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TroubleShooting: Blank Map

Masashi Katsumata edited this page Aug 6, 2014 · 11 revisions

Some people get this error "Blank Map" when they tried at first time.

There are several reason. Check the bellow points: ##1. Do you use Android emulator? Since this plugin uses Google Maps Android API v2, you need to use "Google APIs x86 (Google Inc.)".

##2. Did you turn on the switches? You might forget turning on the switches of Google Maps Android API v2 and Google Maps SDK for iOS at Google APIs Console.

##3. Is your API key correct? You need to register your SHA-1 fingerprint to Google APIs console. Follow the instruction:

$> keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

##4. Have you registered your package name with the above sign correctly? img

Also check for the iOS setting. screen shot 2014-07-23 at 1 42 51 pm

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