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Create an Open Catalogi page

Creates an Open Catalogi page for a specific organisation
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Open Catalogi action

This action builds on the organization-specific Open Catalogi page as a static GitHub page.


To use this action, simply include it as a step in your workflow file. No inputs are required.

name: My Open Catalogi Workflow

    - cron: '0 0 * * *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Deploy Open Catalogi Github Page
        uses: OpenCatalogi/opencatalogi-action@latest

In the above example a page is created or updated every night at 0:00, we advise this route because you will automatically be supplied with fixes and new features. You can however also choose other options to trigger a page build

To trigger a page build whenever you commit something to the main branch

      - main

Warning It is possible that this workflow fails, a simple 'rerun job' in your GitHub actions might be enough to fix this.

To gain a bit more control and only trigger a page build manually use


Warning If you do not supply the action with an access token or an SSH key, you must access your repositories settings and provide Read and Write Permissions to the provided GITHUB_TOKEN, otherwise you'll potentially run into permission issues. Alternatively, you can set the following in your workflow file to grant the action the permissions it needs.

  contents: write

Note When you first run the workflow you need to manually activate GitHub pages on your repository! Head over to settings -> pages. Select deploy form a branch as a source and gh-pages as your branche (unless you configured the page to be built in a different branch) Page Settings After pressing save head over to the actions and take a look at the pages build and deployment action Page Action When it is done it will also tell you under which link you can find your page Page Action done


Input Name
Required Type Default Value
env_vars_set Whether to use the env variables set in this file, set to false to use env variables of the OpenCatalogi config files Yes boolean true
github_pages_branch The branch on which the GitHub page will be built (Optional) No string gh-pages
github_repository_name_as_prefix Whether to use the GitHub repository name as a prefix (Optional) No boolean true
repository The GitHub repository to use (could be an external repository) (Optional) No string ${{ }}
pull_from_branche The branch on which to base the build (Optional) No string main
me_url The profile URL used (Optional) No string
api_url The location of the Open Catalogi API (change if you are running your own API) (Optional) No string
nextcloud_api_url The location of the Nextcloud Open Catalogi API (change if you are running your own API) (Optional) No string
admin_url The admin (dashboard) URL used (Optional) No string
base_url The BASE location of the Open Catalogi API (change if you are running your own API) (Optional) No string
frontend_url The location (URL) of this Open Catalogi installation (Optional) No string
login_redirect The path for login redirection (Optional) No string vault
admin_dashboard_url The location of the Open Catalogi dashboard (Optional) No string
nl_design_theme_classname The class name of the desired NL design theme (Optional) No string open-webconcept-theme
arrow_breadcrumbs Whether to use arrow breadcrumbs instead of the normal breadcrumbs (Optional) No boolean false
start_page When given, shows a readme file instead of the normal start page (Optional) No string false
filter_forks Remove forked repositories from search, set it to false to not show this filter, set to true to show this filter and have it active as default, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active(Optional) No string
filter_rating The rating version that will be used, OpenCatalogi or Commonground set to false to not show this filter (Optional) No string OpenCatalogi
filter_rating_default The default value of the shown rating. OpenCatalogi: (0-24), Commonground: (0-4). If filter_rating is set to false the default value won't do anything.(Optional) No string 0
filter_layer If you want to have the filter layer displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set to '["{value1}", "{value2}"]' values: (interface, process, integration, service, data), leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_upl If you want to have the filter upl displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set to '["{value1}", "{value2}"]' values can be found here, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_organisation If you want to have the filter organisation displayed, set to false to not show the filter (Optional) No string
filter_category If you want to have the filter category displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set the value to one of the categories found here, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_platforms If you want to have the filter platforms displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set to '["{value1}", "{value2}"]' values: (web, windows, mac, linux, ios, android), leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_status If you want to have the filter status displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set the value to one of the status (concept, development, beta, stable, obsolete, hideObsolete), leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_maintenance_types If you want to have the filter status maintenance types, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set the value to one of the maintenancy types (internal, contract, community), leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_license If you want to have the filter license displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set the value to one of the licenses found here, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_business_functions If you want to have the filter business functions displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set to '["{value1}", "{value2}"]' values can be found here, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_software_type If you want to have the filter software type displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set the value to one of the software type found here, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_business_services If you want to have the filter business services displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set to '["{value1}", "{value2}"]' values can be found here, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
filter_reference_components If you want to have the filter reference components displayed, set it to false to not show this filter, to set a default value set to '["{value1}", "{value2}"]' values can be found here, leave it empty to show the filter but not have it active (Optional) No string
favicon_logo A base64 encoded SVG file or URL to the logo used as a favicon (Optional) No string[email protected]
page_title The title for the website / gitpage (Optional) No string ${{ }}
navbar_logo An base64 encoded SVG file or URL to the logo used in the main menu (Optional) No string[email protected]
navbar_show_login Shows the inloggen option (Optional) No boolean false
navbar_content A link to the JSON file that manages the footer content (Optional) No string
jumbotron_title The title of the jumbotron (Optional) No string ${{ }}
jumbotron_subtitle The (short) subtitle used in the jumbotron (Optional) No string Product page
jumbotron_description The (long) description included in the jumbotron (Optional) No string ${{ github.event.repository.description }}
footer_logo An base64 encoded SVG file or URL to the logo used in the footer (Optional) No string[email protected]
footer_content A link to the JSON file that manages the footer content (Optional) No string
footer_show_creator Shows the "With love from conduction" link in the footer (Optional) No boolean true
git_name Git name configuration for the commit (Optional) No string Open Catalogi bot
git_mail Git mail configuration for the commit (Optional) No string [email protected]
git_commit_message The description for the commit (Optional) No string ${{ github.event.repository.html_url }}
github_organization_url The repository to which the results are limited (used to only look in your own organization) (Optional) No string${{ github.repository_owner }}


Output Name Description
page A zip of the build page


Besides creating a front end for your catalogue it's also a good idea to define how your organization uses open source. Luckily this is very easily done by adding the publiccode action to your workflow

name: My PublicCode Workflow

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Deploy Product Github Page
        uses: OpenCatalogi/productpage-action@latest
      - name: Update opencatalogi.yaml
        uses: OpenCatalogi/publiccode-action@latest

Read more about the publiccode action that also creates the opencatalogi.yaml

Working with branch protection

Keep in mind that this action creates/updates a file and force pushes into the branch it was run on. It is therefore incompatible with GitHub branch protection ON THE SAME branch. You can however the workflow to start higher up in the branche tree to circumvent this. e.g. if you normally work with a branch setup like:

  • Master (protected)
    • Development (protected)
      • Feature-1
      • Feature-1

You can configure the workflow to trigger on

      - 'feature-*'

The adjusted publiccode or opencatalogi files will then come along in your normal pull requests from feature-x to development, etc.

Special thanks

As is the case with most software this action is based on the work of others and uses their code. We would like to give a special shout-out to the following parties and their code


This software is maintained by Conduction b.v.


© 2023 Conduction B.V.

Licensed under the EUPL. The version control system provides attribution for specific lines of code.


This GitHub Action is published in the GitHub Marketplace. As such, you can find the Terms of Service here. Also, here you can find the GitHub Marketplace Developer Agreement.

Create an Open Catalogi page is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Creates an Open Catalogi page for a specific organisation

Create an Open Catalogi page is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.