In this task, you will create a cluster of web servers by provisioning the necessary infrastructure using Terraform. You will create an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) and a load balancer to distribute traffic across your web servers. The web servers will return "Hello, World" for the URL /, and the load balancer will listen on port 80.
To complete this task, you must have Terraform and Azure CLI installed and configured on your machine.
1. Fork this Repository
2. Set Up Structure
3. Define Configuration Files
- Set the Azure provider source and version.
- Define a resource group with a specific name and location (e.g., "West Europe").
- Define a virtual network with a CIDR block of "".
- Create a subnet within this virtual network with a CIDR block of "".
- Create a public IP with a static allocation method.
- Define a load balancer and associate it with the public IP.
- Create a backend address pool for the load balancer.
- Define a health probe for the load balancer, listening on the port specified in the file.
- Create a load balancer rule to direct traffic on port 80 to the backend pool.
- Define a virtual machine scale set with the following properties:
- Name, location, and resource group.
- SKU of "Standard_B1s" and 2 instances.
- Admin username and password.
- Source image reference for Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.
- OS disk type set to "Standard_LRS".
- Network interface with the primary IP configuration set to the subnet and load balancer backend pool.
- Add a VM extension to run a custom script to serve "Hello, World" on the specified port.
4. Define Outputs and Variables
- Use a datasource to retrieve the public IP address of the load balancer.
- Define an output to display this public IP address.
- Define a variable for the server port with a description and a default value of 80.
5. Initialize and Apply the Configuration
6. After deployment don't forget to delete all resources
7. Pull request's description should also contain a reference to a successful workflow run