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Trusteme: Scheme on GraalVM


Trusteme is a yet incomplete implementation of the Scheme programming language (R6RS) on GraalVM using the Truffle API.

Trusteme supports hygienic macros as described in R6RS via the psyntax project, with some changes. All procedures required by psyntax are implemented so that
psyntax itself in its expanded form can be run by the Trusteme interpreter.

This project is inspired by Mumbler.


To build Trusteme, simply type the following in Trusteme's root directory in your favorite shell:

gradle distTar

In the first case, you will find the built tar ball at launcher/build/distributions/launcher.tar. You can just unpack it and find the launcher script under bin/. For example, write a simple Scheme source and save it as

(import (rnrs)
        (rnrs base))
(define str "Hello Trusteme!\n")
(display str)

Then invoke the launcher script with a source file:


You'll see the output!


To run some tests, run

gradle test

and wait for the result.


Currently: no repl, no optimization, incomplete functionalities...

Now Trusteme just has enough builtins and primitives to run psyntax, there are lots of work to do to make Trusteme fancier. I put them here, though I may not have time to finish them. Contributions are welcomed, of course.

  • [] a REPL
  • [] record
  • [] eval, expand and load
  • [] optimizations like cp0 in ChezScheme
  • [] call/cc, dynamic-wind, etc.
  • [] interoperability with other Truffle languges
  • [] native image
  • [] better builtin node design

There are still some other issues, but I'll just keep them to myself.


In this section, I describe some implementation details of Trusteme, just in case you want to learn something from it or want to contribute some code, or both.


The Reader reads a subset of the Scheme syntax and outputs an sExpr. It reads one Scheme datum at a time, so use readAll() if one has to read all data in a file or string.

I plan to add more features to the Reader, as listed on the top in Reader's source file.


The Parser converts the output sExpr from Reader to TsmNodes or TsmExprs, depending on whether the sExpr corresponds to a quoted form in the source.

If sExpr corresponds to a quoted form, then the Parser generates a TsmQuoteNode, which when executed, will return the corresponding quoted datum. Otherwise, the Parser generates other TsmNodes that can be executed.

For ease of implementation, the Parser only recognizes the core language, as defined below. Other Scheme constructs can be processed by the psyntax macro expander and turned into the core form.

Core Language

Since I wanted Trusteme to support hygienic macros through psyntax, and the psyntax project has a script that can expand itself using itself to a simple expanded core language, it's unsurprising that the core language of Trusteme is just the core language defined by the output of psyntax.

Here is the core language definition:

<expr> ::= (begin <expr>+)
       |   (define <id> <expr>)                 ;; top-level definitions only
       |   (set! <id> <expr>)
       |   (lambda (<id>*) <expr>+)
       |   (lambda <id> <expr>+)
       |   (lambda (<id>+ . <id>) <expr>+)
       |   (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
       |   (<expr> <expr>)                      ;; application
       |   (letrec ([<id> <expr>]+) <expr>+)
       |   (quote <datum>)
       |   <id>                                 ;; variable reference

<datum> ::= <fixnum> | <flonum> | <bignum>
        | <bool>   | <pair>   | <vector>
        | <symbol> | <string> | <char>
        | <eof>


All Trusteme executable nodes derive from TsmNode, which is child of Node in the Truffle API.

Every right hand side in the <expr> non-terminal in the core language has a respective TsmNode subtype. For example, the begin form has TsmBeginNode, the quote form has TsmQuoteNode. The lambda form is a little special, however, because it permits different number of parameters. Even though there are three types of lambda forms, they all correspond to TsmLambdaNode. The difference of the number of parameters is handled in the lambda case in Parser.parseSpecialForm().

Take TsmDefineNode for example. It introduces a new binding to the top-level environment, and returns void. It has a field called valueNode, annotated by @Child, signifying that it is a child node, and Truffle can do optimizations based on this. Another field is sym, which is the name of the binding.

TsmDefineNode runs its valueNode first to obtain the value, then it installs this value into the top-level environment. The entire logic is written in executeGeneric().

Now let's look at TsmSymbolNode. This node will return the value of the binding when executed. The value can be bound either in some lexical scope (see sections below) or in the top-level environment.

So in TsmSymbolNode's executeGeneric() method, we search for the binding starting from the current frame (lexical scope), and if not found, we continue with the previous one, and so on up to the top frame. And finally we throw an exception if the binding does not exist.

Trusteme Data Types

Trusteme supports common Scheme data types, such as fixnum, flonum, bignum, boolean, char, string, pair, list, vector and so on. They are represented by respective Java classes. E.g, fixnum -> TsmFixnum, flonum -> TsmFlonum, pairs and lists are represented by TsmPair, and the empty list is represented by the singleton TsmNull. Procedures are also values, and they are represented by TsmProcedure.

All Trusteme data types are subclasses of TsmExpr, which implements the TruffleObject interface in conformance to the Truffle API.

TsmExpr defines several methods its subclasses must implement. write() is for implementing the write procedure in Scheme, which gives the textual representation of a datum, and this textual representation can be further read back by the read procedure to obtain the same datum. isEq(), isEqv() and isEqual() corresponds to the three equivalence predicates Scheme has, is decreasing order of discriminating power.

One drawback of the current Trusteme type implementation is that in order to have a uniform type hierarchy, primitive types like fixnums, flonum, bignums and booleans are boxed. This hurts performance. Hopefully one day I'll improve it.


Builtins are primitive procedures implemented in Java, and registered in TrustemeLanguage class in the createTopFrame() method.

TsmBuiltinNode is the base class of all builtin nodes. It currently does nothing but has a NAME field that stores the name of the builtin procedure so that it can be registered into the top frame and looked up easily.

When a builtin instance is being registered in TrustemeLanguage, it is wrapped in a TsmRootNode, which is just how we create a piece of callable code/AST. The same works for creating lambda expressions, see below.

Builtins are registered into the top frame as (name . builtin) pair.

Currently, the argument count check is duplicated in every builtin node. This is a bad software engineering practice. I'll find time to fix this.


Primitives are Scheme procedures written in core-language Scheme, it sits at trusteme-lib/src/main/resources/, along with

Because primitives are written in the core language, all literals (strings, chars, booleans, etc.) need to be quoted. There is no let form, since it is equivalent to lambda application. is loaded before, because uses some procedures that are defined in These procedures are more easily defined in Scheme than in Java.

The psyntax Macro Expander

by whom?

In order for psyntax to be usable in Trusteme, I made some changes to it.

The version downloaded from the website cannot be expanded directly by the ChezScheme (v9+) running on my machine. Need to modify the bootstrap script

modifications: entry point, primitive reference uses identifier directly library definition the program loader used in launcher

If you want to learn more about the expander algorithm, see [...].

Top Frame and Top-level Environment

Frames are used to pass procedure arguments. When a procedure application occurs, a new frame is created and arguments are stored in it. A frame is either an instance of VirtualFrame or MaterializedFrame. The difference is explained in later text. A frame has two mechanisms to store data. The first is the automatically constructed argument array that can be accessed using getArguments(), as you can see in almost every builtin node. The second is local variable slots. The number of slots is fixed at parsing time.

The top frame is created as VirtualFrame. It is used to hold all the builtins and the top-level environment, and is fixed once all builtins are added to it.

The first slot in the top frame is null, in order to distinguish it from other frames. The second slot stores the top-level environment, which is essentially a Java map.

The top-level environment stores bindings introduced by TsmDefineNode, that is, by define expressions in the core language.

When expanding the source, psyntax knows whether a define expression is top-level or not. If it is some sort of internal definition in blocks like let or letrec, then it will actually be transformed into set! expression that act on some auto-generated dummy lexical variables. Only true top-level defines are preserved in the output. That why in the core language semantics define only introduces bindings to the top-level environment.

There is no need to worry about name clashes, because psyntax will give each binding a unique name (aka. alpha-conversion).

Lexical Scope

Scheme is lexically scoped, and has closures that capture free variables.

use MaterializedFrame to represent the lexical scope it carries free variables it is similar to the linked closure method, as opposed to flat closure, as used by most mature functional language implementations.

performance penalty

Lambda Expressions and TsmRootNodes

Lambda expressions will be parsed as TsmLambdaNodes, which returns a TsmProcedure instance when executed.

TsmProcedure has two important fields: callTarget and lexicalScope. The former represents a callable Truffle AST, which is the code of the procedure; the latter contains the lexical bindings accessible by the procedure.

Like the builtin nodes, the nodes generated from the body of a lambda expression are wrapped in a TsmRootNode, so that it becomes callable AST. Because TsmRootNode derives from RootNode, we can obtain a RootCallTarget by calling getCallTarget(). To actually call the code hidden behind this RootCallTarget, simply call its call() method, or, for better chances of optimization, use DirectCallNode/InDirectCallNode. See TsmAppNode and TsmAppDispatchNode for more details/

When a lambda expression is being evaluated, or when a TsmLambdaNode is executed, it materializes the frame and stores it into the procedure instance. In this way it captures the value of those free variables in its body.

If you look at how TsmRootNodes are created in TsmRootNode.create(), you would notice three types of nodes that are inserted before the body of the lambda expression nodes: TsmReadLexicalScopeNode, TsmReadArgNode and TsmReadDotArgNode.

In spirit of Mumbler, lexical scope is always passed as the first argument to every procedure. Upon entry to a procedure, TsmReadLexicalScopeNode reads the lexical scope and places it into the frame's first local variable slot for later use. TsmReadLexicalScopeNode is always generated.

TsmReadArgNodes are generated after TsmReadLexicalScopeNode. It is used to read positional arguments from the frame, and store them as (name . value) pairs into the frame slots, so TsmSymbolNode can find the value of a binding.

For example, for (lambda (x y) (+ x y)), the AST would roughly look like:


TsmReadDotArgNode is used to implement variable-arity Scheme procedures. They come in two flavors, one is dot argument, like (lambda (x y . z) ...), another is a single list argument: (lambda args ...).

In the first case, the procedure expects at least two arguments. If it receives exactly two, then z will be '(); otherwise those extra arguments are packed into a list and bound to z.

In the second case, the procedure receives zero or more arguments. If no arguments are passed, args is '(), otherwise all arguments are packed into a list and bound to args.

TsmReadDotArgNode covers both cases.

AST of (lambda (x y . z) ...) would look like:


AST of (lambda args ...) would just look like:


Procedure Application

All lists in the source code whose car does not belong to the set of keywords (begin, define, set!, lambda, if, letrec, etc.) and are not quoted are parsed as applications and are represented by TsmAppNode.

In contrast to R6RS's specification of evaluation order, Trusteme evaluates expressions in an application left to right, starting with the operator.

Tail Call Optimization

In order not to blow the stack when writing recursive functions, we need some tail call optimization.

We can identify the following tail positions in the core language:

expr ::= (begin <expr>* <tail>)
         (lambda (<id>*) <expr>* <tail>)
         (lambda <id> <expr>* <tail>)
         (if <expr> <tail> <tail>)
         (letrec ([<id> <expr>]*) <expr>* <tail>)

We use TailCallException to model the effect of a tail call, that is, the stack is not grown when a tail call occurs, because throwing an exception unwinds the stack. TailCallException encodes the CallTarget and the arguments, and is handled earlier in the call chain, so that the call to the CallTarget can happen after the stack is shortened.

There are call() methods littered in places where a node is executed in non-tail position, and the result will be used later. This method basically handles all TailCallException at that call boundary in case the result of the called subexpression leaks to upper call boundaries.