Require Label Prefix Single
(2)Inspired by: trstringer/require-label-prefix
Checks whether GitHub issue or pull request have label with specific prefix
This action is inspired by @trstringer's but differs from that one: This action handles only a single issue or pull request just emitted an event (does NOT scan the entire repo).
- name: Require label if not found
uses: Rindrics/require-label-prefix-single@v1
token: ${{ github.TOKEN }}
# [label_prefix]
# The prefix you require the issue to have.
# If you require size labels (e.g. "size/S", "size/L") are enforced,
# the prefix would be "size".
label_prefix: size
# [add_label]
# Whethe or not to add 'default_label' (explained below) to the issue
# which does not have labels with required prefix.
# Options: "true", "false" (default).
# add_label: false
# [default_label]
# The label to be used if `add_label=true`.
# default_label: "size/needed"
# [label_separator]
# The character which divides label prefix and label body
# Default value: "/"
# label_separator: "/"
# [comment]
# The comment body to be used if `add_label=false`
# Default value: "Label with required prefix not found."
# comment: ""
Require Label Prefix Single is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.