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A simple RSS Feed Finder and Info Gatherer

Test Parser Feeds




Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'newsman', :git => ''

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install newsman


Finding A Feed

url = ""
hunter =
options = {
          :strict_header_links => true,
          :search_wellknown_locations => true,
          :parse_body_links => false

feeds = hunter.find_feeds url, options

feeds returns a hash of Feed Titles and URI's

             "Gigaom » Feed" => #<URI::HTTPS URL:>,
    "Gigaom » Comments Feed" => #<URI::HTTPS URL:>

Gathering Info About a Feed

url = ""
parser =
info = parser.fetch url

Returns a RssInfo object containing the raw ruby RSS feed, the raw feed data, and limited parsed information available in the to_h method

               :url => "",
             :title => "The Register - Security",
        :item_count => 50,
         :feed_type => :atom,
    :published_date => 2015-02-21 17:15:18 UTC,
             :error => nil


0.8.1 - Adds canonical_id to Newsman::Post

0.8.0 - Adds comments_url to Newsman::Post

0.7.9 - New Newsman::FeedParser fetch option :keep_source_order which prevents Newsman from attempting to sort a feeds posts by date.

0.7.7 - Computes most recent entry on Feed in the most_recent_entry property

0.7.6 - supports loading feeds from disk, and added static convienence methods to Newsman::FeedParser

0.7.5 - Removing any non-UTF8 Characters from SiteInfo title

0.7.2 - Added Newsman::SiteInformation, which fetches feeds and site icons, as well as site title information

0.7.1 - Added :output_file options to FeedParser. Passing a file name will write the contents of the feed to that file

0.7.0 - Renamed RssPost to Post, RssInfo to Feed

0.6.2 - Added option :advanced_search_mode to feedhunter. Setting to :simple will skip parsing and following of body links

0.6.0 - ATOM feeds can sometimes return #content properties instead of #summary

0.5.8 - Accept headers to fix sites like The Economist who wanted to send RSS.xml as text/html

0.5.6 - Limit body link parsing to 75

0.5.5 - Support :open_timeout and :read_timeout for feed hunter

0.5.3 - Support an options hash to FeedHunter#find_feeds. Additional well-known places are inspected

0.5.1 - Basic support for finding feeds in well-known places

0.5.0 - Can extract links for FeedBlitz

0.4.0 - Can extract canonicalized links from feeds by passing option :parse_links => true

0.3.8 - Can parse content_encoded from feeds (

0.3.6 - Can parse dc_date from feeds now (

0.3.5 - feed.title is now null if it is not located in the RSS/ATOM source

0.3.2 - Can find Feedly "Subscription" links by parsing /http?:\/\/\/i\/subscription\/feed\//

0.3.0 - Will now search for links in the body of the page that match wellknown providers like FeedBurner

0.2.4 - Parsing content-length HTTP header when available

0.2.2 - Alias :stats for :post_frequency_stats, added tracking of the download size of a feed

0.2.1 - Added ability to track when feeds contain all the same Publish Date. You can check post_frequency_stats[:type] for the value :same_pub_date

0.1.5 - Added ability to fetch link[rel] only for types of application/rss+xml and application/atom+xml by passing a strict boolean into the find_feeds method


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request