This license allows you to use and share this software for noncommercial purposes, while ensuring that you can’t use it to compete commercially without paying for a separate commercial license.
You have permission to use, modify, and share the software, but only under the following terms.
You may only use the software for noncommercial purposes. “Noncommercial purposes” means personal, academic, research, or open-source projects that are not primarily intended for commercial advantage or monetary compensation. If you want to use the software for commercial purposes, you will need a separate commercial license from the software’s owner.
You are free to share and modify the software as long as you pass on the same noncommercial restrictions to anyone you share it with. When you share changes, you must provide clear notice that the changes are your work, not the original author’s.
You may not:
Sell, rent, or lease the software.
Deploy the software for commercial use, which includes using it as part of a product, service, or business that generates revenue.
Use the software in any way that harms, competes with, or violates the commercial interests of the software’s original author or license holder.
If you violate the terms of this license, your right to use the software is immediately terminated. You may be required to pay damages or legal fees in cases of unauthorized commercial use.
This software is provided "as is," with no warranties of any kind. The author is not responsible for any issues that arise from the use of the software.