ActionsThis repository is used to create the github action for the Dev env not for the production. For production release, please use repo.
- Changes are in the feature branch of repo. From the feature branch, user has to build the docker image with any tag and push it to the local/Dev DockerHub.
- Use the same docker image tag in the Dockerfile of this repo.
- See if you need to update the action.yml file. This file contains the configuration like name of the action and it's description like what variable does what.
- Create a new release/tag and post it to the Marketplace.
- Once it is done, use this new version in your example repo for testing.
Note: We have the action.yml file in the .github/workflows folder here. It means we are using this repo both as to release the action and consuming it. hence, this file is not a required file here.
This action allows you to run Blazemeter existing Test
Required The API key of Blazemeter.
Required The API secret of Blazemeter.
Required The Test Id of Blazemeter.
uses: dnyanehblazerunner/BlazeAction@v1 with: apikey: '' apisecret: '' testid: ''
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