command to the DUT with NewMode set
+      PICS:
+      verification: |
+          Note : Please skip this step as SDK is not enabled with this failure response
+          ./chip-tool ovenmode change-to-mode 2 1 1
+          Verify on TH(chip-tool) log, DUT responds contains a ChangeToModeResponse command with a GenericFailure(0x02)  status response and below is the sample log provided for the raspi platform:
+          [1690270057.274893][31185:31187] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=1 Cluster=0x0000_0051 Command=0x0000_0001
+          [1690270057.274901][31185:31187] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0051 Command 0x0000_0001
+          [1690270057.274915][31185:31187] CHIP:TOO:   ChangeToModeResponse: {
+          [1690270057.274921][31185:31187] CHIP:TOO:     status: 0
+          [1690270057.274924][31185:31187] CHIP:TOO:    }
+      cluster: "LogCommands"
+      command: "UserPrompt"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "message"
+                value: "Enter 'y' after success"
+              - name: "expectedValue"
+                value: "y"
+    - label: "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          value: Step6_current_mode_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: int16u
+    - label:
+          "Step 9: Manually put the device in a state from which it will
+      verification: |
+          Manual operation required
+      cluster: "LogCommands"
+      command: "UserPrompt"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "message"
+                value: "Enter 'y' after success"
+              - name: "expectedValue"
+                value: "y"
+    - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: Step10_current_mode_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: int8u
+              minValue: 0
+              maxValue: 255
+    - label:
+          "Step 11: TH sends a ChangeToMode command to the DUT with NewMode set
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.C00.Rsp
+      command: "ChangeToMode"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "NewMode"
+                value: NewMode_CHANGE_OK
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: "Status"
+                value: 0x00
+    - label:
+          "Step 12: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute. Verify that
+          the DUT response contains an integer value equal to
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          value: NewMode_CHANGE_OK
+    - label:
+          "Step 13: TH sends a ChangeToMode command to the DUT with NewMode set
+          to invalid_mode_th"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.C00.Rsp
+      command: "ChangeToMode"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "NewMode"
+                value: invalid_mode_th
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: "Status"
+                value: 0x01
+    - label:
+          "Step 14: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute. Verify that
+          the DUT response contains an integer value equal to
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          value: NewMode_CHANGE_OK
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_1.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_1.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..9f805fb0dd8101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_1.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+name: 3.4 [TC-OTCCM-3.1] On Mode functionality with DUT as Server
+    - OTCCM.S.A0003
+    - OTCCM.S.F00
+    - OO.S.C00.Rsp
+    - OO.S.C01.Rsp
+    nodeId: 0x12344321
+    cluster: "Oven Mode"
+    endpoint: 1
+    ConfigureOnMode:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 0
+    new_mode_th:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 2
+    - label:
+          "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding
+          test)."
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
+    - label:
+          "Precondition: TH writes from the DUT the OnMode attribute.NOTE: To
+          execute this test case set onmode to any integer value because as
+          default it value has null."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0003 && OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      attribute: "OnMode"
+      arguments:
+          value: ConfigureOnMode
+    - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the OnMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0003 && OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "OnMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: on_mode_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: int8u
+    - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001 && OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: old_current_mode_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: int8u
+    - label:
+          "If on_mode_dut is equal to old_current_mode_dut proceed to step 4.
+          Else proceed to step 6."
+      cluster: "EqualityCommands"
+      command: "UnsignedNumberEquals"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "Value1"
+                value: on_mode_dut
+              - name: "Value2"
+                value: old_current_mode_dut
+      response:
+          - values:
+                - name: "Equals"
+                  saveAs: IsExpectedValue
+    - label: "Step 4: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
+      runIf: IsExpectedValue
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0000 && OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "SupportedModes"
+      response:
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              minLength: 2
+    - label:
+          "Step 5: TH sends a ChangeToMode command to the DUT with NewMode set
+          to new_mode_th"
+      runIf: IsExpectedValue
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.C00.Rsp && OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "ChangeToMode"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "NewMode"
+                value: new_mode_th
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: "Status"
+                value: 0x00
+    - label: "Step 6:TH sends a Off command to the DUT"
+      PICS: OO.S.C00.Rsp && OTCCM.S.F00
+      cluster: "On/Off"
+      command: "Off"
+    - label: "Step 7:TH sends a On command to the DUT"
+      PICS: OO.S.C01.Rsp && OTCCM.S.F00
+      cluster: "On/Off"
+      command: "On"
+    - label: "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001 && OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          value: on_mode_dut
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e1220de758e875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+name: 3.5 [TC-OTCCM-3.2] Startup Mode functionality with DUT as Server
+    - OTCCM.S.A0002
+    nodeId: 0x12344321
+    cluster: "Oven Mode"
+    endpoint: 1
+    new_start-up_mode_th:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 0
+    new_mode_th:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 1
+    - label:
+          "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding
+          test)."
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
+    - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "StartUpMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: startup_mode_dut
+    - label:
+          "Step 2: If startup_mode_dut is null proceed to step 3. Else save
+          startup_mode_dut as new_start_up_mode_th and proceed to step 5."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      cluster: "EqualityCommands"
+      command: "UnsignedNumberEquals"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "Value1"
+                value: startup_mode_dut
+              - name: "Value2"
+                value: null
+      response:
+          - values:
+                - name: "Equals"
+                  saveAs: IsExpectedValue
+    - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
+      runIf: IsExpectedValue
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0000
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "SupportedModes"
+      response:
+          saveAs: supported_modes_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              minLength: 2
+    - label:
+          "Step 4: TH writes to the DUT the StartUpMode attribute with the
+          new_start_up_mode_th value"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      runIf: IsExpectedValue
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      attribute: "StartUpMode"
+      arguments:
+          value: new_start_up_mode_th
+    - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: old_current_mode_dut
+    - label:
+          "Step 5: If startup_mode_dut is equal to old_current_mode_dut proceed
+          to step 6. Else proceed to step 8."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0001 && OTCCM.S.A0002
+      cluster: "EqualityCommands"
+      command: "UnsignedNumberEquals"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "Value1"
+                value: startup_mode_dut
+              - name: "Value2"
+                value: old_current_mode_dut
+      response:
+          - values:
+                - name: "Equals"
+                  saveAs: Step5_IsExpectedValue
+    - label: "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0000
+      runIf: Step5_IsExpectedValue
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "SupportedModes"
+      response:
+          saveAs: Step6_supported_modes_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              minLength: 2
+    - label:
+          "Step 7: TH sends a ChangeToMode command to the DUT with NewMode set
+          to new_mode_th"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.C00.Rsp
+      runIf: Step5_IsExpectedValue
+      command: "ChangeToMode"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "NewMode"
+                value: new_mode_th
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: "Status"
+                value: 0x00
+    - label: "Step 8: Physically power cycle the device"
+      verification: |
+          Physically power cycle the device.
+      cluster: "LogCommands"
+      command: "UserPrompt"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "message"
+                value: "Please enter 'y' for success"
+              - name: "expectedValue"
+                value: "y"
+    - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
+    - label: "Step 9: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpMode attribute."
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "StartUpMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: new_start_up_mode_dut
+          value: new_start_up_mode_th
+    - label: "Step 10: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          value: new_start_up_mode_dut
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..bb1e8edf932f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    3.6 [TC-OTCCM-3.3] On Mode and Startup Mode functionality with DUT as Server
+    - OTCCM.S.A0002
+    - OTCCM.S.A0003
+    - OTCCM.S.F00
+    - OO.S.A4003
+    nodeId: 0x12344321
+    cluster: "Oven Mode"
+    endpoint: 1
+    new_start_up_mode_th:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 0
+    new_mode_th:
+        type: int8u
+        defaultValue: 1
+    - label:
+          "Step 1: Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding
+          test)."
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
+    - label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "StartUpMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: startup_mode_dut
+    - label:
+          "Step 2: If startup_mode_dut is null proceed to step 3. Else save
+          startup_mode_dut as new_start_up_mode_th and proceed to step 5."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      cluster: "EqualityCommands"
+      command: "UnsignedNumberEquals"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "Value1"
+                value: startup_mode_dut
+              - name: "Value2"
+                value: null
+      response:
+          - values:
+                - name: "Equals"
+                  saveAs: IsExpectedValue
+    - label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
+      runIf: IsExpectedValue
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0000
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "SupportedModes"
+      response:
+          saveAs: supported_modes_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              minLength: 2
+    - label:
+          "Step 4: TH writes to the DUT the StartUpMode attribute with the
+          new_start_up_mode_th value"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      runIf: IsExpectedValue
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      attribute: "StartUpMode"
+      arguments:
+          value: new_start_up_mode_th
+    - label: "Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the OnMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0003 && OTCCM.S.A0002
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "OnMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: old_on_mode_dut
+    - label:
+          "Step 5: If startup_mode_dut is equal to old_on_mode_dut proceed to
+          step 6. Else proceed to step 8."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0002
+      cluster: "EqualityCommands"
+      command: "UnsignedNumberEquals"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "Value1"
+                value: old_on_mode_dut
+              - name: "Value2"
+                value: startup_mode_dut
+      response:
+          - values:
+                - name: "Equals"
+                  saveAs: Step5_IsExpectedValue
+    - label: "Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0000 && OTCCM.S.A0002
+      runIf: Step5_IsExpectedValue
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "SupportedModes"
+      response:
+          saveAs: Step6_supported_modes_dut
+          constraints:
+              type: list
+              minLength: 2
+    - label:
+          "Step 7: TH writes to the DUT the OnMode attribute with the
+          new_mode_th value"
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0003
+      runIf: Step5_IsExpectedValue
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      attribute: "OnMode"
+      arguments:
+          value: new_mode_th
+    - label: "Step 8: TH reads from the DUT the OnMode attribute."
+      PICS: OTCCM.S.A0003 && OTCCM.S.F00
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "OnMode"
+      response:
+          saveAs: new_on_mode_dut
+    - label:
+          "Step 9: TH writes to the DUT the StartUpOnOff attribute with the
+          value 1."
+      PICS: OO.S.A4003
+      cluster: "On/Off"
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      attribute: "StartUpOnOff"
+      arguments:
+          value: 1
+    - label: "Step 10: Physically power cycle the device"
+      verification: |
+          Physically power cycle the device.
+      cluster: "LogCommands"
+      command: "UserPrompt"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "message"
+                value: "Please enter 'y' for success"
+              - name: "expectedValue"
+                value: "y"
+    - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
+    - label: "Step 11: TH reads from the DUT the StartUpMode attribute."
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "StartUpMode"
+      response:
+          value: new_start_up_mode_th
+    - label: "Step 12: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "CurrentMode"
+      response:
+          value: new_on_mode_dut
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values
index 9bba640d4218e2..4201b969a81020 100644
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values
@@ -753,6 +753,26 @@ PIXIT.LWM.MODE_CHANGE_OK=1
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json b/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json
index 905b5f2ebd4999..9594ea623d1717 100644
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json
@@ -118,7 +118,13 @@
+    "OvenMode": [
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1",
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_2_1",
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_1",
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2",
+        "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3"
+    ],
     "LaundryDryerControl": ["Test_TC_DRYERCTRL_1_1", "Test_TC_DRYERCTRL_2_1"],
     "MediaControl": [
@@ -401,6 +407,7 @@
+        "OvenMode",
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json b/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json
index 7b4f2208a99e55..0263fc258b8db0 100644
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@
     "LaundryWasherControl": [],
+    "OvenMode": ["Test_TC_OTCCM_1_2", "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2", "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3"],
     "AccessControlEnforcement": [],
     "OvenMode": ["Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1", "Test_TC_OTCCM_1_2"],
     "EnergyEVSE": ["Test_TC_EEVSE_1_1", "Test_TC_EEVSE_2_1"],
@@ -352,6 +353,7 @@
+        "OvenMode",
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/__init__.py b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/__init__.py
index bf1f66a31a5a05..1e4fcee4eb37c4 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/__init__.py
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/__init__.py
@@ -54,9 +54,7 @@
            ColorControl, ContentLauncher, Descriptor, DeviceEnergyManagementMode, DeviceEnergyManagement, DiagnosticLogs, DishwasherAlarm, DishwasherMode,
            DoorLock, ElectricalMeasurement,  EnergyEvse, EnergyEvseMode, EthernetNetworkDiagnostics, FanControl, FaultInjection, FixedLabel, FlowMeasurement,
            FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement, GeneralCommissioning, GeneralDiagnostics, GroupKeyManagement, Groups,
-           HepaFilterMonitoring, IcdManagement, Identify, IlluminanceMeasurement, KeypadInput,
-           LaundryWasherControls, LaundryDryerControls, LaundryWasherMode, LevelControl, LocalizationConfiguration, LowPower, MediaInput, MediaPlayback, ModeSelect,
-           NetworkCommissioning, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement,
+           HepaFilterMonitoring, IcdManagement, Identify, IlluminanceMeasurement, KeypadInput, LaundryDryerControls,
            LaundryWasherControls, LaundryWasherMode, LevelControl, LocalizationConfiguration, LowPower, MediaInput, MediaPlayback, MicrowaveOvenControl,
            MicrowaveOvenMode, ModeSelect, NetworkCommissioning, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement,
            OccupancySensing, OnOff, OnOffSwitchConfiguration, OperationalCredentials, OperationalState,
diff --git a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h
index 2cd96b5a45995d..06059f6144ac7c 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/test/Commands.h
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ class TestList : public Command {
+        printf("Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1\n");
@@ -70356,6 +70357,430 @@ class Test_TC_WASHERCTRL_2_2 : public TestCommandBridge {
+class Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge {
+    // NOLINTBEGIN(clang-analyzer-nullability.NullPassedToNonnull): Test constructor nullability not enforced
+    Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1()
+        : TestCommandBridge("Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1")
+        , mTestIndex(0)
+    {
+        AddArgument("nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mNodeId);
+        AddArgument("cluster", &mCluster);
+        AddArgument("endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mEndpoint);
+        AddArgument("timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mTimeout);
+    }
+    // NOLINTEND(clang-analyzer-nullability.NullPassedToNonnull)
+    ~Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1()
+    {
+    }
+    /////////// TestCommand Interface /////////
+    void NextTest() override
+    {
+        CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+        if (0 == mTestIndex) {
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " **** Test Start: Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1\n");
+        }
+        if (mTestCount == mTestIndex) {
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " **** Test Complete: Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1\n");
+            SetCommandExitStatus(CHIP_NO_ERROR);
+            return;
+        }
+        Wait();
+        // Ensure we increment mTestIndex before we start running the relevant
+        // command.  That way if we lose the timeslice after we send the message
+        // but before our function call returns, we won't end up with an
+        // incorrect mTestIndex value observed when we get the response.
+        switch (mTestIndex++) {
+        case 0:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 0 : Step 1: Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved\n");
+            err = TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0();
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 1 : Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the ClusterRevision attribute.\n");
+            err = TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheClusterRevisionAttribute_1();
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 2 : Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute, bit 0: SHALL be 1 if and only if OTCCM.S.F00(DEPONOFF)\n");
+            if (ShouldSkip("OTCCM.S.F00")) {
+                NextTest();
+                return;
+            }
+            err = TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheFeatureMapAttributeBit0ShallBe1IfAndOnlyIfOtccmsf00deponoff_2();
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 3 : Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute.\n");
+            if (ShouldSkip("!OTCCM.S.F00")) {
+                NextTest();
+                return;
+            }
+            err = TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheFeatureMapAttribute_3();
+            break;
+        case 4:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 4 : Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute.\n");
+            if (ShouldSkip("PICS_EVENT_LIST_ENABLED")) {
+                NextTest();
+                return;
+            }
+            err = TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutTheAttributeListAttribute_4();
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 5 : Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute.\n");
+            if (ShouldSkip("!PICS_EVENT_LIST_ENABLED")) {
+                NextTest();
+                return;
+            }
+            err = TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutTheAttributeListAttribute_5();
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 6 : Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList\n");
+            if (ShouldSkip("OTCCM.S.A0002")) {
+                NextTest();
+                return;
+            }
+            err = TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpModeInAttributeList_6();
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 7 : Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent attribute(DEPONOFF) in AttributeList\n");
+            if (ShouldSkip("OTCCM.S.F00")) {
+                NextTest();
+                return;
+            }
+            err = TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentAttributeDEPONOFFInAttributeList_7();
+            break;
+        case 8:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 8 : Step 5: TH reads from the DUT the EventList attribute.\n");
+            if (ShouldSkip("PICS_EVENT_LIST_ENABLED")) {
+                NextTest();
+                return;
+            }
+            NextTest();
+            return;
+        case 9:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 9 : Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the AcceptedCommandList attribute.\n");
+            err = TestStep6ThReadsFromTheDutTheAcceptedCommandListAttribute_9();
+            break;
+        case 10:
+            ChipLogProgress(chipTool, " ***** Test Step 10 : Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the GeneratedCommandList attribute.\n");
+            err = TestStep7ThReadsFromTheDutTheGeneratedCommandListAttribute_10();
+            break;
+        }
+        if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err) {
+            ChipLogError(chipTool, " ***** Test Failure: %s\n", chip::ErrorStr(err));
+            SetCommandExitStatus(err);
+        }
+    }
+    void OnStatusUpdate(const chip::app::StatusIB & status) override
+    {
+        switch (mTestIndex - 1) {
+        case 0:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 4:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 8:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 9:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        case 10:
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", chip::to_underlying(status.mStatus), 0));
+            break;
+        }
+        // Go on to the next test.
+        ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_NO_ERROR);
+    }
+    chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const override { return chip::System::Clock::Seconds16(mTimeout.ValueOr(kTimeoutInSeconds)); }
+    std::atomic_uint16_t mTestIndex;
+    const uint16_t mTestCount = 11;
+    chip::Optional<chip::NodeId> mNodeId;
+    chip::Optional<chip::CharSpan> mCluster;
+    chip::Optional<chip::EndpointId> mEndpoint;
+    chip::Optional<uint16_t> mTimeout;
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep1WaitForTheCommissionedDeviceToBeRetrieved_0()
+    {
+        chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type value;
+        value.nodeId = mNodeId.HasValue() ? mNodeId.Value() : 305414945ULL;
+        return WaitForCommissionee("alpha", value);
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep2ThReadsFromTheDutTheClusterRevisionAttribute_1()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeClusterRevisionWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the ClusterRevision attribute.: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the ClusterRevision attribute.: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            {
+                id actualValue = value;
+                VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("ClusterRevision", actualValue, 1U));
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("clusterRevision", "int16u", "int16u"));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheFeatureMapAttributeBit0ShallBe1IfAndOnlyIfOtccmsf00deponoff_2()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute, bit 0: SHALL be 1 if and only if OTCCM.S.F00(DEPONOFF): Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute, bit 0: SHALL be 1 if and only if OTCCM.S.F00(DEPONOFF): Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("featureMap", "bitmap32", "bitmap32"));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep3ThReadsFromTheDutTheFeatureMapAttribute_3()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeFeatureMapWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute.: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the FeatureMap attribute.: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            {
+                id actualValue = value;
+                VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("FeatureMap", actualValue, 0UL));
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("featureMap", "bitmap32", "bitmap32"));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutTheAttributeListAttribute_4()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute.: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute.: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("attributeList", "list", "list"));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 0UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 1UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65528UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65529UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65530UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65531UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65532UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65533UL));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep4aThReadsFromTheDutTheAttributeListAttribute_5()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute.: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4a: TH reads from the DUT the AttributeList attribute.: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("attributeList", "list", "list"));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 0UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 1UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65528UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65529UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65531UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65532UL));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 65533UL));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep4bReadTheOptionalAttributeStartUpModeInAttributeList_6()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4b: Read the optional attribute(StartUpMode) in AttributeList: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("attributeList", "list", "list"));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 2UL));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep4cReadTheFeatureDependentAttributeDEPONOFFInAttributeList_7()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeAttributeListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent attribute(DEPONOFF) in AttributeList: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 4c: Read the Feature dependent attribute(DEPONOFF) in AttributeList: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("attributeList", "list", "list"));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("attributeList", value, 3UL));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep6ThReadsFromTheDutTheAcceptedCommandListAttribute_9()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeAcceptedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the AcceptedCommandList attribute.: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 6: TH reads from the DUT the AcceptedCommandList attribute.: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("acceptedCommandList", "list", "list"));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("acceptedCommandList", value, 0UL));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+    CHIP_ERROR TestStep7ThReadsFromTheDutTheGeneratedCommandListAttribute_10()
+    {
+        MTRBaseDevice * device = GetDevice("alpha");
+        __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOvenMode alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:mCallbackQueue];
+        VerifyOrReturnError(cluster != nil, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
+        [cluster readAttributeGeneratedCommandListWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) {
+            if (err != nil) {
+                NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the GeneratedCommandList attribute.: Error: %@", err);
+            } else {
+                NSLog(@"Step 7: TH reads from the DUT the GeneratedCommandList attribute.: Success");
+            }
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckValue("status", err ? err.code : 0, 0));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintType("generatedCommandList", "list", "list"));
+            VerifyOrReturn(CheckConstraintContains("generatedCommandList", value, 1UL));
+            NextTest();
+        }];
+        return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    }
 class Test_TC_DRYERCTRL_1_1 : public TestCommandBridge {
     // NOLINTBEGIN(clang-analyzer-nullability.NullPassedToNonnull): Test constructor nullability not enforced
@@ -193141,6 +193566,7 @@ void registerCommandsTests(Commands & commands)
+        make_unique<Test_TC_OTCCM_1_1>(),