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292 lines (232 loc) · 8.35 KB



BBCode plugin for Mantis BugTracker 2.x

Incorporates the following configurable features:

  • Editor with toolbars and preview (using jQuery MarkItUp).
  • BBCode processing.
  • Syntax Highlighting (using prismjs).
  • Mostly compatible with the Mantis Formatting plugin (this means they can both be enabled, if desired).
  • NOTE: This plugin does NOT interact well with the Markdown Processing feature of the Mantis Formatting plugin. Disabling the functionality is advised.

Repository Information

NOTE: BBCodePlus 2.x is now the master for the BBCodePlus project. Please re-fork or (carefully) update your fork (branch structure on upstream and origin).

Branch Description
master Support for MantisBT 2.x (current production version).
master-1.3.x Support for MantisBT 1.3.x (legacy).

Contributing to BBCodePlus

If you would like to contribute to BBCode plus, please read this guide first.

Change Log


  • Corrected issue with clipboard js script not being referenced properly on some mantis installs.


  • Added nonce random token and directives for included js scripts in order to hopefully address CSP restrictions.
  • Corrected issue with referencing issue images (removed volatile token, now using only file id and type).


  • Fixed styling and scripting issues with issue image picker.
  • Resized markItUp editor elements.


  • NEW: Added image picker modal for picking images that have been uploaded to issue.


  • Now including clipboard.min.js locally, to avoid cdn interaction.


  • Corrected email parsing behavior when Email Processing is turned on. MantisBT does not support HTML email natively.


  • Added the following characters to work with the quotee's name in the named quote function (basically to support email-adresses here): . @ - @FSD-Christian-ISS


  • Fixed display of quotes when quotee's name contains unicode characters, commas or single quotes @FSD-Christian-ISS


  • Fixed issue with additional protocols in link insertion.


  • Fixed rendering issue of code blocks when language parameter was left empty
  • Fixed rendering issue of quote blocks when quotee parameter contained whitespaces



  • Removed leftover debug call that was breaking display.


  • Corrected outstanding bug with resolved bug links.


  • Corrected bug in handling of mention links.


  • Corrected use of $this inside code replace callback (causes issues with older versions of PHP).


  • Corrected issues with bug links and mentions.
  • Dropped support for CVS links.
  • Added better code block support for HTML syntax (<br/> tags were getting dropped).
  • Removed duplication of MantisCoreFormatting features. They will be used only when the plugin is enabled.


  • Cleaned up issues with undefined variable notices from old code.


  • Added MarkItUp toolbar support for custom textarea fields.


  • Fixed new parser incompatibility with PHP 5.5.9+.
  • Updated README for all languages supported by code highlighter.


  • Brand new BBCode/HTML parsers, from Genert/bbcode.
  • Updated Prism code highlighter, now with Copy to Clipboard functionality.
  • Addresses multiple outstanding issues.
  • Added check for Mantis Formatting Markdown feature (warns if it is ON, as it will cause issues with BBCodePlus).
  • Cleaned up lots of old code, which will make it easier to maintain.


  • Updated MarkItUp javascript dependency.


Markup editor



Supported BBCode Tags

[img][/img] - Images.
[url][/url] - Links.
[email][/email] - Email addresses.
[color=red][/color] - Colored text.
[highlight=yellow][/highlight] - Highlighted text.
[size][/size] - Font size.
[list][/list] - Unordered lists.
[list=1][/list] - Numbered lists (number is starting number).
[list=a][/list] - Alpha lists (letter is starting letter).
[*] - List items.
[b][/b] - Bold.
[u][/u] - underline
[i][/i] - Italic.
[s][/s] - Strikethrough.
[left][/left] - Left align.
[center][/center] - Center.
[right][/right] - Right align.
[justify][/justify] - Justify.
[hr] - Horizontal rule.
[sub][/sub] - Subscript.
[sup][/sup] - Superscript.
[table][/table] - Table.
[table=1][/table] - Table with border of specified width.
[thead][/thead] - Table head block.
[tbody][/tbody] - Table body block.
[tr][/tr] - Table row.
[th][/th] - Table header column.
[td][/td] - Table column.
[code][/code] - Code block.
[code=sql][/code] - Code block with language definition.
[code start=3][/code] - Code block with line numbers starting at number.
[code=sql start=3][/code] - Code block with language definition and line numbers starting at number.
[quote][/quote] - Quote by *someone* (no name).
[quote=name][/quote] - Quote by *name*.

Supported Languages for Code Highlighting

The implementation of prism.js includes support for languages in 2 modes:

  • default (supported on plugin install).
  • Add support for extra languages (through the plugin's configuration page).

Languages supported by default

Keyword Description
aspnet ASP.NET
bash Bash + Shell
basic BASIC
batch Batch
clike C-like
cpp C++
csharp C#
csp CoffeeScript
css CSS
c C
django Django/Jinja2
docker Docker
hpkp HTTP Public-Key-Pins
hsts HTTP Strict-Transport-Security
http HTTP
ini Ini
javadoclike JavaDoc-like
javascript JavaScript
java Java
js-extras JS Extras
json5 JSON5
jsonp JSONP
json JSON
markup-templating Markup templating
markup Markup + HTML + XML + SVG + MathML
nginx nginx
pascal Pascal + Object Pascal
perl Perl
php-extras PHP Extras
phpdoc PHPDoc
php PHP
plsql PL/SQL
powershell PowerShell
python Python
regex Regex
ruby Ruby
smarty Smarty
sql SQL
vbnet VB.NET
vim vim
visual-basic Visual Basic
wiki Wiki markup
xquery XQuery
yaml YAML

Languages supported by the extra languages feature

Keyword Description
abap ABAP
actionscript ActionScript
apl APL
applescript AppleScript
autohotkey AutoHotKey
bison Bison
brainfuck Brainfuck
coffeescript CoffeeScript
css-extras CSS Extras
dart Dart
diff Diff
d D
eiffel Eiffel
elixir Elixir
erlang Erlang
fortran Fortran
fsharp F#
gherkin Gherkin
git Git
glsl GLSL
go Go
groovy Groovy
haskell Haskell
inform7 Inform 7
jsx React JSX
julia Julia
j J
keyman Keyman
latex LaTex
less Less
lolcode LOLCODE
makefile Makefile
markdown Markdown
matlab MATLAB
mel MEL
mizar Mizar
monkey Monkey
nasm NASM
nim Nim
nsis NSIS
objectivec Objective-C
ocaml OCaml
processing Processing
prolog Prolog
pure Pure
qore Qore
q Q
regex Regex
rest reST
rip Rip
rust Rust
r R
sass Sass (Sass)
sas SAS
scala Scala
scheme Scheme
scss Sass (Scss)
smalltalk Smalltalk
swift Swift
tcl Tcl
twig Twig
typescript TypeScript
verilog Verilog
vhdl VHDL