Semver tags
(2)This action is designed to be used with CI/CD pipelines that automatically increment the version of the application.
The github token.
A value prefixed to the version number when tagging the repo.
The version number that will be used if no semver tag is found.
What value should be incremented.
A value to set whether to create a release along with the tag. If the value is a branch name, then a release is created if value equals the name of branch that triggered the workflow.
The prerelease tag that will be used in the semver version number.
The metadata tag that will be used in the semver version number.
A value to use for the major version when searching for the previous version tag.
A value to use for the minor version when searching for the previous version tag.
A value to use for the prerelease value when searching for the previous version tag.
A value to use for the metadata value when searching for the previous version tag.
Adds/updates a tag for the major.minor version.
Adds/updates a tag for the major version.
The prerelease tag that will be used in the semver version number.
The previous version number.
The core version part of the semantic version.
The major version part of the semantic version.
The minor version part of the semantic version.
The patch version part of the semantic version.
The calculated version number.
uses: SOLIDSoftworks/semver-tags@v1
tag-prefix: 'v'
default-version: '0.0.1'
prerelease: 'alpha'
Semver tags is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.