SBT Action
(2)This action runs sbt build commands
Required a set of space seperated sbt commands. Default "test"
a relative path to the directory containing your project build.sbt
not needed unless your build.sbt is not in the root of your repository
The contents of a file that will be writen to {sbt_project_directory}/github_action_sbt_settings.sbt
This is useful for setting repositories, credentials, etc
The tag controls the version of Java, SBT, and Scala that the image is initialized with. SBT and Scala will auto-download other versions as specified in your project settings, but if they don't match the initialized versions, it can take significant extra build time.
master branch is currently the same as 8-1.3.0-2.13.0
Currently supported tags are:
JAVA_VERSIONS=("8" "11" "14")
SBT_VERSIONS=("0.13.17" "1.1.6" "1.2.8" "1.3.0")
SCALA_VERSIONS=("2.13.0" "2.12.10" "2.11.12" "2.10.7")
Feel free to request additional tags.
This example demonstrates advanced usage, including configuring a project to deploy to the GitHub Packages repository using SBT
- name: SBT action test
id: sbt
uses: lokkju/github-action-sbt@master
commands: test
sbt_project_directory: ./test
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