-993 | 1
- | (function (root, factory) {
- Iif (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define(factory);
- } else Iif (typeof exports === "object") {
- module.exports = factory();
- } else {
- root.Asteroid = factory();
- }
-}(this, function () {
-"use strict";
-function clone (obj) {
- Iif (typeof EJSON !== "undefined") {
- return EJSON.clone(obj);
- }
- var type = typeof obj;
- switch (type) {
- case "undefined":
- case "function":
- return undefined;
- case "string":
- case "number":
- case "boolean":
- return obj;
- case "object":
- Iif (obj === null) {
- return null;
- }
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
- default:
- return;
- }
-var EventEmitter = function () {};
-EventEmitter.prototype = {
- constructor: EventEmitter,
- on: function (name, handler) {
- if (!this._events) this._events = {};
- this._events[name] = this._events[name] || [];
- this._events[name].push(handler);
- },
- off: function (name, handler) {
- if (!this._events) this._events = {};
- if (!this._events[name]) return;
- this._events[name].splice(this._events[name].indexOf(handler), 1);
- },
- _emit: function (name /* , arguments */) {
- if (!this._events) this._events = {};
- if (!this._events[name]) return;
- var args = arguments;
- var self = this;
- this._events[name].forEach(function (handler) {
- handler.apply(self, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
- });
- }
-function formQs (obj) {
- var qs = "";
- for (var key in obj) {
- qs += key + "=" + obj[key] + "&";
- }
- qs = qs.slice(0, -1);
- return qs;
-function guid () {
- var ret = "";
- for (var i=0; i<8; i++) {
- ret += Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- }
- return ret;
-function isEmail (string) {
- return string.indexOf("@") !== -1;
-function isEqual (obj1, obj2) {
- var str1 = JSON.stringify(obj1);
- var str2 = JSON.stringify(obj2);
- return str1 === str2;
-var must = {};
-must._toString = function (thing) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(thing).slice(8, -1);
-must.beString = function (s) {
- var type = this._toString(s);
- if (type !== "String") {
- throw new Error("Assertion failed: expected String, instead got " + type);
- }
-must.beArray = function (o) {
- var type = this._toString(o);
- if (type !== "Array") {
- throw new Error("Assertion failed: expected Array, instead got " + type);
- }
-must.beObject = function (o) {
- var type = this._toString(o);
- if (type !== "Object") {
- throw new Error("Assertion failed: expected Object, instead got " + type);
- }
-// Asteroid constructor //
-var Asteroid = function (host, ssl, debug) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(host);
- // Configure the instance
- this._host = (ssl ? "https://" : "http://") + host;
- // If SockJS is available, use it, otherwise, use WebSocket
- // Note: SockJS is required for IE9 support
- if (window.SockJS) {
- this._ddpOptions = {
- endpoint: (ssl ? "https://" : "http://") + host + "/sockjs",
- SocketConstructor: window.SockJS,
- debug: debug
- };
- } else {
- this._ddpOptions = {
- endpoint: (ssl ? "wss://" : "ws://") + host + "/websocket",
- SocketConstructor: window.WebSocket,
- debug: debug
- };
- }
- // Reference containers
- this.collections = {};
- this.subscriptions = {};
- // Init the instance
- this._init();
-// Asteroid instances are EventEmitter-s
-Asteroid.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
-Asteroid.prototype.constructor = Asteroid;
-// Establishes the connection //
-Asteroid.prototype._init = function () {
- var self = this;
- // Creates the DDP instance, that will automatically
- // connect to the DDP server.
- self.ddp = new DDP(this._ddpOptions);
- // Register handlers
- self.ddp.on("connected", function () {
- // Upon connection, try resuming the login
- // Save the pormise it returns
- self.resumeLoginPromise = self._tryResumeLogin();
- // Subscribe to the meteor.loginServiceConfiguration
- // collection, which holds the configuration options
- // to login via third party services (oauth).
- self.ddp.sub("meteor.loginServiceConfiguration");
- // Emit the connected event
- self._emit("connected");
- });
- self.ddp.on("reconnected", function () {
- // Upon reconnection, try resuming the login
- // Save the pormise it returns
- self.resumeLoginPromise = self._tryResumeLogin();
- // Re-establish all previously established (and still active) subscriptions
- self._reEstablishSubscriptions();
- // Emit the reconnected event
- self._emit("reconnected");
- });
- self.ddp.on("added", function (data) {
- self._onAdded(data);
- });
- self.ddp.on("changed", function (data) {
- self._onChanged(data);
- });
- self.ddp.on("removed", function (data) {
- self._onRemoved(data);
- });
-// Handler for the ddp "added" event //
-Asteroid.prototype._onAdded = function (data) {
- // Get the name of the collection
- var cName = data.collection;
- // If the collection does not exist yet, create it
- if (!this.collections[cName]) {
- this.collections[cName] = new Asteroid._Collection(cName, this);
- }
- // data.fields can be undefined if the item added has only
- // the _id field . To avoid errors down the line, ensure item
- // is an object.
- var item = data.fields || {};
- item._id = data.id;
- // Perform the remote insert
- this.collections[cName]._remoteToLocalInsert(item);
-// Handler for the ddp "removed" event //
-Asteroid.prototype._onRemoved = function (data) {
- // Check the collection exists to avoid exceptions
- if (!this.collections[data.collection]) {
- return;
- }
- // Perform the reomte remove
- this.collections[data.collection]._remoteToLocalRemove(data.id);
-// Handler for the ddp "changes" event //
-Asteroid.prototype._onChanged = function (data) {
- // Check the collection exists to avoid exceptions
- if (!this.collections[data.collection]) {
- return;
- }
- // data.fields can be undefined if the update only
- // removed some properties in the item. Make sure
- // it's an object
- if (!data.fields) {
- data.fields = {};
- }
- // If there were cleared fields, explicitly set them
- // to undefined in the data.fields object. This will
- // cause those fields to be present in the for ... in
- // loop the remote update method of the collection
- // performs, causing then the fields to be actually
- // cleared from the item
- if (data.cleared) {
- data.cleared.forEach(function (key) {
- data.fields[key] = undefined;
- });
- }
- // Perform the remote update
- this.collections[data.collection]._remoteToLocalUpdate(data.id, data.fields);
-// Call and apply methods //
-Asteroid.prototype.call = function (method /* , param1, param2, ... */) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(method);
- // Get the parameters for apply
- var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- // Call apply
- return this.apply(method, params);
-Asteroid.prototype.apply = function (method, params) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(method);
- // If no parameters are given, use an empty array
- Eif (!Array.isArray(params)) {
- params = [];
- }
- // Create the result and updated promises
- var resultDeferred = Q.defer();
- var updatedDeferred = Q.defer();
- var onResult = function (err, res) {
- // The onResult handler takes care of errors
- if (err) {
- // If errors ccur, reject both promises
- resultDeferred.reject(err);
- updatedDeferred.reject();
- } else {
- // Otherwise resolve the result one
- resultDeferred.resolve(res);
- }
- };
- var onUpdated = function () {
- // Just resolve the updated promise
- updatedDeferred.resolve();
- };
- // Perform the method call
- this.ddp.method(method, params, onResult, onUpdated);
- // Return an object containing both promises
- return {
- result: resultDeferred.promise,
- updated: updatedDeferred.promise
- };
-// Syntactic sugar //
-Asteroid.prototype.createCollection = function (name) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(name);
- // Only create the collection if it doesn't exist
- if (!this.collections[name]) {
- this.collections[name] = new Asteroid._Collection(name, this);
- }
- return this.collections[name];
-// Removal and update suffix for backups //
-var mf_removal_suffix = "__del__";
-var mf_update_suffix = "__upd__";
-var is_backup = function (id) {
- var l1 = mf_removal_suffix.length;
- var l2 = mf_update_suffix.length;
- var s1 = id.slice(-1 * l1);
- var s2 = id.slice(-1 * l2);
- return s1 === mf_removal_suffix || s2 === mf_update_suffix;
-// Collection class constructor definition //
-var Collection = function (name, asteroidRef) {
- this.name = name;
- this.asteroid = asteroidRef;
- this._set = new Set();
-Collection.prototype.constructor = Collection;
-// Insert-related private and public methods //
-Collection.prototype._localToLocalInsert = function (item) {
- // If an item by that id already exists, raise an exception
- if (this._set.contains(item._id)) {
- throw new Error("Item " + item._id + " already exists");
- }
- this._set.put(item._id, item);
- // Return a promise, just for api consistency
- return Q(item._id);
-Collection.prototype._remoteToLocalInsert = function (item) {
- // The server is the SSOT, add directly
- this._set.put(item._id, item);
-Collection.prototype._localToRemoteInsert = function (item) {
- var self = this;
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- // Construct the name of the method we need to call
- var methodName = "/" + self.name + "/insert";
- self.asteroid.ddp.method(methodName, [item], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- // On error restore the database and reject the promise
- self._set.del(item._id);
- deferred.reject(err);
- } else {
- // Else resolve the promise
- deferred.resolve(item._id);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-Collection.prototype.insert = function (item) {
- // If the time has no id, generate one for it
- if (!item._id) {
- item._id = guid();
- }
- return {
- // Perform the local insert
- local: this._localToLocalInsert(item),
- // Send the insert request
- remote: this._localToRemoteInsert(item)
- };
-// Remove-related private and public methods //
-Collection.prototype._localToLocalRemove = function (id) {
- // Check if the item exists in the database
- var existing = this._set.get(id);
- if (existing) {
- // Create a backup of the object to delete
- this._set.put(id + mf_removal_suffix, existing);
- // Delete the object
- this._set.del(id);
- }
- // Return a promise, just for api consistency
- return Q(id);
-Collection.prototype._remoteToLocalRemove = function (id) {
- // The server is the SSOT, remove directly (item and backup)
- this._set.del(id);
-Collection.prototype._localToRemoteRemove = function (id) {
- var self = this;
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- // Construct the name of the method we need to call
- var methodName = "/" + self.name + "/remove";
- self.asteroid.ddp.method(methodName, [{_id: id}], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- // On error restore the database and reject the promise
- var backup = self._set.get(id + mf_removal_suffix);
- // Ensure there is a backup
- if (backup) {
- self._set.put(id, backup);
- self._set.del(id + mf_removal_suffix);
- }
- deferred.reject(err);
- } else {
- // Else, delete the (possible) backup and resolve the promise
- self._set.del(id + mf_removal_suffix);
- deferred.resolve(id);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-Collection.prototype.remove = function (id) {
- return {
- // Perform the local remove
- local: this._localToLocalRemove(id),
- // Send the remove request
- remote: this._localToRemoteRemove(id)
- };
-// Update-related private and public methods //
-Collection.prototype._localToLocalUpdate = function (id, fields) {
- // Ensure the item actually exists
- var existing = this._set.get(id);
- if (!existing) {
- throw new Error("Item " + id + " doesn't exist");
- }
- // Ensure the _id property won't get modified
- if (fields._id && fields._id !== id) {
- throw new Error("Modifying the _id of a document is not allowed");
- }
- // Create a backup
- this._set.put(id + mf_update_suffix, existing);
- // Perform the update
- for (var field in fields) {
- existing[field] = fields[field];
- }
- this._set.put(id, existing);
- // Return a promise, just for api consistency
- return Q(id);
-Collection.prototype._remoteToLocalUpdate = function (id, fields) {
- // Ensure the item exixts in the database
- var existing = this._set.get(id);
- if (!existing) {
- console.warn("Server misbehaviour: item " + id + " doesn't exist");
- return;
- }
- for (var field in fields) {
- // Ensure the server is not trying to moify the item _id
- if (field === "_id" && fields._id !== id) {
- console.warn("Server misbehaviour: modifying the _id of a document is not allowed");
- return;
- }
- existing[field] = fields[field];
- }
- // Perform the update
- this._set.put(id, existing);
-Collection.prototype._localToRemoteUpdate = function (id, fields) {
- var self = this;
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- // Construct the name of the method we need to call
- var methodName = "/" + self.name + "/update";
- // Construct the selector
- var sel = {
- _id: id
- };
- // Construct the modifier
- var mod = {
- $set: fields
- };
- self.asteroid.ddp.method(methodName, [sel, mod], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- // On error restore the database and reject the promise
- var backup = self._set.get(id + mf_update_suffix);
- self._set.put(id, backup);
- self._set.del(id + mf_update_suffix);
- deferred.reject(err);
- } else {
- // Else, delete the (possible) backup and resolve the promise
- self._set.del(id + mf_update_suffix);
- deferred.resolve(id);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-Collection.prototype.update = function (id, fields) {
- return {
- // Perform the local update
- local: this._localToLocalUpdate(id, fields),
- // Send the update request
- remote: this._localToRemoteUpdate(id, fields)
- };
-// Reactive queries methods //
-var ReactiveQuery = function (set) {
- var self = this;
- self.result = [];
- self._set = set;
- self._getResult();
- self._set.on("put", function (id) {
- self._getResult();
- self._emit("change", id);
- });
- self._set.on("del", function (id) {
- self._getResult();
- self._emit("change", id);
- });
-ReactiveQuery.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
-ReactiveQuery.constructor = ReactiveQuery;
-ReactiveQuery.prototype._getResult = function () {
- this.result = this._set.toArray();
-var getFilterFromSelector = function (selector) {
- // Return the filter function
- return function (id, item) {
- // Filter out backups
- Iif (is_backup(id)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Get the value of the object from a compund key
- // (e.g. "profile.name.first")
- var getItemVal = function (item, key) {
- return key.split(".").reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- if (!prev) return prev;
- prev = prev[curr];
- return prev;
- }, item);
- };
- // Iterate all the keys in the selector. The first that
- // doesn't match causes the item to be filtered out.
- for (var key in selector) {
- var itemVal = getItemVal(item, key);
- if (itemVal !== selector[key]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // At this point the item matches the selector
- return true;
- };
-Collection.prototype.reactiveQuery = function (selectorOrFilter) {
- var filter;
- Iif (typeof selectorOrFilter === "function") {
- filter = selectorOrFilter;
- } else {
- filter = getFilterFromSelector(selectorOrFilter);
- }
- var subset = this._set.filter(filter);
- return new ReactiveQuery(subset);
-Asteroid._Collection = Collection;
-Asteroid.prototype._getOauthClientId = function (serviceName) {
- var loginConfigCollectionName = "meteor_accounts_loginServiceConfiguration";
- var loginConfigCollection = this.collections[loginConfigCollectionName];
- var service = loginConfigCollection.reactiveQuery({service: serviceName}).result[0];
- return service.clientId;
-Asteroid.prototype._initOauthLogin = function (service, credentialToken, loginUrl) {
- var popup = window.open(loginUrl, "Login");
- var self = this;
- return Q()
- .then(function () {
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- if (popup.focus) popup.focus();
- var intervalId = setInterval(function () {
- if (popup.closed || popup.closed === undefined) {
- clearInterval(intervalId);
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- }, 100);
- return deferred.promise;
- })
- .then(function () {
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- var loginParameters = {
- oauth: {
- credentialToken: credentialToken
- }
- };
- self.ddp.method("login", [loginParameters], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- delete self.userId;
- delete self.loggedIn;
- delete localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"];
- deferred.reject(err);
- self._emit("loginError", err);
- } else {
- self.userId = res.id;
- self.loggedIn = true;
- localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"] = res.token;
- self._emit("login", res.id);
- deferred.resolve(res.id);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- });
-Asteroid.prototype._tryResumeLogin = function () {
- var self = this;
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- var token = localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"];
- Eif (!token) {
- deferred.reject("No login token");
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- var loginParameters = {
- resume: token
- };
- self.ddp.method("login", [loginParameters], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- delete self.userId;
- delete self.loggedIn;
- delete localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"];
- self._emit("loginError", err);
- deferred.reject(err);
- } else {
- self.userId = res.id;
- self.loggedIn = true;
- localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"] = res.token;
- self._emit("login", res.id);
- deferred.resolve(res.id);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-Asteroid.prototype.loginWithFacebook = function (scope) {
- var credentialToken = guid();
- var query = {
- client_id: this._getOauthClientId("facebook"),
- redirect_uri: this._host + "/_oauth/facebook?close",
- state: credentialToken,
- scope: scope || "email"
- };
- var loginUrl = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?" + formQs(query);
- return this._initOauthLogin("facebook", credentialToken, loginUrl);
-Asteroid.prototype.loginWithGoogle = function (scope) {
- var credentialToken = guid();
- var query = {
- response_type: "code",
- client_id: this._getOauthClientId("google"),
- redirect_uri: this._host + "/_oauth/google?close",
- state: credentialToken,
- scope: scope || "openid email"
- };
- var loginUrl = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?" + formQs(query);
- return this._initOauthLogin("google", credentialToken, loginUrl);
-Asteroid.prototype.loginWithGithub = function (scope) {
- var credentialToken = guid();
- var query = {
- client_id: this._getOauthClientId("github"),
- redirect_uri: this._host + "/_oauth/github?close",
- state: credentialToken,
- scope: scope || "email"
- };
- var loginUrl = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?" + formQs(query);
- return this._initOauthLogin("github", credentialToken, loginUrl);
-Asteroid.prototype.loginWithTwitter = function (scope) {
- var credentialToken = guid();
- var callbackUrl = this._host + "/_oauth/twitter?close&state=" + credentialToken;
- var query = {
- requestTokenAndRedirect: encodeURIComponent(callbackUrl),
- state: credentialToken
- };
- var loginUrl = this._host + "/_oauth/twitter/?" + formQs(query);
- return this._initOauthLogin("twitter", credentialToken, loginUrl);
-Asteroid.prototype.createUser = function (usernameOrEmail, password, profile) {
- var self = this;
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- var options = {
- username: isEmail(usernameOrEmail) ? undefined : usernameOrEmail,
- email: isEmail(usernameOrEmail) ? usernameOrEmail : undefined,
- password: password,
- profile: profile
- };
- self.ddp.method("createUser", [options], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- self._emit("createUserError", err);
- deferred.reject(err);
- } else {
- self.userId = res.id;
- self.loggedIn = true;
- localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"] = res.token;
- self._emit("createUser", res.id);
- self._emit("login", res.id);
- deferred.resolve(res.id);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-Asteroid.prototype.loginWithPassword = function (usernameOrEmail, password) {
- var self = this;
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- var loginParameters = {
- password: password,
- user: {
- username: isEmail(usernameOrEmail) ? undefined : usernameOrEmail,
- email: isEmail(usernameOrEmail) ? usernameOrEmail : undefined
- }
- };
- self.ddp.method("login", [loginParameters], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- delete self.userId;
- delete self.loggedIn;
- delete localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"];
- deferred.reject(err);
- self._emit("loginError", err);
- } else {
- self.userId = res.id;
- self.loggedIn = true;
- localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"] = res.token;
- self._emit("login", res.id);
- deferred.resolve(res.id);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-Asteroid.prototype.logout = function () {
- var self = this;
- var deferred = Q.defer();
- self.ddp.method("logout", [], function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- self._emit("logoutError", err);
- deferred.reject(err);
- } else {
- delete self.userId;
- delete self.loggedIn;
- delete localStorage[self._host + "__login_token__"];
- self._emit("logout");
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-var Set = function (readonly) {
- // Allow readonly sets
- if (readonly) {
- // Make the put and del methods private
- this._put = this.put;
- this._del = this.del;
- // Replace them with a throwy function
- this.put = this.del = function () {
- throw new Error("Attempt to modify readonly set");
- };
- }
- this._items = {};
-// Inherit from EventEmitter
-Set.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
-Set.constructor = Set;
-Set.prototype.put = function (id, item) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(id);
- must.beObject(item);
- // Save a clone to avoid collateral damage
- this._items[id] = clone(item);
- this._emit("put", id);
- // Return the set instance to allow method chainging
- return this;
-Set.prototype.del = function (id) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(id);
- delete this._items[id];
- this._emit("del", id);
- // Return the set instance to allow method chainging
- return this;
-Set.prototype.get = function (id) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(id);
- // Return a clone to avoid collateral damage
- return clone(this._items[id]);
-Set.prototype.contains = function (id) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(id);
- return !!this._items[id];
-Set.prototype.filter = function (belongFn) {
- // Creates the subset
- var sub = new Set(true);
- // Keep a reference to the _items hash
- var items = this._items;
- // Performs the initial puts
- var ids = Object.keys(items);
- ids.forEach(function (id) {
- // Clone the element to avoid
- // collateral damage
- var itemClone = clone(items[id]);
- var belongs = belongFn(id, itemClone);
- if (belongs) {
- sub._items[id] = items[id];
- }
- });
- // Listens to the put and del events
- // to automatically update the subset
- this.on("put", function (id) {
- // Clone the element to avoid
- // collateral damage
- var itemClone = clone(items[id]);
- var belongs = belongFn(id, itemClone);
- if (belongs) {
- sub._put(id, items[id]);
- }
- });
- this.on("del", function (id) {
- sub._del(id);
- });
- // Returns the subset
- return sub;
-Set.prototype.toArray = function () {
- var array = [];
- var items = this._items;
- var ids = Object.keys(this._items);
- ids.forEach(function (id) {
- array.push(items[id]);
- });
- // Return a clone to avoid collateral damage
- return clone(array);
-Set.prototype.toHash = function () {
- // Return a clone to avoid collateral damage
- return clone(this._items);
-Asteroid.Set = Set;
-// Subscription class //
-var Subscription = function (name, params, asteroid) {
- this._name = name;
- this._params = params;
- this._asteroid = asteroid;
- // Subscription promises
- this._ready = Q.defer();
- this.ready = this._ready.promise;
- // Subscribe via DDP
- var or = this._onReady.bind(this);
- var os = this._onStop.bind(this);
- var oe = this._onError.bind(this);
- this.id = asteroid.ddp.sub(name, params, or, os, oe);
-Subscription.constructor = Subscription;
-Subscription.prototype.stop = function () {
- this._asteroid.ddp.unsub(this.id);
-Subscription.prototype._onReady = function () {
- this._ready.resolve();
-Subscription.prototype._onStop = function () {
- delete this._asteroid.subscriptions[this.id];
-Subscription.prototype._onError = function (err) {
- Eif (this.ready.isPending()) {
- this._ready.reject(err);
- }
- delete this._asteroid.subscriptions[this.id];
-// Subscribe method //
-Asteroid.prototype.subscribe = function (name /* , param1, param2, ... */) {
- // Assert arguments type
- must.beString(name);
- // Collect arguments into array
- var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- var sub = new Subscription(name, params, this);
- this.subscriptions[sub.id] = sub;
- return sub;
-Asteroid.prototype._reEstablishSubscriptions = function () {
- var subs = this.subscriptions;
- for (var id in subs) {
- subs[id] = new Subscription(subs[id]._name, subs[id]._params, this);
- }
-return Asteroid;
- |