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ariya edited this page Sep 23, 2012 · 15 revisions

PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API. YSlow for PhantomJS is a command line script that allows page performance analysis from live URLs, unlike YSlow for Command Line (HAR) where a pre-generated HAR file is needed in order to analyze page performance.

YSlow for PhantomJS also introduces new output formats for automated test frameworks: TAP (Test Anything Protocol) and JUnit, other formats as well as hook for custom formatters will be available soon, keep watching. With this new feature, YSlow can now be added to your continuous integration pipeline as a performance test suite, preventing performance regression to be pushed to production. See examples and screenshots below.

## Installation
  1. Check steps to install PhantomJS or alternatively build it from source.
  2. Assuming PhantomJS is properly installed and executable from your PATH:
    Download YSlow for PhantomJS
  3. Extract the content into any directory.
## Help
$ phantomjs yslow.js --help
  Usage: phantomjs [phantomjs options] yslow.js [yslow options] [url ...]

  PhantomJS Options:

  YSlow Options:

    -h, --help               output usage information
    -V, --version            output the version number
    -i, --info <info>        specify the information to display/log (basic|grade|stats|comps|all) [all]
    -f, --format <format>    specify the output results format (json|xml|plain|tap|junit) [json]
    -r, --ruleset <ruleset>  specify the YSlow performance ruleset to be used (ydefault|yslow1|yblog) [ydefault]
    -b, --beacon <url>       specify an URL to log the results
    -d, --dict               include dictionary of results fields
    -v, --verbose            output beacon response information
    -t, --threshold <score>  for test formats, the threshold to test scores ([0-100]|[A-F]|{JSON}) [80]
                             e.g.: -t B or -t 75 or -t '{"overall": "B", "ycdn": "F", "yexpires": 85}'
    -u, --ua "<user agent>"  specify the user agent string sent to server when the page requests resources
    -vp, --viewport <WxH>    specify page viewport size WxY, where W = width and H = height [400x300]
    -ch, --headers <JSON>    specify custom request headers, e.g.: -ch '{"Cookie": "foo=bar"}'
    -c, --console <level>    output page console messages (0: none, 1: message, 2: message + line + source) [0]


    phantomjs yslow.js
    phantomjs yslow.js -i grade -f xml
    phantomjs yslow.js -info all --format plain --ua "MSIE 9.0"
    phantomjs yslow.js -i basic --rulseset yslow1 -d
    phantomjs yslow.js -i grade -b -v
    phantomjs --load-plugins=yes yslow.js -vp 800x600
    phantomjs yslow.js -i grade -f tap -t 85
## Examples

Basic information with JSON output

$ phantomjs yslow.js --info basic

Basic information with plain text (human readable) output

$ phantomjs yslow.js --info basic --format plain
size: 561.4K (561458 bytes)
overall score: D (64)
# of requests: 137
ruleset: ydefault
page load time: 2576

Basic test (overall score only) with TAP output

$ phantomjs yslow.js --info basic --format tap --threshold B
TAP version 13
ok 1 B (86) overall score

Full test with TAP output

$ phantomjs yslow.js --info grade --format tap --threshold '{"overall": "B", "ycdn": 65}'
TAP version 13
ok 1 B (88) overall score
not ok 2 C (72) ynumreq: Make fewer HTTP requests
  message: This page has 7 external Javascript scripts.  Try combining them into one.
This page has 5 external stylesheets.  Try combining them into one.
ok 3 C (70) ycdn: Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  message: There are 3 static components that are not on CDN. <p>You can specify CDN hostnames in your preferences. See <a href="">YSlow FAQ</a> for details.</p>
    - " 1 component, 8.0K (8.0K GZip)"
    - " 1 component, 1.0K (1.0K GZip)"
    - " 1 component, 0.8K"
ok 4 A (100) yemptysrc: Avoid empty src or href
not ok 5 F (12) yexpires: Add Expires headers
  message: There are 8 static components without a far-future expiration date.
    - ""
    - ",700italic,300,700"
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
ok 6 A (100) ycompress: Compress components with gzip
ok 7 A (100) ycsstop: Put CSS at top
ok 8 A (100) yjsbottom: Put JavaScript at bottom
ok 9 A (100) yexpressions: Avoid CSS expressions
ok 10 N/A (-1) yexternal: Make JavaScript and CSS external # SKIP score N/A
  message: Only consider this if your property is a common user home page.
    - "There is a total of 2 inline css"
    - "There is a total of 2 inline scripts"
not ok 11 C (70) ydns: Reduce DNS lookups
  message: The components are split over more than 4 domains
    - " 3 components, 17.6K (17.6K GZip)"
    - " 1 component, 1.0K (1.0K GZip)"
    - " 4 components, 0.0K"
    - " 3 components, 49.2K (48.4K GZip)"
    - " 1 component, 36.5K (36.5K GZip)"
    - " 2 components, 49.5K"
    - " 1 component, 3.6K"
    - " 1 component, 10.8K (10.8K GZip)"
    - " 10 components, 948.5K (354.1K GZip)"
    - " 1 component, 2.4K"
ok 12 A (90) yminify: Minify JavaScript and CSS
  message: There is 1 component that can be minified
    - "inline &lt;style&gt; tag #2"
ok 13 A (100) yredirects: Avoid URL redirects
ok 14 A (100) ydupes: Remove duplicate JavaScript and CSS
ok 15 A (100) yetags: Configure entity tags (ETags)
ok 16 A (100) yxhr: Make AJAX cacheable
ok 17 A (100) yxhrmethod: Use GET for AJAX requests
ok 18 A (100) ymindom: Reduce the number of DOM elements
ok 19 A (100) yno404: Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error
ok 20 A (100) ymincookie: Reduce cookie size
ok 21 A (100) ycookiefree: Use cookie-free domains
ok 22 A (100) ynofilter: Avoid AlphaImageLoader filter
ok 23 A (100) yimgnoscale: Do not scale images in HTML
ok 24 A (95) yfavicon: Make favicon small and cacheable
  message: Favicon is not cacheable
## Screenshots

Jenkins with TAP test results

Jenkins with TAP test results screenshot

Jenkins with JUnit test results

Jenkins with JUnit test results screenshot

Jenkins with JUnit test result details

Jenkins with JUnit test result details screenshot

## Jenkins integration

Once you have Jenkins, PhantomJS and YSlow for PhantomJS installed and working properly, just add the following shell command into your building process:

phantomjs /tmp/yslow.js -i grade -threshold "B" -f junit http://built-page-here > yslow.xml

In line above:

  • YSlow for PhantomJS script is located at /tmp/yslow.js
  • -i grade specifies that all rules will be tested
  • -threshold "B" specifies the lowest acceptable score for all rules as well as overall score
  • -f junit specifies the output format for Jenkins
  • http://built-url-here is the reachable built page url of your project
  • yslow.xml is the output results in junit format

If you have TAP plugin installed (via Jenkins plugin manager), you can replace the line above or add another test as follows:

phantomjs /tmp/yslow.js -i grade -threshold "B" -f tap http://built-page-here > yslow.tap

In line above:

  • YSlow for PhantomJS script is located at /tmp/yslow.js
  • -i grade specifies that all rules will be tested
  • -threshold "B" specifies the lowest acceptable score for all rules as well as overall score
  • -f tap specifies the output format for TAP Jenkins plugin
  • http://built-url-here is the reachable built page url of your project
  • yslow.tap is the output results in TAP format

Make sure you publish JUnit and/or TAP results report in the post-build actions pointing to the output test results file(s), e.g: yslow.xml, yslow.tap, etc.

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