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Less is more - artifact size

Be aware of the increase percentage of your artifact
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CI CodeQL License: MIT GitHub release


This workflow will simply fail if the current artifact size has increased more than what is allowed when compared to the latest released artifact. It could be very useful to early identify unwanted size increases, especially on workflows that run for pull requests.

Required input arguments

Name Type Description
released_artifact_name string The filename of the released artifact (or a unique part of it).
artifact_path string The path of the current artifact (or a unique part of it).
max_increase_percentage int>0 The maximum increase percentage allowed.

Optional input arguments

Name Type Description Default
github_token string The token to authenticate Octokit (increases your API rate limit). ""
fail_execution boolean Fail the execution if the artifact is bigger than allowed. true


Example: I want this workflow to fail if the artifact size that I'm building at dist/ has increased more than 10% when compared to my-released-artifact, which is located on GitHub's releases page.

Note: If your released artifact contains variable parts, such as version, you can omit it. So can be simply my-released-artifact, or even my-released-artifact_*.zip.

# Build the artifact before using this workflow.

- uses: caponetto/less-is-more@v1
    released_artifact_name: my-released-artifact
    artifact_path: dist/
    max_increase_percentage: 10
    github_token: ${{ secrets.MY_TOKEN }}


All contributions are welcome, so don't hesitate to submit a pull request. ;-)


This code is released under MIT License.

Check LICENSE file for more information.

Less is more - artifact size is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Be aware of the increase percentage of your artifact



Less is more - artifact size is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.