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This arduino library


  • Arduino Uno or Yùn (tested only with Yùn)
  • x * 7 * NeoPixels led strips (any WS2811/WS2812 5050 RGB LED Addressable strips seems to be ok)

Multiples of 7 strips are needed because this library displays chars on a 7 rows by 5 columns matrix.

Example of connection :

|Arduino|Led Strip| |GND|GND| |5V|5V if any| |Pin #6|DATA|

Led strips are all chained like this :

        v-- TOP LINE #6
        ^-- LINE #5 --------v
        v-- LINE #4 --------^
        ^-- LINE #3 --------v
        v-- LINE #2 --------^
        ^-- LINE #1 --------v


  1. Install Adafruit Neopixels Library from your Arduino IDE
  2. Get zip from this repository and uncompress file in your Arduino/libraries folder


First time

Add Adafruit Neopixels to your Arduino project

In head of your Arduino main code, paste this :

#include <LedStripPixelsDisplay.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN 6 // Connect your RGB LED STRIP on a PWM pin, 6 is ok on Yùn
#define LED_BY_STRIP 60 // Numbers of leds for each horizontal line
#define NUMPIXELS    420 // Total numbers of pixels
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Initialize your led strip
LedStripPixelsDisplay display = LedStripPixelsDisplay(&pixels, LED_BY_STRIP); // Initialize display

In your setup function, add :

pixels.begin();  // Start clock of leds strips
display.clear(); // Clear display;   // Send data to led strips, keep in mind that pixels is a buffer and display fills this buffer, you need to call show to send buffer to led strips
delay(20);       // Wait for 20ms before any other led strip refresh

Set text

Use display.message("Your text", pixels.Color(32, 0, 0)); to display Your text with red

Next you need to show the pixel buffer with

Set a char at any position

Use display.setChar(16, pixels.Color(0, 32, 0), 'A'); to display the char A at 16 pixels from the start

Warning it's pixel position and not character position. If you want to pass character position, multiply position by 6