Anka VM GitHub Action
- Install the Anka Virtualization CLI onto a macOS host machine. You'll need a Template and Tag generated.
- Install and ensure you have registered a shared (org level; found under org settings/actions) or project specific runner (found under repo settings/actions) with GitHub. These runners need to be running on the host machines you run your Anka Virtualization CLI.
- Include a
in your repo - Make sure to set your mapping key
toveertuinc/[email protected]
- There are a few required key/values you need to include under
(see the Inputs section for more information)
name: My Project's CI/CD
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: [self-hosted, macOS]
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: build
id: build
uses: veertuinc/[email protected]
anka-template: "10.15.4"
anka-tag: "base:port-forward-22:xcode11-v1"
commands: |
echo "Starting build process"
./ && \
artifacts: |
The above example will clone your project repo to the github action runner's working directory, pull the Template 10.15.4
and Tag base:port-forward-22:xcode11-v1
from the Registry, prepare an Anka VM using that Template and Tag, execute the commands inside of the VM, and then upload artifacts ./log.txt
and ./build/binaryfile-v1
from the current directory (which is mounted by default into the VM).
Build and Test time can be significantly impacted by the default host -> guest mount. It's suggested that you use
anka-run-options: "--wait-network --wait-time --no-volume"
and then git clone your repo inside ofcommands:
These are defined under the with:
mapping key inside of your workflow yaml.
- Name or UUID of your Anka Template
- [Required]
- Commands you wish to run inside of the Anka VM
- [Required]
- You can use
commands: |
for multi-line input or a simple string
- Name of Anka Tag (optional)
- defaults to latest tag
- Label for the cloned VM that will execute your code
- Defaults to
- Your custom label will have a random number added to the end of it to prevent collisions when two VMs are running on the same node with the same label
- Commands you wish to run outside on the node (host) BEFORE preparation of and execution inside the VM
- Commands you wish to run outside on the node (host) AFTER preparation of and execution inside the VM
- Options set for the anka start execution
- Options set for anka run execution
- Options set for anka registry pull execution
- Options to use for github actions exec command
- Must be a js object (do not use single quotes to wrap values
{ cwd: 'This Wont Work' }
) or JSON ({ "cwd": "./pathOnHostToRunAnkaCommands" }
) inside of a string - Supported options:
- Location where the pull/clone lock file exists
- Defaults to /tmp
- Each file you wish to upload and include in the final artifact, newline separated
- Name of the artifact (archive) that contains all of the files specified in the
input - Defaults to "artifact"
- An absolute or relative file path that denotes the root parent directory of the files being uploaded
- Defaults to "./"
- Skip the registry pull; useful if you do not have a registry or it is down but the Template + Tag are already on the node
These are returned to your workflow.yaml so that subsequent steps can use them.
- The STDOUT and STDERR from the executed commands
- Includes artifact upload output
runs-on: [self-hosted, macOS]
needs: prep
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: sleep
run: "sleep 20"
- name: pull test 2
id: pull-test-2
uses: veertuinc/[email protected]
anka-template: "10.15.4"
anka-tag: "base:port-forward-22"
commands: |
ls -laht ./
ls -laht ../
echo "HERE" && \
- name: Check for output
run: |
PULL_TEST_STD="${{ steps.pull-test-2.outputs.std }}"
printf "pull test std ========================\n$PULL_TEST_STD"
[[ ! -z "$(echo \"$PULL_TEST_STD\" | head -n 1)" ]] || exit 50
[[ ! -z "$(echo \"$PULL_TEST_STD\" | grep 'Lock file /tmp/registry-pull-lock-10.15.4 found')" ]] || exit 51
npm install
There are two types of tests we perform:
Unit tests (testing functions)
npm test
Functional testing using a workflow yaml (not in this repo)
- Support multiple artifacts and files for those artifacts
- Better tests with mocks so we can avoid so much functional testing
- Execution of anka run should happen with
anka run template sh
and then passing into STDIN - Passing host ENV into VM
- Clone within VM (with skip-clone inputs)
Anka VM GitHub Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.