- SSH Server
- rsync
We recommend to create a separate user per person. There are other options like a Docker container per person though.
- Create user.
$ adduser {FIRST_NAME}_{LAST_NAME}
- Place user SSH key.
$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
$ chmod u+rwx,go= ~/.ssh
$ echo {SSH_KEY} >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod u+rw,go= ~/.ssh
Install tools you need to perform remote processing.
If a build system requires Shell initialization scripts or special environment variables,
you should place them to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.bash_profile
file depending on your remote OS.
Be careful, some Bash configurations stop config evaluation when non-interactive mode is detected (mainframer runs SSH in non-interactive mode).
In such a case, you should place your declarations before the stop
instruction such as the following one.
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
We've built a recipe to ease the setup of remote machine for you.