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Contributing to mlxprs

The MarkLogic extension for Visual Studio Code is an open-source project developed and maintained by MarkLogic and the community. You can help by identifying bugs, requesting features you’d like to see, or even submitting code.

This project and its code and functionality are not representative of MarkLogic Server and are not supported by MarkLogic.

Found a bug or issue?

If you find a problem, or want to request something that’s lacking, please file an issue. Make sure to specify which version of the extension you’re using as well as the version of MarkLogic you’re working against.

Even better, you can submit a Pull Request with a fix for the issue you filed.

If you would like to implement a new feature, please create a new issue with your proposal.

Submitting an Issue

Please check the issue tracker before you submit an issue search, to help avoid duplicates. If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn't been reported, open a new issue.

The following information is most helpful:

  • Overview of the Issue — Be clear. What should happen? What does happen?
  • Steps to reproduce — What exactly do I need to do to experience the issue?
  • Use Case — If it's not obvious, explain why this is a bug for you
  • Environment — Mac, windows, MarkLogic version, VS Code version?
  • Pointers — If you have a hunch or just don't want to bother with a pull request, please point me in the right direction (e.g. line numbers) to fix it.


Project Layout

  • package.json — Metadata about the project, including details for the extensions browser, dependencies, build scripts, commands and user configuration

  • client — Main extension folder

    • extension.ts — Code insertion point. Contains initialization code and defines commands callable by user.
    • marklogicClient.ts — Interface to MarkLogic Node Client API package, which is used to communicate with ML Server.
    • marklogic-types.d.ts — TypeScript type declarations used by the package.
  • server — Language server extension folder (provides syntax highlighting; based on vscode-languageserver extension)

    • package.json — As the language server is technically a separate package, this defines the dependencies for it
    • server.ts — Code insertion point. Contains initialization code for language server.
  • Another important file is .vscode/settings.json. It is recommended that you use settings.json.template to create settings.json, and then customize settings.json to your local environment. Alternatively, these values can also be changed within VSCode when you change settings for this specific workspace.

Building the Project

Building the project requires Node.js to be installed on your local machine. Node v14 LTS is recommended.

First, dev dependencies must be installed. Run npm install in both this folder, and in the ./server folder. For example:

npm install
cd server
npm install
cd ..

A shorthand script that does all of that for you is

npm run installAll

If you want to ensure a clean build, this command clears all transitory files

npm run cleanAll

Using the Extension from the Project (except the debugger)

It is recommended to use VSCode as the editor for this package, as it can self-load a debug instance.

  • Open the project folder in VSCode
  • Select the "Run and Debug" sidebar window (Ctrl+Shift+D)
  • If you are not planning to use the debugging features (either 'Launch' or 'Attach'), then choose "Launch Extension (debug)" from the RUN AND DEBUG dropdown menu
  • If you want to use the debugging features, then you must also have a Debug Client running. You can do this in a couple of different ways:
    • Choose either "Extension + SJS Server" or "Extension + XQY Server". This option starts the Debug Client along with the Extension.
    • First choose and launch either "Launch XQY Debug Adapter Server" or "Launch SJS Debug Adapter Server" to start the Debug Client independently.
  • Press the green play button or F5 to compile and launch the plugin in a test environment
    • Note that at this time, the "Attach" commands do not work when debugging the extension from within VSCode. In order to test the "Attach" commands, you will need to build the artifact (.vsix) and use that extension with a different project, and then test manually.
  • Please see the file for information on configuring and working in the test environment

Debugging the Debugger/Evaluate tasks

This can be just a little tricky. The preferred mechanism to test/debug the debugger from within VSCode is to use the "Extension + SJS Server" or "Extension + XQY Server" launch configuration. Using one of these configurations, VSCode will start a new VSCode window where you can have a different project open for testing the debugger. VSCode also starts an instance of the Debug Adapter. When you use one of the "attach" or "evaluate" launch.json configurations from the second window to attach to a process, the second window connects to the Debug Adapter in the original VSCode window for debugging purposes. At that point, you have effectively have 3 debug sessions going on:

  1. The debug/launch session in the second window. This, presumably, is the debugger you are working on.
  2. The debug session for the debugger you're working on. Shown as "Launch Extension (preprod)" in the Call Stack view.
    • This will show the code from the mlxprs project, other than the four source files mentioned in #3.
  3. The debug session for the Debug Adapter. Shown as "Launch <XQY|SJS> Debug Adapter Server" in the Call Stack view.
    • This will show the code from xqyDebug, xqyRuntime, mlDebug, and mlRuntime
  • Note that the Debug Adapter runs in a separate process with no direct access to the VSCode UI or most of the MLXPRS extension code. All interaction between the Debug Adapter and the main extension code must be accomplished via event messages. See the use of onDidReceiveDebugSessionCustomEvent in extension.ts for current use of custom events for error handling.


These configurations items are already done, but this should help with understanding how things work for making any future changes.

  • Configure the "Extension + SJS Server" and "Extension + XQY Server" launch configurations in the MLXPRS project.
  • Configure the "attach" (of types "xquery-ml" and "ml-jsdebugger") launch configurations in the project that you will use to test the MLXPRS debugger (the target project).
  • Ensure the "debugServer" property in the target project launcher matches the "--server=XXX" arg in the MLXPRS project for both configurations (XQY & JS).
  • Ensure the target project is deployed to a MarkLogic app server that can be connected to for debugging.
  • Note that the extension's port configuration setting should be set to a different port that the target app server.


  1. In the MLXPRS project, start either the "Extension + SJS Server" or the "Extension + XQY Server" launch configuration using the little green button.
  2. In the new (2nd) VSCode window, open the target project.
  3. In the 2nd VSCode window, use the Command Palette to select either "Connect JavaScript Debug Server" or "Connect XQuery Debug Server" to connect to a MarkLogic App Server.
  4. Using a tool such as Postman or Curl, start either a JavaScript or XQuery request on that app server.
  5. In the 2nd VSCode window, use a launch configuration to either "Attach to Remote JavaScript Request" or to "Attach to Remote XQuery Request".
  6. The 2nd VSCode window will display a list of paused requests in the app server connected to. Select the request to attach to.
  • At this point the 2nd VSCode window will allow you to debug the request running in MarkLogic, and the 1st VSCode window will allow you to debug the debugger.
  • Note that the type of server (XQuery or JavaScript) must be consistent during any given attempt to debug.

For more information on developing debugger extensions, see Debugger Extension. According to that, there are other ways to debug the debugger part of the extension. However, the method described at the start of this section is what seems to work best.


The project contains three test applications.

  • Client Tests - Runs the test files under /client/test/suite, transpiled to /dist/test/suite
    • client.test.js
    • xqyRuntime.test.js
  • Server Tests - Runs the test files under /server/test/suite, transpiled to /server/dist/test/suite
    • server.test.js
  • Client-Integration Tests - Runs the test files under /client/test/integration, transpiled to /dist/test/integration
    • Requires ML App Server setup first (See "Integration Testing Setup" below for more information)
    • sjsAdapter.test.js

Integration Testing Setup

JavaScript debugger integration testing requires a running MarkLogic server where you have full admin rights. Ideally, you should use a dedicated MarkLogic instance for this purpose. The tests assume the existence of a "mlxprs-test" application server running on port 8055 using the "mlxprs-test-content" and "mlxprs-test-modules" databases. Those values are set in test-app/ Assuming you want the test application deployed locally, then in that file, ensure the "Local config" properties are uncommented and that the "Cloud config" properties are commented out.

# Local config

Additionally, the admin password should be set in test-app/ Then you can use the following commands to build and configure the databases and application servers.

cd test-app
./gradlew mlDeploy

Note that in order to facilitate testing the application with a proxy, the app-servers associated with the test-app are set to use basic authentication. That includes a version of the Manage app-server on port 8059.

Once the app is deployed, ensure the workspace VSCode settings in test-app/.vscode/settings.json are set to use the non-proxy settings as below, and not the reverse-proxy or cloud settings.

    // Use these for non-proxy testing
    "": "localhost",
    "marklogic.ssl": false,
    "marklogic.authType": "BASIC",
    "marklogic.port": 8055,
    "marklogic.restBasePath": "",
    "marklogic.managePort": 8059,
    "marklogic.manageBasePath": "",
    "marklogic.testPort": 8054,
    "marklogic.testBasePath": "",
    "marklogic.adminPort": 8001,
    "marklogic.adminBasePath": "",

Manual Integration Testing

  • Use the "Launch Extension (debug)" launch configuration in the "RUN AND DEBUG" window to open a new VS Code session.
  • Once the new window is open, use "File -> Open Folder ..." menu to open the "test-app" folder as a separate project.
  • Now you can test out all the functionality using the source files in the project, both locally and by attaching to paused requests in the server.
  • It is easiest to leave the marklogic.port set to 8055. This way evals will use that port.
  • Then, you can use the mlxprsSample App Server on port 8056 for attaching to paused requests.

Automated Integration Test Overview

The integration test will do the following:

  • Upload test scripts and modules to Modules database
  • Run tests against the uploaded scripts and MarkLogic application server, simulating JS debugger interactions
  • Delete scripts from Modules databse
  • Results are currently written to "results/integrationTestResults.xml".

Testing from within VSCode

Within VSCode, unit tests are available from the dropdown menu in the Run and Debug panel. There are currently three run configurations for three test sets in launch.json

  • "Launch Client Tests"
  • "Launch Server Tests"
  • "Launch Client-Integration Tests"

For the Client-Integration test, the code (test code only) defaults to the same settings as the default values in the file. If you need to override the default properties, you have 3 options.

  1. Edit the values the integration.env file (in ${workspaceFolder}/client/test/integration), and add the following property to the launch configuration for Client-Integration:
"envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/client/test/integration/integration.env"`
  1. Export environment variables with the same names as the examples in integration.env. For example in a bash shell:
export ML_PASSWORD=admin
  1. If you are running the tests from within VSCode, you can package and load the MarkLogic extension, and set the values on the extension settings page. If you need to build the artifact so that you can load the version of the extension you are working on, please see the "Building the artifact" section below.

Note that the order of priority for setting the property values in the test code is the following

  1. Environment variables
  2. Extension settings
  3. Default values (hard-coded, but matches

Testing from the command line

Run these three npm scripts from the command line in the root directory of the project to execute the tests. Note that VSCode must not be running while you run the tests.

npm run test
npm run testServer
npm run testIntegration

Alternatively all tests may be run via the single command:

npm run testAll

Additionally, test coverage reports may be generated with this command:

npm run coverageAll

Proxy testing

For testing the extension with a proxy server, it is recommended that you use the reverse proxy server included in the Java Client project for proxy testing. To start that server, simply run the following command in the root directory of the Java Client project. That command will start the reverse proxy server in blocking mode listening on port 8020. It will then forward requests to port 8020 based on the custom mappings.

./gradlew runBlockingReverseProxyServer

Node Client Test-App Reverse Proxy Mappings

"/mlxprs/manage" => port 8059
"/mlxprs/rest"   => port 8055
"/mlxprs/test"   => port 8054

Once the reverse proxy server is running, change the MLXPRS settings for your workspace to the following (in .vscode/settings.json):

    "marklogic.authType": "BASIC",
    "marklogic.port": 8020,
    "marklogic.restBasePath": "/mlxprs/rest",
    "marklogic.managePort": 8020,
    "marklogic.manageBasePath": "/mlxprs/manage",
    "marklogic.adminPort": 8001,
    "marklogic.adminBasePath": "",
    "marklogic.testPort": 8020,
    "marklogic.testBasePath": "/mlxprs/test",

Building the artifact

  • Install the webpack tool
npm install -g webpack
  • Install the vsce tool
npm install -g @vscode/vsce
  • Build the artifact
vsce package
  • If you are running in a Windows environment, you will need to use npx:
npx vsce package

This should produce a file with the name, "mlxprs-.vsix"

Windows environment - IMPORTANT NOTE

The same NPM scripts should work in Windows, however this is not thoroughly verified. In order to run all the scripts from package.json in a Windows environment, it is recommended that you install the 'rimraf', 'typescript', and 'webpack' node packages globally.

npm install -g rimraf
npm install -g typescript

Submitting a Pull Request

Please refer to Github's documentation on the matter.

Formatting code

Project coding standards for formatting and styling are documented in .editorconfig and .eslintrc.json. Both of these tools offer VS Code extensions to automatically recommend and/or apply rules while editing:

Notes on development environment

Please try to develop, build, and test with the most recent stable releases of the following components:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • node.js, npm (v14 LTS)
  • MarkLogic 9, 10, or 11

Publishing the artifact

See Publishing Extensions for more information


User documents designed to be published with GitHub Pages and are maintained in the /docs directory of the project. You must have Ruby installed. Additionally, there seems to be a bug with runing jekyll with Ruby 3.3. I have found that I need to run chruby ruby-3.2.3 before I start the jekyll server. To start the jekyll server, cd into the /docs directory and run the command bundle exec jekyll server. This will start the server and the user documents will be available at